5 Questions to Ask Any Business Coach Before Hiring One ...

5 Questions to Ask Any Business Coach Before Hiring One ... (Including an ActionCOACH!)


As the business coaching industry grows, so do the number of people in the market

who call themselves "Business Coaches."

Many times, the hardest choice faced by business owners who are interested in coaching is whether to hire an ActionCOACH, or to hire an "independent" coach operating without the backing and support of a large international brand.

How can a business owner make sure the decision to hire a Business Coach is sound? What can an owner look for in a prospective Business Coach to make sure he or she will get the tools and systems needed to successfully build a business?

What factors make a good Business Coach?

Here's a series of five important questions that you can ask a prospective Business Coach to make sure you will get an excellent return on your coaching investment.


1. How will you work with my company and my team?

One of the most important keys for coaching success is how you see your coach

working with you and your team ? meaning that personality and personality fit is very important.

Asking this question (and hearing how your prospective coach responds) will give you insight into the prospective coach's personality, how he or she works, the process and systems he or she uses to get results, and if you think you could work with the coach on a long-term basis.

2. What is your background? How does your background apply to my business?

This is another key question you need to ask ? especially in terms of how a coach's

background applies to your business.

One caveat in this, however. The advantage of business coaching over specialised business consulting means that your prospective coach is likely to be a business generalist, who may have limited knowledge of your particular company, category or industry.

Is this a bad thing?

Not necessarily.

In fact, the strength of coaching lies in the general base of business knowledge coaches possess ? and the fact that all businesses (despite what individual owners may think) are all driven by the same revenue, cost and team factors, and all face the same types of challenges (ranging from sales issues and numbers mastery to team recruitment or marketing).

At ActionCOACH, the selection process for our coaches is better termed a "de-selection" process of prospective coaching candidates. Simply put, not everyone has the skills, abilities or more importantly, personality and communication skills to be a coach.


In addition, a coach's success or failure ultimately reflects back on our company and our brand ? so it is in our best interests to find the "best of the best" in business to join our team.

In terms of background for our current coaches, the "average" ActionCOACH is 42 years old when he or she joins the company.

More than 40% have an advanced degree (Masters, MBA or Doctorate), and 59% live in a major metropolitan area.

In addition, our coaches average more than 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, management or ownership, and many have worked for Fortune 100 Companies.

In terms of industries, top previous occupations include operations (19%); sales (19%), or owned a business (14%).

Most of our coaches have achieved a level of success in their careers or their businesses before they ventured into coaching. They see the coaching profession as a way to "give back" and share their knowledge with others who are looking to achieve and succeed ? and they see ActionCOACH as the perfect vehicle to help re-educate business owners in the fundamentals of business and success.

What's more important than specific industry experience?

Your comfort level with your prospective coach, and the system he or she will be using to help you in your business.


3. Do you have or work from a proven system of business development?

This is another key question for your prospective coach, and will separate those

coaches who work from a proven methodology for building businesses from those "independent" coaches who take a less rigorous or systematic approach to business help and development.

In terms of systems, ActionCOACH Business Coaches rely on a proven system of tactics and strategies that have been developed and implemented in thousands of businesses globally since 1993.

No other branded business coaching company, and few (if any) independent coaches can draw from the vast resource and intellectual capital and property ActionCOACH has used to grow its clients' companies (as well as its own operations) as the number one business coaching company in the world.

4. What kind of support do you have from your coaching company? How big is your network?

This question will give you an indication of the depth and breadth of knowledge,

products and services your coach will be able to provide you and your company during you coaching relationship.

With more than 1,000 offices in 26 countries, the ActionCOACH network rivals that of some the largest and best-known business services companies in the world ? with hundreds of products and strategies designed specifically for the small-tomedium sized business owner, his or her company, and the owner's team.

No matter the size of the business or your budget, the ActionCOACH mission of business re-education means there is a book, CD, DVD, brochure, group coaching session or one-on-one coaching program to fit the needs of you and your business ? an advantage you'll have over your competition when you decide to engage one of our coaches.



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