Light Reflection of Light - Testlabz

[Pages:20]Light ? Reflection of Light

1. (a) What do you understand by the following terms?

(i) Light

(ii) Diffused light.

(b) By giving one example and one use explain or define (i) regular reflection

(ii) irregular reflection.

Ans.(a) (i) Light : An invisible energy, which causes the sensation of sight.

(ii) Diffused light : When light energy spreads over vast space, due to

successive reflections from rough surfaces, such that its intensity

decreases is called diffused light.

(b) (i) Regular reflection : The phenomenon, due to which a parallel from of

light, travelling through a certain medium, on striking some smooth

polished surface, bounces of from it, as a parallel beam, in same other

direction is called regular reflection.

Example : The reflection taking place from a plane mirror.

Use : It is used for seeing one's face in plane mirror.

(ii) Irregular reflection : The phenomenon, due to which a parallel beam

of light, travelling through some medium, gets reflected in various

possible directions, on striking some rough surface is called irregular


Example : Reflection taking place from irregular surfaces, such as

walls, stones, etc.

Use : It cuts the glare and hence, is helpful in seeing things around.

Physics Class-IX


Question Bank

2. By drawing a neat diagram define the following : (i) Mirror (ii) Incident ray (iii) Reflected ray (iv) Angle of incidence (v) Angle of reflection (vi) Normal.

Ans. (i) Mirror : A smooth polished surface from which regular reflection takes place is called mirror.

(ii) Incident ray : A ray of light, which travels towards mirror is called incident ray.

(iii) Reflected ray : A ray of light, which bounces off the surface of mirror. (iv) Angle of incidence : The angle between incident ray and normal. (v) Angle of reflection : The angle between reflected ray and normal. (vi) Normal : The perpendicular drawn on the point of incidence on the

surface of mirror is called normal.

3. State laws of reflection. Ans. Laws of reflection :

1. The incident ray, the reflected ray and normal lie in the same plane, at the point of incidence.

2. Angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.

Physics Class-IX


Question Bank

4. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror, such that angle with the mirror is 20?. What is the value of angle of reflection? What is the angle between incident ray and reflected ray?

Ans. Angle of reflection = Angle of incidence { By the laws of reflection. } Angle of incidence = (90 ? 20)? = 70? Angle of reflection = 70? Angle between incident ray and reflected ray = i + r = 70? + 70? = 140?.

5. Prove experimentally that images are formed as far behind in a plane mirror as the object is in front of it.

Ans. Place a plane mirror strip in an upright position on a white sheet of paper, which is mounted on a wooden board and hold it by a mirror stand. Fix a pin at point `O' in front of mirror and look for its image I. Looking at the image fix two pins A and B, such that these pins and the image I are in same straight line. Remove the pins and draw small circles around the pin points A and B. Similarly, fix two pins C and D in line with the image I. Remove the pins and draw small circles around the pin points

Physics Class-IX


Question Bank

C and D. Join AB and CD and produce them backward to meet at I. Thus, I is the image of O. Join OI, such that it cuts the mirror line at P. Measure PO and PI. It is seen that PO = PI. Thus, in a plane mirror, image is formed as far behind the mirror as the object in front of it. 6. (a) What do you understand by the term lateral inversion? (b) A printed card has letters PHYSICS. Show how it would appear in a

mirror without showing ray diagram. Ans. (a) The phenomenon due to which the image of the object turns through

angle of 180? through a vertical axis, such that right side of object appears as left side of object and vice-versa is called lateral inversion.


7. (a) State the mirror formula for the formation of total number of images formed in two plane mirrors, held at an angle .

(b) Calculate the number of images formed in two plane mirrors, when they are held at angle of (i) 72? (ii) 36?.

Physics Class-IX


Question Bank

Ans. (a) No image formed in two plane mirrors inclined at angle is given by

n = 360 ? 1 where n is a number of images and the angles of

inclination between mirrors.

(b) (i) When = 72?, (ii) When = 36?

No. of images (n) = 360? ? 1 = 360 ? 1 = 5 ? 1 = 4.


No. of images (n) = 360? ? 1 = 360 ? 1 = 10 ? 1 = 9.


8. Draw a neat two ray diagram for the formation of images in two plane mirrors, when mirrors are (i) at right angles to each other (ii) facing each other.

Ans. (a)


Physics Class-IX


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