Responding to WH Questions (Diego Rivera): English Grammar

Responding to WH Questions (Diego Rivera): English Grammar | |

|  |[pic][pic][pic][pic|[pic][pic][pic][pic|[pic][pic][pic][pic|[pic][pic][pic][pic|[pic][pic][pic][pi|

| |]Poor |]Fair |]Good |]Excellent |c]Points Awarded |

| |1 pts |2 pts |3 pts |4 pts |(N/A) |

|Synthesis [pic][pic] |Poor |Fair |Good |Excellent |Points Awarded |

| |Receives 1 or 2 |Receives 3 correct |Receives 4 Correct |Receives 5 correct | |

| |correct answers on |answers on 5 |answers on 5 |answers on 5 | |

| |5 question handout.|question handout. |question handout. |question handout. | |

| |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] | |

|Explanation [pic][pic] |Poor |Fair |Good |Excellent |Points Awarded |

| |Misses Key Points. |Inappropriate and |Clear answer for |Clear answer and | |

| |[pic][pic] |unclear explanation|word choice. |detail for word | |

| | |for word choice. |[pic][pic] |choice. [pic][pic] | |

| | |[pic][pic] | | | |

|Demonstration and |Poor |Fair |Good |Excellent |Points Awarded |

|Knowledge [pic][pic] |Response shows a |Response shows some|Shows substantial |Shows complete | |

| |complete lack of |understanding of |understanding of |understanding of | |

| |understanding of |word choice. |sentence structure |sentence structure | |

| |grammar. [pic][pic]|[pic][pic] |and grammar. |and grammar. | |

| | | |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] | |

| | | | | | |

|Grammar/ Sentence |Not Proficient |Partially |Proficient |Proficient |Points Awarded |

|Structure, format |Numerous errors in |Proficient |Some errors (4-6) |There were minimal | |

|[pic][pic] |spelling, |Several errors |occurred in |(3 or less) errors.| |

| |capitalization, |occurred in |capitalization, |Paragraphs were | |

| |punctuation, word |capitalization, |punctuation, word |properly indented. | |

| |usage, run-on |punctuation, word |usage, sentence |Words were well | |

| |sentences, sentence|usage, sentence |structure. |chosen and | |

| |fragments. |structure. |Paragraphs were |sentences were | |

| |Paragraphs not |Paragraphs properly|properly formatted.|concise. Errors do | |

| |indented. Errors |formatted. Errors |Errors do not |not interfere in | |

| |interfere in |may interfere in |interfere in |readers | |

| |readers |readers |readers |understanding | |

| |understanding |understanding |understanding |[pic][pic] | |

| | |[pic][pic] | | | |

| | | | | | |

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