Chapter 01 Smart sites

Welcome to Smart Sites

Smart Sites are Web links that we have compiled to provide you with a deeper understanding of chapter material. Look through the Smart Sites below and link to the ones that will help you with a class assignment or that interest you personally. Smart Sites are among many excellent resources for personal financial planning available on the Internet and on our companion Web site at .

Website addresses may change over time, so if you have difficulty linking to a URL, please try using key words in your preferred search engine.

CHAPTER 1- Understanding the Financial Planning Process

1. Smart Sites, p. 8: Is getting the lowest price important to you? Below are three popular Web sites where you can search for the best prices, both online and off:

2. Smart Sites, p. 15: Would you like to know about free educational programs and tutorials on financial planning? The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has compiled a number of resources for self-help on many topics on its Web site.

3. Smart Sites, p. 22: One of the first steps in the job-search process is to assess your personality. Try taking the well-known Keirsey Temperament Sorter® test as a starting point at .

4. Smart Sites, p. 22: The U.S. News & World Report Career Center has material on a variety of career topics, from internships and resumes to the hottest careers and benefits: Link to it at .

5. Other Smart Sites:

The Dollar Bank offers information on two-income family financial planning in addition to many other topics on its Library Web page: .

Several Web sites offer free quotes for all types of insurance needs across several different companies. Two of them are:

In addition to traditional advice through established Web sites like Yahoo! Finance, Microsoft’s MSN Money Central, and Intuit’s Quicken, check out the blogs at and for up-to-the-minute articles and advice in a community forum setting.

Are you interested in finding a financial planner in your area? Go to The Financial Planning Association Planner Search® tool or the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors “Find an Advisor Search.”

For 10 questions to ask when choosing a financial planner, go to the Certified Financial Planner Board Web site at .

Are you wondering how the U.S. economy is doing this month? Link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics “Economy at a Glance” page at .

Link to an inflation calculator to check on the buying power of today’s dollar at .

Link to online calculators to show you ways to save for college at CNNMoney or MSNMoney.


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