Practice Questions - Weebly

Practice Questions Unit 12 Abnormal Psychology/Disorders

|1. |Psychiatrists and psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is |

|A) |aggressive, persistent, and intentional. |

|B) |selfish, habitual, and avoidable. |

|C) |deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional. |

|D) |biologically influenced, unconsciously motivated, and difficult to change. |

|E) |instinctual, obsessive, and harmful. |

|2. |Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of |

|A) |OCD. |

|B) |PTSD. |

|C) |ADHD. |

|D) |DID. |

|E) |DSM. |

|3. |Larry has difficulty organizing his daily schedule of work responsibilities. He often makes careless mistakes or fails to |

| |complete his work because he is easily distracted. Larry's behavior is most characteristic of |

|A) |hypochondriasis. |

|B) |attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. |

|C) |generalized anxiety disorder. |

|D) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|E) |conversion disorder. |

|4. |Individuals diagnosed with ________ experience a normal but delayed thinning of the frontal cerebral cortex. |

|A) |depression |

|B) |hypochondriasis |

|C) |generalized anxiety disorder |

|D) |attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder |

|E) |mood disorder |

|5. |Judicial systems are responsible for making decisions regarding |

|A) |manic behavior. |

|B) |insanity. |

|C) |catatonia. |

|D) |agoraphobia. |

|E) |disordered behavior. |

|6. |Jeffrey Dahmer was judged to be legally sane at the time he killed and dismembered 15 individuals. This indicates that the jury |

| |believed that Dahmer: |

|A) |suffered from an antisocial personality disorder. |

|B) |experienced a massive dissociation of self from ordinary consciousness. |

|C) |was able to appreciate the wrongfulness of his behavior and control it. |

|D) |had a persistent fear of people that caused him to commit crimes against society. |

|E) |was not abused by his parents during his early childhood. |

|7. |Using DSM-IV-TR guidelines, two different clinicians are likely to give a specific patient the same diagnosis. This indicates |

| |that the DSM-IV-TR is |

|A) |biopsychosocial. |

|B) |reliable. |

|C) |medical. |

|D) |analytic. |

|E) |valid. |

|8. |The DSM-IV-TR does NOT |

|A) |include a classification of personality disorders. |

|B) |explain the causes of the various psychological disorders. |

|C) |include a very broad range of psychological disorders. |

|D) |provide reliable guidelines for diagnosing psychological disorders. |

|E) |list symptoms within descriptions of each disorder. |

|9. |In a study by David Rosenhan (1973), researchers were admitted as patients into various mental hospitals after they falsely |

| |claimed to be “hearing voices.” This study best illustrated the negative effects of |

|A) |the medical model. |

|B) |psychoanalytic theory. |

|C) |hallucinations. |

|D) |linkage analysis. |

|E) |diagnostic labels. |

|10. |Anxiety is considered disordered if it is |

|A) |persistent and distressing. |

|B) |hard to control. |

|C) |genetically influenced. |

|D) |a biopsychosocial phenomenon. |

|E) |paired with depressive episodes. |

|11. |In which of the following disorders is a person continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic arousal? |

|A) |generalized anxiety disorder |

|B) |antisocial personality disorder |

|C) |dysthymic disorder |

|D) |dissociative identity disorder |

|E) |bipolar disorder |

|12. |Freud suggested that for those suffering a generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiety is |

|A) |learned. |

|B) |cyclical. |

|C) |free-floating. |

|D) |narcissistic. |

|E) |completely outside of conscious awareness. |

|13. |Irene occasionally experiences unpredictable episodes of intense dread accompanied by chest pains and a sensation of smothering.|

| |Since her symptoms have no apparent cause, they would probably be classified as indicative of: |

|A) |schizophrenia. |

|B) |bipolar disorder. |

|C) |manic episode. |

|D) |post-traumatic stress disorder. |

|E) |panic attack. |

|14. |Phobias are most likely to be characterized by |

|A) |a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation. |

|B) |offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy the person. |

|C) |the misinterpretation of normal physical sensations as signs of a disease. |

|D) |a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal. |

|E) |alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism. |

|15. |An immediate and irrational anxiety response to the mere sight of blood is indicative of |

|A) |mania. |

|B) |catatonia. |

|C) |a specific phobia. |

|D) |a dissociative disorder. |

|E) |panic disorder. |

|16. |An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is most characteristic of |

|A) |panic disorder. |

|B) |social phobia. |

|C) |antisocial personality disorder. |

|D) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|E) |somatoform disorder. |

|17. |Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult is indicative of |

|A) |an obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|B) |a dysthymic disorder. |

