Goodman’s Global Games

[Pages:13]Goodman's Global Games

Lesson Two: Sunday, December 7th

Main Point: I Will Lead With Action And Not Just Words!

The children will learn that we should do more than just talk about doing what is right. Instead, we should step up and do what is right.

Arrive and Welcome Kids Welcome/Prayer/Announcements/Offering Worship/Communion/Large Group Teaching Huddle Time Classroom Checkout







10:00 11:45

10:30 12:15

9:15 + 11:00 - Cisco Baldizon

Bible Story

Bible Verse Huddle Activities

Ehud (Judges 3:12-80)

1 John 3:18

Review: Goodman's Challenging Cool-Down Challenge.

Do Something

Watch Me Hear Me

*Bonus-Four Spaces For Leaders

Goodman's Challenging Cool-Down Challenge

Weekly Review Activity Lesson 2 - I Will Lead With Action And Not Just Words!

PURPOSE: This is a strategic time to review and reinforce the content of the lesson.

DESCRIPTION: The children will compete to answer review questions and then perform exercise

challenges to earn points for their teams.

MATERIALS NEEDED: For this activity you will need this Help Sheet (review questions on page

2), and any materials listed below for the type(s) of exercise challenges you want the children to attempt.

Note: These are suggestions for exercise challenges. Feel free to adapt or replace these to fit the needs of your space.

Sit Ups - (Materials Needed: none.) Children have 30 seconds to do as many sit ups as possible. Jumping Jacks - (Materials Needed: none.) Children have 30 seconds to do as many jumping jacks as possible. Push Ups - (Materials Needed: none.) Children have 30 seconds to do as many push ups as possible. Step Ups - (Materials Needed: A step or concrete block.) Children have 30 seconds to do as many step ups as possible.


1. Competing in these games was a great workout today, but now it's time to cool down with Goodman's Challenging Cool Down Challenge!

2. You will answer some questions and do some individual challenges to find out if you remember what we learned today!

For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Small Group Leader DVD.

Note: Choose a competitor from each team. Ask the review questions by reading from the screen or from page 2 of this Help Sheet.


1. First, I will ask a question about today's lesson. 2. If you answer the question correctly, I will give you thirty seconds to earn points for your team by

completing as many reps of one of our scoring activities as you can. 3. Get ready for the first question!

After all the questions, return to the script to close the service.

? 2014 Elevate


Continued from page 1

Ask the following questions and ask for volunteers to answer. If they answer correctly, press "play" on your DVD.

1. Why is it important to lead with actions and not just with words? A. Because nobody listens to our words. B. Because leading with actions is easy and fun! C. It's not important. Leading with words is enough. D. Because our actions can have a bigger influence and greater impact on others than just our words.

2. Imagine that the teacher at school asks for volunteers to help clean up the classroom. What should you do? A. Try to get one of your friends to volunteer so you can relax. B. Stand up and order the entire class to start cleaning. C. Be the first one to volunteer and encourage some others to join you. D. Pretend you didn't hear the teacher.

3. Imagine that you are riding home in the car with your family. You notice that your neighborhood has some trash on the ground in a few places. What should you do? A. Complain about all the trash everywhere. B. Tell your brothers and sisters that they should go pick up trash. C. Call your city's sanitation department and tell them to do a better job. D. Organize a time to go around picking up the trash yourself, and ask your family to come with you.

4. In the Bible Lesson, how did Ehud lead with his actions? A. He sat around all day thinking, and planning, and thinking some more . B. He ordered the Israelites to ask God for help. C. He got rid of the evil king even though it was dangerous and difficult. D. He tried to get rid of the king but was captured.

5. In the Skit, why didn't Coach Locke want to show the Team how to throw a javelin? A. He thought showing them was too much work, and that his words should be enough on their own. B. He had forgotten the right way to throw a javelin. C. He didn't have time to show them the right way. D. He wanted the janitor to show them how to throw.

6. Fill in the blanks. "Dear children, let's not merely __________ that we love each other; let us show the truth by our _________." 1 John 3:18 (NLT) A. hope, life. B. say, actions. C. pretend, words. D. promise, gifts.

? 2014 Elevate


Do Something!

Application Activity Lesson 2 - I Will Lead With Action And Not Just Words!

PURPOSE: This activity will give the children examples of specific ways that they can lead out with

their actions.

DESCRIPTION: The children will hear several short stories of children who saw a problem and took

the lead to solve the problem with action.

MATERIALS NEEDED: You will need this Help Sheet and the "Action Story Pictures Lesson 2"

from the Lesson Materials CD-ROM.


1. Let's say our Main Point together. I Will Lead With Action And Not Just Words! 2. In order to lead out with your actions, one thing you need to do is see that there is a problem and act

to help that problem. 3. Today we will get some experience in spotting problems and solutions that we can act on.

For detailed instructions on how to lead the activity, see the Small Group Leader DVD.


1. I have some very short Action Stories to show you. 2. In each story there is a problem and at least one action that our main character can take to be a leader

and help solve the problem. 3. Everyone will get a chance to look at the picture, hear the description, and think of an action that the

person can take to be a leader. 4. Let's hear the stories.

Note: Read the Action Stories from the back of the pictures and take suggestions of actions from the children. There is a suggested action on the back, but the children may come up with multiple answers that are correct.


1. In each of these situations, the main character could have chosen to talk about the situation or just ignore it. What did they each choose to do instead? (Take action. Do something to help.)

2. Doing something takes us out of the role of being an observer, or a critic, and makes us into a leader who is helping to solve the problems around us.


Don't leave problems that you notice for others to solve. Whether you can do something big or something small, do something. The step of taking action makes you a leader that others will look to as an example.

? 2014 Elevate

Action Story Pictures


Lesson 2

Derrick's mom has been super busy lately. Derrick can smell that she is cooking dinner, but he can also hear that she is talking on the phone with her boss, and it sounds like her boss is upset. Derrick also knows that his mom is going back to college and is trying to study for a test she has to take online after she fixes dinner for the family. Derrick can see the computer open to the website for the test and his mom's notes on the counter as she keeps cooking dinner. Derrick also sees that the

dishes aren't set out yet for dinner.

What can Derrick do to be leader in his home? (Set the table.)

? 2014 Elevate

Action Story Pictures


Lesson 2

Karen sees that her neighbor across the street has a cast on his leg and is getting the mail while walking on crutches. His lawn is really long and needs to be cut. Karen is supposed to

mow the lawn at her house that afternoon.

What can Karen do to be leader in her neighborhood? (Offer to mow his lawn.)

? 2014 Elevate

Action Story Pictures


Lesson 2

Max's dad stuck his head into Max's room with some great news. Max's grandmother was coming to visit in a few days. Max loved it when his grandmother came to visit, but he knew that a day or so

before she came, Mom and Dad would want the entire house cleaned from top to bottom, including his room.

What could Max do to be a leader at home? (Start cleaning now.)

? 2014 Elevate

Action Story Pictures


Lesson 2

Shawn is at gym. The coach told the class to set up a game of dodgeball while he met with a parent for a few minutes. But when the

guys dumped out the dodgeballs, most of them were flat or at least half flat. The rest of the boys are angry. They don't think that they will be able to play dodgeball because there aren't enough balls that aren't flat. Some of the boys are even getting angry at the coach. Shawn sees

that there are some air pumps on a bench nearby.

How can Shawn be a leader at his school? (Start airing up the dodgeballs.)

? 2014 Elevate


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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