Suggestions for Possible Seminar Topics for Nutrition 527

Nutrition 527 Possible Seminar Topics

Choose a topic of your choice or use this partial list of topics to generate ideas. (If a topic is chosen for a seminar paper, it must be phrased as a question.)

Seminar #1: Public health issues related to infants

What is the outcome of premature infants at age 4 or 5 or 18? What is the nutritional status of former preemies?

What is the efficacy of goat’s milk for infant feeding?

What is the effect of homelessness on infant nutritional status and health?

Treatment of diarrhea – is there a nutritional component?

Iron fortification of infant foods – which is at risk for anemia?

Do eating disorders start in infancy? In childhood? Signs?

Do iron-supplemented formulas cause constipation?

What is the recommendation for supplementing iron for infants? What is the scientific basis for this recommendation?

Does iron-fortified cereal support adequate iron nutritive for the older infant?

What is the recommendation for lipids in infancy? Why is this controversial?

Are the current longitudinal growth charts representative of the current population? For infants? For children? For adolescents?

Are new growth charts needed for infants and children with specific food intake patterns?

What is the status of breast-feeding among immigrant women in the US? Is this a public health concern?

WIC: Is it working? How does it rate? Pending legislation and impact of changes.

Seminar #2: Public health issues related to toddlers/preschool-age children

‘New’ formulas for toddlers – pro/con views.

Treatment of diarrhea – is there a nutritional component?

Do eating disorders start in infancy? In childhood? Signs?

Impact of non-nutrients in food supply on health of young children: artificial fats, high intensity sweeteners, bulk fillers, dietary fibers, and protein substitutes.

Does the causal relationship between iron deficiency and behavior persist beyond infancy?

Day care and nutrition issues.

What is a reasonable cholesterol intake for young children?

Can vegetarian food patterns support normal growth in young children?

What is the projected impact of PL 99-457 on nutrition services?

Is weight reduction a reasonable goal for children?

What is the relationship between anthropometry and mortality or morbidity in young children?

Seminar #3: Public health issues related to childhood

Is TUMS an appropriate calcium source for kids?

Do medications affect nutritional status during childhood?

Do foods/nutrients affect medications during childhood?

Nutrition education in the schools: What is the status? What is the future?

Impact of non-nutrients in food supply on health of young children: artificial fats, high intensity sweeteners, bulk fillers, dietary fibers, and protein substitutes.

The effect of chronic disease (diabetes, CF, etc.) on adolescent development and nutritional status?

School lunch – fat and fiber; nutritional impact of program; current guidelines and legislation.

Seminar #4: Public health issues related to adolescence

What are the nutritional issues for adolescent athletes?

What is appropriate medical and nutritional management for adolescents with diabetes?

Nutrition education in the schools: What is the status? What is the future?

Impact of non-nutrients in food supply on health of young children: artificial fats, high intensity sweeteners, bulk fillers, dietary fibers, and protein substitutes.

What educational techniques are effective in changing adolescent food [eating] behaviors that could be built in to a public health campaign?

Is universal hyperlipidemia screening recommended for adolescents?

What weight gain recommendation should be made to pregnant adolescents?

What motivates adolescents’ food choices?

The effect of chronic disease (diabetes, CF, etc.) on adolescent development and nutritional status?

Topics that could be presented for all age groups?

What is the effect of the New RDA’s on nutritional recommendations for various groups?

Are vitamin supplements necessary? If so, when? For infants? For children? For adolescents?

What is the underlying relationship between malnutrition and cognitive development? For infants? For toddlers? For school-age children? For adolescents?

What is optimal health? Optimal nutrient intake? For infants? For children? For adolescents

Artificial sweeteners. Are they wonderful, do they pose health risks?

Nutrient requirements for zinc, for selenium, etc. Are the diets of infants, children, or adolescents adequate? Do they need supplements?

Are liver transplants a reasonable treatment for kids with inborn errors of metabolism? What are nutritional concerns?

Are the new recommendations for calcium intake reasonable? For infants? Children? Adolescents?

Has public health changed from policies dealing with deficiencies to policies dealing with over-nutrition? Is this reasonable?

Rickets? Does it still exist? Has it been eradicated?

What is the overall health status of technology-dependent infants as children, as adolescents.

Can we prevent hypercholesterolemia in adulthood by treating it in childhood?

Calcium needs in infancy, in childhood? Is intake related to adult disease?

What are the effects of eating disorders on growth and development.

The controversy over food labeling: what is its potential impact on the nutrient intake/food choices of children?

How do ready prepared foods (e.g., microwaveable dinners) affect intakes of sodium, fat and energy for children or adolescents?

What are the impacts of television on food choices of school-aged children? Adolescents?

Should adolescents be advised to severely restrict their food intake to alter their weight?

How valid are the links between obesity in childhood and chronic disease in adulthood?

How valid are the links between child obesity and adult obesity?

What is a reasonable fat intake for children that will support growth and lower risk for adult diseases?

What is the burden of malnutrition in the US? How does it affect growth and development?

What is the burden of malnutrition worldwide?

What are the most reasonable functional indicators of malnutrition?

What body composition measures reflect nutritional adequacy?


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