SLIDE 3: WHAT DO YOU THINK? - Mark Allen Group

HANDOUT: Effective QuestioningQuestioning techniques to support learning and progressEFFECTIVE QUESTIONING – is one of a series of Bite Sized training resources designed to develop the skills and knowledge of classroom teachers in assessment for learning techniques.SLIDE 3: WHAT DO YOU THINK?If a question is important enough to ask, shouldn’t ALL students have the opportunity to answer it?ACTIVITY - Think-Pair-ShareAsk participants to THINK individually about their response to this question, discuss their thinking in a PAIR and then SHARE their ideas with the group.SLIDE 4: INCLUSIVE QUESTIONINGFor questioning to be effective, every member of the class should have an opportunity to take part.Techniques to do this include:Turn-To-Your-Neighbour Think-Pair-Share Snow ballValue Line Voting Diamond Nine Ranking White Board Answers ACTIVITY - Work together to devise one or more learning activities that employ the questioning techniques described here.SLIDE 5: PROMPTINGACTIVITY - Adapt the questioning activity you devised from the last slide to reflect this prompting technique.ACTIVITY - How would ‘No hands up’ change the dynamic of your classroom?SLIDE 10: Coaching questionsClosed questions encourage closed thinking and shallow answersCoaching questions get students to think for themselves:Focus attention - What does this tell us about …?Force comparison - What is the same and what is different about …?Seek clarification - How can we explain …?Stimulate enquiry - What would happen if? What do we need to know …?Look for reasons - How can we be sure that? Why do you think that …?ACTIVITY: Coaching questionsWork together to plan a series of coaching questions about a topic you teach.Try them out on a partner and ask for feedback.SLIDE 12: QUESTIONING LEVEL39611303746500Bloom’s TaxonomyRemembering – WHAT is the capital of England?Understanding – WHY is London the capital city of England?Applying – WHICH features make London a capital city?Analysising – WHAT is needed in an effective capital city?Evaluating – Do you think Paris or Moscow have the necessary features to be an effective capital city?Creating – What features would you include in a capital city?ACTIVITY: Using BloomsAdjust the questioning activity you have already devised to reflect different levels of questioning as outlined in Bloom’s taxonomy.SLIDE 13: MAKING IT WORK AT WORKACTIVITY - What will you do as a result of this Bite Sized Training?Working in groups, look at the action sheet you have produced during today’s training.What are the three key learning points for you?What will you change tomorrow to improve your middle leadership?How will you know when your change has been successful? ................

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