Interview checklist and sample interview questions

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE GUIDANCE FOR DIRECT PAYMENT USERS. YOU MAY WISH TO ADD TO OR EDIT THIS DOCUMENT TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMETS. THE COUNCIL DOES NOT TAKE RSESPONSBILITY FOR THIS DOCUMENT, RECRUITMENT OR EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONAL ASSISTANTS.Interview checklist and sample interview questionsInterview checklistArrange a venue.Think about a trial run; interviewing is just as stressful as being interviewed.If required, arrange assistance with interviewing.List interview questions.Plan the length of interview.Think about how formal or informal you want to make it.Prepare information to conclude the interview.QuestionsAn interview is an exchange of information, therefore, it is important to listen and give the person a chance to speak and ask questions.Don’t assume anything, whether in terms of giving or getting information.Interview questions – choose a few from the following list and add your own:Do you have any questions about the job description?I see that you don’t have direct experience of this kind of work, but people often have other experience. For example, some people have members of their family, friends, or maybe neighbours who are disabled. What experience of working with disabled people do you have?If you were out with me and someone persisted in ignoring me and spoke only to you, how would you react?I will need to tell you how to do things in the way I want them done. How do you think you would cope with this?How would you react if you have done something and I want it done again in another way?What if I ask you to do something, and you think there is another way to do it that you would prefer – what would you do?If we did have a difference of opinion, how do you think you would deal with this?What qualities and experience do you have that you think would make you a good personal assistant?Would you be interested if there is any training available?Have you been on any relevant training courses? If so, what and when?Would you be prepared to consider being called on at short notice to do more than your usual hours, e.g. if another personal assistant goes off sick?What shifts would you prefer, e.g. days, nights or a mixture?What are your hobbies/interests?Do you have a car? Would you be prepared to use it for work?Would you be prepared to consider part-time or relief work?Any questions you’d like to ask me?If you have pets you might want to mention them. Some people have allergies and could not work with pets. If relevant you should ask why they are leaving, or have left, their current or last job.You should mention any other things you enjoy doing such as gardening, socialising and ask if the personal assistant would be prepared to do this as part of their job.Concluding the interviewYou should also explain the following:Pay and conditions and any rota system you have worked out in advance.Contract of employment.When/how they will hear if they have been successful or not.That you will take up references for them before appointment.Tell them that if they are successful relevant Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks may be carried out before they can start work. Ask the Direct Payment Support Service for clarification. ................

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