How to Study for Science Quiz

How to Study for Science Assessments

*** This should be happening every night, not just the night before an exam!***

To study:

1. Read the learning targets for the activities.

a. Do you understand them? Do you feel confident? If not, what do you need to do to understand them better?

b. Turn the targets into questions that you write down in one column, answer them in the next column, and then use them to quiz yourself.

2. The learning target papers tell you exactly which analysis questions test the learning targets.

a. Go to the book online. Read the questions indicated on the learning target forms. Answer them without your notebook.

b. Check your notebook to see whether your answer now and your answer before match. If they don’t, what are you going to do to figure out which one is right?

c. Sometimes we answer analysis questions in class that aren’t on the learning target forms. The answers should be written so that you know what the question was asking. If they’re not written that way, fix them. Quiz yourself on those questions as well.

3. Go through your notebook to find vocabulary words.

a. Highlight all vocabulary words.

b. Read the definitions. Do they make sense? If not, what are you going to do to make sense of them?

c. Draw pictures or use them in a sentence in the white space if you haven’t already.

d. Vocabulary should be written in the white space and definitions in the lined. Cover up the lined space and quiz yourself, or have someone else quiz you!

Some ideas for dealing with the “if nots:”

1. Email / call a friend in class to ask

2. Ask Mrs. Arras for help

3. Re-read the information provided in the book.

4. Check the Internet for further information about the topic.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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