Designated Field Experience C Professional Learning ...

Critical Event ReflectionAnalyze your performance during clinical practice of any nature (i.e., assignment, benchmark assignment, internship activity). For all field experience assignments and at least once a week during completion of professional skill development activities in clinical internship, analyze the/a critical event. Complete and submit all sections of the Critical Event Reflection. Your course instructor will apply a rubric to this record as a means of assessing your professional skill and dispositional development, and you and your peers will use one another's responses as the basis for weekly discussion in the class forum.What were the setting and circumstance of the critical event? (Describe any precipitating events; identify the social structures at play; and articulate any other essential contextual information.)I interviewed Myheshia Reeves. She is a new Exceptional Children’s teacher. She has transitioned from a brick and mortar school where she taught for 10 years. She is the new member of a 5 person team. She had previously applied for the position before, but it was offered to someone else instead. She has always worked at a brick and mortar school and welcomed the chance to begin something new. When we sat down to interview, Myheshia was excited to sit down and answer questions. This is her 3rd week working in a virtual setting. One good thing about this interview is that, because this is her first experience in the virtual setting, she could be open and candid. She had nothing to compare the virtual setting to.What occurred, and what choices were made?(Make a bulleted list, third-person perspective)“Having no experience with the virtual setting, some terminology was over my head.” “I guess I will have to jump in to actually see what they are talking about?”“They give us a long time to finish.” “Yes, I got to actually sit in a Live Lesson as it was being taught.” “I also sat with her and she explained how to prepare my lessons and were to get resources.“Yes, everyone in the department is always willing to address my questions when I ask.”“I would have some face to face staff development for new teacher.” “Most teachers are new to the virtual setting and may not know what is being talked about.”What were you thinking and feeling? (Make a matching list, first-person perspective)Though back to when I participated in virtual professional. I was in awe that staff development could be presented virtually.Thought to myself. When I had to complete my professional development, I did little by little and still ended up having to rush to complete them when they were due. Thought to myself, when I first began. We had mentors from other states. We had to struggle to figure out how to complete things.Shared, Even though you are given 30 days to complete the staff development, get on it right away, there is so much information for each module.Thought to myself, when I first started, we had to be support for each other. We were all learning something new.I thought to myself, new teachers met face to face when we first started (the school just opened. I wonder why that change did.Reflect on what the event means to you in the context of your research base. (Cite author, year.) What do you understand more clearly about whether or not the chosen actions reflected best practice? After speaking with Myheshia, I realized that the support that I got from Connections when I first began did not happen for teachers who are newly hired. I feel that in order for new teachers to be successful and feel comfortable, they have to begin with face to face staff development, because it is what they are used to from the brick and mortar setting. After a few sessions of face to face staff development, then move to virtual. “Technology is an agent of change, and major technological innovations can result in entire paradigm shifts.” (Virtual Mentoring, 2013)Keengwe, J., & Kyei-Blankson, L. (2013).?Virtual mentoring for teachers: online professional development practices. Hershey, PA: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA).Consider the implications these insights have for your practice. In other words, what change(s) would be reflected in your disposition and your work, based on how you now anticipate thinking and acting? Thinking back to when I first got hired, if I had not actually participated in staff development with a group, I would have been lost. I am glad that I had the opportunity to have that experience. I will suggest that staff development is provided face to face, at least for the initial introduction module.Without completing virtual professional development, teachers would be at a loss, because of is different and a new experience. I do, however believe because the virtual environment is new for a newly hired teacher, they should participate in an initial face to face staff development. That way they can ask questions and begin to feel more comfortable in their new teaching environment. The way modules are presented not, the hiring manager lets the new hire know that the modules have to be completed in thirty days. I feel that there is no one around to answer questions or address concerns that the new hire may have. I will hopefully suggest a change be put into place next school year.Aligned leadership skills and professional dispositions reflected and/or warranted in this event.(Briefly indicate the rationale for each alignment, including those not reflected, but warranted.)Fairness- All staff, will receive the same information on how to navigate new technology and how to educate students passion- Educators must realize that special needs students do not learn the same as other students. We as educators must provide the resources to meet their needs and meet them where they are academically.Dedication-It takes dedication to begin something new and stick with it, through challenges.Professional Conduct-Requires completing professional development before the deadline. Reflection-Teachers reflect on each virtual development module by submitting feedback after each session.Evidence/Artifacts that align to school vision and mission. (List, describe, and briefly indicate the rationale for each item. In cases where alignment is problematic, briefly discuss how evidence/artifacts do not support fulfillment of vision and mission.)All of the professional development provided is based on out school’s mission and vision. Each professional development module addresses teaching educators how to effectively teach the curriculum, foster student success and assisting students in preparing them for the 21st century by assisting them in learning in an innovative way. Notes/comments ................

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