
Lehen Hezkuntzako Ingelesa Edukien Bitartez

Inglés a través de Contenidos en Educación Primaria

A Content & Language Integrated Learning Sequence for

Primary Education


Unit 3

People Around

the World



| |Pages |

|1.1. Introduction and description |3-4 |

|1.2. Objectives |5-6 |

|1.3. Assessment and Evaluation |7-9 |

Summary of activities

|2.1. Part I: World Festivals |10 |

|2.2. Part II: World Recipes |11 |

|2.3. Part III: World Stories |12 |

General activities

|3.1. Reading |13 |

|3.2. Diary |13 |

|3.3. My Songs |13-14 |

|3.4. Corners |14 |

|3.5. Games |14-15 |

|3.6 Video |15 |

|3.7. ICT |16 |


|4.1. Mind Map |16-20 |

|4.2. Audio Cover |21 |

1. Bibliography, resources and useful websites

|5.1. Material for the Unit |22 |

|5.2. Useful Internet Sites |22-24 |

|1. Introduction |

|1.1. Introduction and description |

This third unit of the syllabus for Primary 5 focuses on the knowledge of some geographic and human aspects of different countries and people. It presents a main sequence of activities organised around the topics of festivals, food and stories. Activities around those topics will foster some research on country facts, languages, traditions and nutrition. Furthermore, other activities such as songs, dances, games, ICT… supplement the unit.

These are the main cross-curricular contents of the unit:

- Different festive manifestations related to religious and earth cycles.

- Country facts: area, population, outstanding natural features, buildings...

- Food classification and cooking procedures.

- Stories, dances and handicrafts related to different cultures.


• Numbers bigger than 1,000.


• Identification of flags, continents, countries.

• Search for particular features such as high mountains, long rivers, currency, languages…


• Materials for a shadow theatre show.

• Crafts related to festivals.


• Drama: ‘’Strong Magic”.

• Songs: ‘”Everybody Loves Saturday Night”, “Aiken Drum”, “Kookaburra”.

Work on those concepts is integrated in the following three parts:

- Part I: World Festivals. In this part of the unit work on five festivals (New Year, Carnival, Eid ul-Fitr, Harvest and May Day) is proposed. Simple research on five countries related to those celebrations (China, Brazil, Morocco, Nigeria and UK) can also be carried out.

- Part II: World Recipes. The second part of the sequence switches to another aspect of world cultures: cooking. Here the Ss will learn about food and some of its nutritional values as well as about recipes, ingredients and cooking procedures. Final productions of Part I and II are finally used to organise a kind of multicultural fair.

- Part III: World Stories. This last part supplements the unit by working on a traditional story (‘Strong Magic’, an Australian legend on the origin of koalas) through a shadow theatre show and a traditional dance (May Pole dance).

Similarly to the proposal for Units 1 and 2 of Primary 5, work on some specifically linguistic contents has been included in this unit. The suggested activities are described in the “Language Awareness” sections of the teaching sequence and it must be borne in mind that these exercises can be used interspersed in the sequence depending on the appropriateness of the moment to make their practice meaningful.

The following linguistic concepts are proposed:


• Meaning, pronunciation and spelling of basic words in the unit.

• Reading and writing big numbers.

• Wh- questions.

• Instructive texts.

|1.2. Objectives |

Chart 1 (pages 5 and 6) shows the basic communicative language objectives, the attitudinal objectives and the content objectives, all taken from the National Curriculum Reform Blueprint (DCB-OCD) for Primary Education.


