An Interviewing Exercise

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|2011 Grinnell Science Project | | |

|An Interviewing Exercise | | |

To help you get to know all of the other Grinnell Science students we want you to do a little bit of interviewing. Each team will interview every one of the Grinnell Science students, as well as the other people on the list, each team getting a different set of information.

Since you will need to enter this into Excel, we have created a file that has the names of all the GSP students, assistants and directors on it. You can get a copy of this file from the Documents section of our Pioneer Web (P-Web) GSP “class”. After doing your interviewing, fill the Excel sheet in, save with a descriptive name, and submit it through the Assignments section of our P-Web GSP class. If you need help submitting your results, just ask!

Team Buzz:

Hometown population (approximate)

Favorite flavor of ice cream

At least one question of your own

Team Woody:

Number of bones ever broken

Favorite sport or physical activity

At least one question of your own

Team Slink:

Number of family pets

Shoe size

At least one question of your own

Team Rex:

Sibling order (oldest child = 1, second oldest = 2, etc.)

Sideways reach (distance from left fingertips to right with arms outstretched sideways)

At least one question of your own

Team Bullseye:

Favorite book genre (e.g., mystery, scifi, romance)

Length of hair

At least one question of your own

Team Alien:

Number of languages spoken

Color of eyes

At least one question of your own

Team BFF:

Number of siblings

Hours of TV watched per week

At least one question of your own

Team Elmo:

Number of different places lived (for at least two months)

Favorite fruit

At least one question of your own

Team Oscar:

Favorite movie genre (e.g., action, thriller, comedy)

Largest number of pizza slices ever eaten in one sitting

At least one question of your own

Team Grover:

Height (in inches)

Word they use for sweetened, carbonated beverages (e.g., “pop”, “soda”, “coke”, “soft drink”)

At least one question of your own

Team Big Bird:

Favorite color

Area code of home phone number

At least one question of your own

Team Bert & Ernie:

Preferred time to get up

Favorite season of the year

At least one question of your own

Team Cookie Monster:

Favorite kind of cookie

High school class size (approximate)

At least one question of your own

Team Snuffleupagus:

Favorite musical instrument

Number of books read over past year NOT required for school

At least one question of your own

Team Count:

Number of states they have set foot in

Pick a number between 1 and 10

At least one question of your own


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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