|C) |schizophrenia. |

|D) |agoraphobia. |

|E) |bipolar disorder. |

|18. |An anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts and actions is called a(n) |

|A) |bipolar disorder. |

|B) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|C) |phobia. |

|D) |panic disorder. |

|E) |dissociative disorder. |

|19. |Obsessions are |

|A) |persistent, irrational fears of specific objects or situations. |

|B) |hyperactive, wildly optimistic states of emotion. |

|C) |false beliefs of persecution or grandeur. |

|D) |periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by frightening physical sensations. |

|E) |offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person. |

|20. |The social withdrawal and haunting nightmares of battle-scarred war veterans best illustrate symptoms of |

|A) |DID. |

|B) |ADHD. |

|C) |OCD. |

|D) |PTSD. |

|E) |DSM. |

|21. |According to the ________ perspective, anxiety is sometimes produced by the submerged mental energy associated with repressed |

| |impulses. |

|A) |biological |

|B) |learning |

|C) |psychoanalytic |

|D) |social-cognitive |

|E) |medical |

|22. |Luke suffers from acrophobia, a fear of high places. Luke's therapist suggests that his reaction to heights is a generalization |

| |of the fear triggered by a childhood playground accident in which he fell off a sliding board. The therapist's suggestion |

| |reflects a ________ perspective. |

|A) |learning |

|B) |psychoanalytic |

|C) |cognitive |

|D) |humanistic |

|E) |biological |

|23. |Learning theorists have suggested that compulsive behaviors are |

|A) |habitual defenses against unconscious impulses. |

|B) |reinforced by anxiety reduction. |

|C) |classically conditioned habits. |

|D) |unconditioned responses to stress. |

|E) |learned through cultural stereotypes. |

|24. |The anterior cingulate cortex, a brain region that monitors our actions, seems especially likely to be hyperactive in those with|

|A) |generalized anxiety disorder. |

|B) |a dissociative disorder. |

|C) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|D) |antisocial personality disorder. |

|E) |a mood disorder. |

|25. |Some studies suggest that an anxiety gene affects the brain's level of the neurotransmitter |

|A) |dopamine. |

|B) |serotonin. |

|C) |epinephrine. |

|D) |acetylcholine. |

|E) |testosterone. |

|26. |Which of the following disorders was more common in Freud's day than it is today? |

|A) |depression |

|B) |anorexia nervosa |

|C) |conversion disorder |

|D) |dissociative identity disorder |

|E) |anxiety disorder |

|27. |A conversion disorder is a type of ________ disorder. |

|A) |somatoform |

|B) |personality |

|C) |dissociative |

|D) |anxiety |

|E) |mood |

|28. |Misinterpreting normal physical sensations as symptoms of a dreaded disease is indicative of |

|A) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|B) |catatonia. |

|C) |hypochondriasis. |

|D) |mania. |

|E) |post-traumatic stress disorder. |

|29. |A sense of being separated from your body and watching yourself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of |

|A) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|B) |dysthymic disorder. |

|C) |generalized anxiety disorder. |

|D) |agoraphobia. |

|E) |dissociation. |

|30. |Exhibiting two or more distinct and alternating personalities is a symptom of a(n) |

|A) |conversion disorder. |

|B) |dissociative identity disorder. |

|C) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|D) |antisocial personality disorder. |

|E) |schizophrenia. |

|31. |Psychological disorders characterized by emotional extremes are called |

|A) |somatoform disorders. |

|B) |personality disorders. |

|C) |dissociative disorders. |

|D) |mood disorders. |

|E) |anxiety disorders. |

|32. |Which of the following disorders is classified as a mood disorder? |

|A) |catatonia |

|B) |bipolar disorder |

|C) |generalized anxiety disorder |

|D) |agoraphobia |

|E) |antisocial personality disorder |

|33. |The number one reason people seek mental health services is |

|A) |agoraphobia. |

|B) |schizophrenia. |

|C) |depression. |

|D) |obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|E) |phobia. |

|34. |Major depressive disorder is said to occur when signs of depression last at least |

|A) |one week. |

|B) |two weeks. |

|C) |two months. |

|D) |four months. |

|E) |one year. |

|35. |After several weeks of feeling apathetic and dissatisfied with his life, Mark has suddenly become extremely cheerful and so |

| |talkative he can't be interrupted. He seems to need less sleep and becomes irritated when his friends tell him to slow down. |

| |Mark's behavior is indicative of |

|A) |an obsessive-compulsive disorder. |

|B) |schizophrenia. |

|C) |bipolar disorder. |

|D) |agoraphobia. |

|E) |somatoform disorder. |


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