|Objectives |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |


|To understand longer oral and written | | | |

|narrative, expository, argumentative and | | | |

|instructive texts. |Instructions, drama scripts, definitions, |Eliciting previous knowledge, making hypotheses and predictions, looking for the meaning of some |1.1. Paying attention to T and peers. |

|To give opinions (likes, dislikes, |descriptions, explanations, opinions, |words… Searching for and interpreting information in reference materials, following instructions |Showing respect for others’ points of view. |

|preferences…), ask for information and talk |decision taking, classroom language, language|to carry out an activity, following instructions in a recipe, giving opinions about work done, | |

|about what they have learnt, when recalling |used in interactions… |taking decisions when performing a task, sharing new knowledge through explanations, shared | |

|the activities carried out in the unit. |I liked, I enjoyed, I didn’t like, most, |reading or cooperative work, performing stories… | |

|To give oral information on tasks done and |least..., I think, in my opinion, because, |Giving own point of view about planned activities and the activities done by others. |1.2. Expressing opinions politely. |

|tasks to do. |What...? When...? Where...? Who?… | | |

|To ask for information about the language |We went, played, read, wrote…, We’re going |a) Reading: | |

|they need to carry out the activities. |to… |Making hypotheses on meaning. | |

|To tell the news (either related to general |What does… mean? How do you say …? How do you|Linking oral and written forms of some words. | |

|topics or to their own personal experience |spell …? |Inferring meaning by context. | |

|about the theme in the unit). | |Predicting words by context (filling in the gaps). | |

|To interact in English with T and peers in |Yesterday, this morning (past tense)… |Transferring knowledge of other languages. | |

|contextualised situations. | |…. | |

|To read and write the lyrics of songs and | |b) Writing: | |

|other simple texts. | |Making hypotheses on spelling. | |

|To dramatize a story and/or presentations. |Poetic texts: ‘Everybody Likes Saturday |Linking oral and written forms of some words. | |

|To analyse and produce instructive texts. |Night’, ‘Aiken Drum’, ‘Kookaburra’. Narrative|Checking spelling and correcting . | |

|To reflect on language, infer language rules |text: ‘Strong Magic’. |Copying and/or writing simple texts. | |

|and practise grammar in context.. |‘Strong Magic’ |Filling in the gaps. | |

|ATTITUDINAL OBJECTIVES |Instructive texts: recipes. |a) Following some dramatizing hints: intonation, pronunciation, speaking to an audience, learning| |

|To develop autonomous learning strategies and|wh- questions, large numbers, collocations |the scripts by heart. | |

|awareness of learning process. |related to recipes (measurements & |b) Preparing and rehearsing oral presentations. | |

|To be aware of the communicative value of |ingredients, actions).... |Reading recipes, analyzing their characteristics (format, vocabulary and common expressions), | |

|English as a language. | |making hypotheses about vocabulary, collocations and structure, using models to write own texts,| |

|To take part actively in individual tasks as | |checking spelling, cooperating and comparing with peers ... | |

|well as in group work. | |Observing texts, focusing on target language, looking for patterns, inferring rules, applying | |

|To show a positive learning attitude towards | |rules, using large numbers when speaking about population or square kilometres, making hypotheses | |

|English. | |about vocabulary, collocations and structure of an instructive text … | |

|To develop an open-minded attitude about | |Recording own work, opinions, self-assessment… in a diary. Working in corners. Taking decisions in| |

|other cultures. | |individual and group work. Asking for peers’ help before addressing to T. Using video recordings |Keeping folders and diaries tidy. Producing |

| | |for assessment. Foreseeing activities and giving opinion about them. Using self-assessment and |neat work. |

| | |peer-assessment for revision and to be aware of progress… |Interacting in English with T and peers. |

|CONTENT OBJECTIVES: SETTLEMENTS | |Using English in context when interacting with T and peers, by using materials created in English |Asking for things and thanking for them |

|To understand more complex oral and written | |(the Internet, reference books…). |politely. Sharing info. |

|texts related to cultural aspects. | | |Participating actively in all the class |

|To memorize songs and learn a dance related | | |activities, co-operating with peers, |

|to the unit. | |a) Using reading strategies to obtain main information from the text: |accepting other proposals. |

|To produce more complex oral and written | |Eliciting previous knowledge. |Participating actively in all the class |

|texts related to countries, festivals and | |Making hypotheses and predictions. |activities. |

|food, keeping in mind some basic grammar | |Scanning to find info with the help of questions / headings. |Showing interest and acceptance of cultural |

|rules. | |Looking for and understanding key words. |differences. |

|To learn information about different | |Establishing relationships between meaning, pronunciation and written form of words. | |

|countries. |Stories, reference books/texts related to |Skimming to extract main ideas / relevant information. | |

|To learn about the diversity of the cuisine, |geography, festivals and food around the |Putting headings to paragraphs. | |

|celebrations… in the world. |world (Fact Finders, dossier, the Internet…),|Classifying info. | |

|To understand and use vocabulary and |atlas, oral presentations… |Listening and reading with teacher’s help to understand meaning (mimics, explanations, underlining|3.1. Paying attention to and showing |

|expressions related to special occasions |Lyrics of songs. May pole dance. |some words…). |interest for peers’ oral and written |

|(festivals) and recipes. |Expository texts (fact files, descriptions, |Individual reading. |productions. |

|To revise food groups (the food pyramid) and |definitions, explanations...). Instructive |Shared reading. | |

|nutrients. |texts (recipes). |Selecting info from different sources. | |

| |Data about countries (location, languages, |Cooking and tasting new dishes. | |

| |currency, facts…) |b) Sharing findings with group or class peers: cooperative works, oral presentations… | |

| |Celebrations in the world & world cuisine. |c) Looking for specific information in oral interactions; asking questions; comparing data… | |

| |Festivals, time (months & seasons), clothes, |3.2. Singing it along, reading and writing it, doing activities with its lyrics, learning it by | |

| |ingredients, measurements, actions, |heart, dancing … |3.4. Getting familiar with resources other |

| |adjectives related to taste and texture... |3.3. a) Developing writing strategies: |than teacher. |

| |Food groups and nutrients. |Listening to and reading different texts. | |

| | |Classifying information. | |

| | |Comparing structures. | |

| | |Restating information following language patterns. | |

| | |Writing captions for pictures and small texts with information related to pictures. | |

| | |Using pictures to help understanding of vocabulary and processes. | |

| | |Using reference materials to produce an accurate text. | |

| | |Producing a written text taking into account its characteristics. | |

| | |Displaying information in a clear and attractive way | |

| | |b) Producing short dialogues in a contextualized situation. | |

| | |c) Producing comprehensible output when presenting orally their products and work done through out| |

| | |the unit; answering questions; using verbal and non-verbal communicative resources. | |

| | |3.4. Using reference books (specific books, atlases, fact finders…), dossiers, flash cards, | |

| | |pictures, games... Interpreting pictures. Getting and selecting information to answer questions. | |

| | |Locating countries on a world map. Comparing data about different countries. Making posters. | |

| | |Producing correct questions based on expository texts. Understanding oral questions and providing | |

| | |answers based on previous reading work. Linking concepts worked on in previous units (climate, | |

| | |buildings, etc.) to the new topic ... | |

| | |3.5. Reading, selecting information, making and answering questions... | |

| | |3.6. Using reading strategies (see 3.1 and 1.9), trying different dishes (blindfolded tasting | |

| | |games), identifying ingredients and describing the dish by taste and texture. Making a class book | |

| | |of world recipes. Making posters on country facts and celebrations, organizing an international | |

| | |fair… | |

| | |3.7. Eliciting previous knowledge, classifying food and recipe ingredients in a food pyramid, | |

| | |identifying main nutritional properties of dishes, making posters, … | |

|1.3. Assessment and Evaluation |

There are several tools designed to help Ts assess their work and to evaluate Ss’ progress. Chart 2 (pages 7 and 8) shows hints for Ss’ evaluation: what, how, and when to evaluate, as well as which tool can be used for the purpose. Chart 3 (page 9) may be a useful tool, where the routines followed by each S throughout the unit can be recorded. Moreover, each part has its own evaluation chart to record language, content and attitudinal objectives achieved by each S.

|LEVEL: P 5 |UNIT 3: PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD |CHART 2: Hints for Evaluation |



|(1.1.) Follows T’s (text or peers’) instructions and explanations/ shows understanding of stories by |Observation |Register |One S (any but helper) each day |

|participation. Shows understanding by interacting with T. T checks speakers and listeners’ understanding | | | |

|through questions. Listens and shows respect for others’ points of view. | | | |

|(1.2.) Tells and/or writes the activities s/he liked best/least. Makes hypotheses and gives opinions. Says|Revising diaries / Interviewing |Diary/Individual or group |4 Ss per class a week / All Ss working on their |

|what s/he has learnt. Says what s/he did in the corners and gives opinion. | |interview |own |

| | | |When S is Helper |

|(1.3.) Says what s/he did (yesterday, last 2 weeks, in corners) and what we are going to do (today, next |Observation |Register |4 Ss per class a week/All Ss working on their own |

|two weeks). | | |When S is Helper |

|(1.4.) Asks for language needed. |Observation |Register |One S per day |

|(1.5.) Tells a piece of news. |Revising class diary / Observation |Class diary/Register |Fortnightly/when relevant news appears. |

|(1.6.) (2.2.) Interacts in English with T and peers in specific situations. |Observation |Register |One S per day |

|(1.7.) Writes comprehensible short texts. Understands key words and main ideas. Recognises words when |Revising diaries, folders, My Songs book, |Diaries, folders, My Songs book |4 Ss per class a week |

|reading or listening to them. Uses words from the same word field. Matches written forms, meaning and |… | | |

|pronunciation. | | | |

|(1.8.) Acts out with good intonation and pronunciation; speaks to an audience clearly and loudly, keeps |Observation MAIN ACT. (rehearsals, |Register/Video recording |4 Ss during rehearsal , performance and oral |

|eye contact with the audience and moves around the stage; uses pictures, posters and maps to help |performance and oral presentations) | |presentations. When analysing video recording |

|understanding. | | | |

|(1.9.) Identifies characteristics of recipes. Pays attention to the characteristics of type of text and |Revising diaries, folders |Register, folders |4 Ss per week. |

|applies knowledge. Applies learned language in different situations. | | | |

|(1.10.) Recognises and produces correct phonemes. Gives hypotheses about language. Solves language |Observation MAIN ACT, revising diaries, |Register, folders |4 Ss when doing the activity / 4 Ss per week. |

|activities based on reflection. Identifies, produces and understands the meaning of the vocabulary and |folders (language awareness) | | |

|expressions that T considers necessary. Makes grammatically correct wh- sentences. Can read and recognize | | | |

|numbers bigger than 100,000. | | | |

|(2.1.) Records own work in the diary (planning, learning objectives and assessment, activities done, new |Revising diaries, folders |Diaries, folders, group interview |One S per day / 4 Ss per class a week / All Ss |

|words, opinions...). Works autonomously in corners. Keeps materials tidy and produces neat work. |Interviewing | |working on their own |

|Participates in the activity showing interest in producing neat work. Assesses his/her own learning | | | |

|objectives. Takes part in the evaluation process. | | | |

|(2.2) Shares info, opinions... with T and peers. Tries to interact with T and peers in English while |Observation MAIN ACT |Register |All Ss working in groups / All Ss in oral |

|doing his/her work. Uses English for classroom communication. | | |presentations. |

|(2.3.) Participates actively (includes asking for language). Takes part in decision making. Helps |Observation MAIN ACT |Register |All Ss working on their own. All Ss working in |

|organizing group work. Shows interest and concentrates in activity. Takes part in oral interaction. | | |groups |

|Fulfils tasks. Collaborates in task. Participates in the activity. Pays attention and produces questions | | | |

|if requested. | | | |

|(2.4.) Participates actively in all activities. |Observation |Register |One S per day. |

|(3.1.) Follows procedure for reading. Obtains and selects information from simple expository, instructive |Observation MAIN ACT |Register / Final products or diary|All Ss working in groups / 4 Ss per day |

|and narrative texts. Underlines known words. Pays attention and takes notes in oral presentations. Asks |Revising diaries and folders | | |

|questions to check understanding. Fills in info file with appropriate information. Finds most of the | | | |

|information requested. Shows understanding when answering questions about the topic. Gives correct | | | |

|answers. Relates information from a written text to own general knowledge. Follows instructions in | | | |

|recipes. Gets information from different kinds of texts and shares it with classmates. Listen to and | | | |

|identify ingredients/recipes. | | | |

|(3.2.) Learns the song (part of the song) by heart. Sings the songs. Takes part in the dance. |Observation MAIN ACT |Register |1/4 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week |

|(3.3.) Produces simple comprehensible oral and written texts (expository, instructive) related to |Observation MAIN ACT / Revising diaries, |Register / Final products or diary|4/6 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week |

|countries, festivals and food, using linguistic and non-linguistic resources. Shows interest in writing |folders |(posters, recipes) | |

|with the correct spelling. Presents work done throughout the unit orally. Takes part in group and class | | | |

|discussion. Organises and shows info in an attractive way. Uses reference materials autonomously to | | | |

|produce accurate texts. Applies learned language in different situations. | | | |

|(3.4.) Uses vocabulary related to previous topics (climate, buildings, etc…). Locates different countries |Observation MAIN ACT / Revising Ss’ |Register / Diaries / Folder / |1/4 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week |

|on the map of the world. Knows specific information about different countries. |products / Revising folders or diaries |Final products (posters) | |

|(3.5.) Shows understanding when answering questions about festivals. Knows information about festivals and|Observation MAIN ACT / Revising |Register / Diaries / Folder / |1/4 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week |

|celebrations in other countries. |folders/Diary/Ss’ products |Final products (posters) | |

|(3.6.) Identifies ingredients and cooking tools. Tries dishes and identifies ingredients. Uses adjectives |Observation MAIN ACT / Final products / |Register / Final product / Diaries|1/4 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week / All |

|related to taste and texture to describe dishes / food. |Revising folders / Diary |/ Folder |Ss while doing the activity |

|(3.7.). Classifies ingredients according to food groups. Identifies main nutritional property of a dish. |Observation MAIN ACT / Final products |Register / Final product (poster) |1/4 Ss per activity / 4 Ss per class a week / All |

| |(posters) / Revising folders /Diary / |/ Diaries / Folder |Ss while doing the activity |

| |Interviewing | | |

|CHART 3: Routines Register |


|CLASS: | |STANDS | | | | |

| |Says what we did and |Follows teacher’s |Pays Attention |Interacts in English |Tells a Piece of News |Writes the acts. | |

| |what we’re going to do |instructions |Asks for language |with Teacher | |best/least liked | |

| |Unit mind map | |Participates |(Interacts in English | |Records own work | |

| |Others | |Collaborates |with Peers) | |Keeps materials tidy | |

|Name |

|2.1. Part I: World Festivals |

Act. 1: Planning

T presents the unit by guiding Ss to guess the topic. Then Ss write down the plan for PART I and its learning objectives.

Act. 2: My Songs: ‘‘Everybody Loves Saturday Night’

Ss listen to the song and do a translation activity. They work in pairs and memorize the song. Finally they sing it.

Act. 3: Reading: Festivals Around the World

Ss read texts about five festivals from different parts of the world. They fill in a file on a particular festival.

Act. 4: Info Search: Countries

Ss use atlases and other reference books to find extra information about countries related to the festivals seen in the previous activity.

Act. 5: Language Awareness: Reflecting on language

Ss work specifically on some language items used in this part of the unit: vocabulary related to festivals and countries, reading and saying big numbers and identification of wh- interrogatives.

Act. 6: Writing: Country posters

Ss, in groups, display all their info on festivals and countries on a poster. They also make cards with questions to ask the rest of the class after their presentations.

Act. 7: Corners

Ss work at different learning centres.

Act. 8: Presentation: Country posters

Groups of Ss present their posters to the rest of the class. Listeners, in teams, ask them questions.

Act. 9: Evaluation

Ss give their opinion of the activities done in PART I and review and assess what they have learnt.

|2.2. Part II: World Recipes |

Act. 10: Planning

T and Ss talk about dishes and play a game matching dishes and countries of origin. T helps Ss guess the activities which make up Part II. Ss copy plan of activities and learning objectives.

Act. 11: Song: ’Aiken Drum’

Ss listen to, read and sing the song. They identify key words, and make up new verses by replacing words in the song.

Act. 12: Reading: World Cuisine

Ss work on an instructive text, the recipe, analysing its format and language.

Act. 13: Classifying ingredients: Food Pyramid

Ss revise concepts about food groups and classify their recipe ingredients. They make posters for the final task, an International Fair.

Act. 14: Language awareness: Recipes

The class reflects on the language used throughout this part of the unit: food vocabulary and recipe structure.

Act. 15: Writing: Our Recipe

Ss write their own recipe with the aid of the scaffolding they produced in previous activities.

Act. 16: Corners

Ss work in learning stations in order to finish tasks or reinforce practice on contents worked on throughout parts I and II.

Act. 17: Hands On: Let’s Cook

The class prepares different dishes following instructions.

Act. 18: Evaluation

Ss give their opinion of the activities done in PART II and review and assess what they have learnt.

|2.3. Part III: World Stories |

Act. 19: Planning

T introduces the topic and helps Ss to guess what Part III will be about. Ss write down the planning of PART III.

Act. 20: Song: ‘Kookaburra’

Ss listen to a song, identify certain words, complete a handout and learn part of the lyrics by heart.

Act. 21: Storytelling: Strong Magic

T elicits knowledge about koalas from Ss and tells them a traditional Australian story.

Act. 22: Shadow Theatre Rehearsal: Strong Magic

Ss read, rehearse and prepare a performance of ‘Strong Magic’ story.

Act. 23: Language Awareness.

The class reflects on the language used throughout the unit. Ss practise different skills.

Act. 24: Shadow Theatre Performance: Strong Magic

Ss perform their shadow theatre shows.

Act. 25: Corners

Ss work in corners.

Act. 26: Work display and presentation: International Fair

Each group organises a stall displaying work done throughout the unit.

Act. 27: Dance and Evaluation

Ss end the unit by dancing a version of May Pole dance. Next, they give their opinion of the activities done in PART III and review what they have learnt.

|3. General Activities |

|3.1. Reading |

Apart from some activities in the sequence, which specifically deal with reading skills, the series of Celebration books (Non-Fiction Oxford Literacy Web, OUP) can be used in different ways:

- As reference materials to find relevant information to carry out some tasks (scanning).

- As a resource for reading out several excerpts (thorough reading focusing on oral skills, especially rhythm, intonation, stress and pronunciation).

- As a resource for reading for pleasure, browsing through the book and extracting some data about topic, number of pages, author…

|3.2. Diary |

As stated in previous units, two types of diaries are proposed: a classroom diary and individual notebooks where each student will keep a series of drafts, texts, planning and evaluation activities, comments on preferences, likes and dislikes, self-assessment, new vocabulary…

As usual, at the end of every unit the contents of the diary can be discussed. That allows the class to do some revision of contents (in group), either using the classroom diary or the individual ones.

|3.3. My songs |

The songs proposed for this unit share the common objectives of working on the meaning of their lyrics and singing them out to practise pronunciation. They differ in the types of supplementary activities that accompany them:

- A translation activity for ‘Everybody Likes Saturday Night’ in Part I.

- