PhenX Toolkit:

|About the Measure |

|Domain |Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Substances |

|Measure |Family History of Smoking |

|Definition |Questions ask respondent about his/her family's history of tobacco use. |

|About the Protocol |

|Description of Protocol |Measurement of respondent's family history of tobacco use. |

|Protocol text |The Working Group acknowledges the following question may gather sensitive information relating to the |

| |use of substances and/or illegal conduct. If the information is released it might be damaging to an |

| |individual's employability, lead to social stigmatization, or other consequences. |

| |For information on obtaining a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the |

| |privacy of human research participants, please go to the National Human Genome Research Institute’s |

| |Institutional Review Board website: . |

| | |

| |For Question #4, the Expert Review Panel recommends that users also ask about e-cigarettes and hookahs. |

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| |I'd like to know about the smoking habits of your relatives. |

| | |

| |1. What best describes your (RELATIVE'S) smoking habits during (his/her) lifetime? |

| |(1) Never smoked or used tobacco regularly |

| |(2) Used to smoke or use but quit successfully |

| |(3) Current smoker or user/continued to smoke or use |

| |Don’t Know/Refused |

| | |

| |2. How often did/does your (RELATIVE) smoke on average over (his/her) lifetime when (he/she) was |

| |smoking? |

| |(1) Every day or nearly every day |

| |(2) Once or twice a week |

| |(3) Less often |

| |Don’t Know/Refused |

| | |

| |3. On average, how many cigarettes did/does your (RELATIVE) smoke per day? |

| |(1) Smoked 1-5 per day |

| |(2) 6-10 per day |

| |(3) 11-20 per day |

| |(4) 21-40 per day |

| |(5) More than 40 per day |

| |Don’t Know/Refused |

| | |

| |4. Did your (RELATIVE) ever smoke cigars? Pipes? Or, use snuff? |

| |(1) Yes |

| |(2) No |

| |Don’t Know/Refused |

|Participant |≥18 years of age |

|Source |Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Tobacco Family History Assessment Module. Questions |

| |I-III. . |

| | |

| |Permission to use this instrument has been provided by COGA (Collaborative Study on the Genetics of |

| |Alcoholism), supported by NIH Grant U10AA08401 from the NIAAA. |

|Language of Source |English |

|Personnel and Training Required |Interviewer must be trained and found competent to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the|

| |general population. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” |

| |response is provided. |

|Equipment Needs |While the source instrument was developed for administration by computer, the PhenX Working Group |

| |acknowledges that these questions can be administered in a non-computerized format. |

|Protocol Type |Interviewer-administered questionnaire |

|General References |Not applicable |


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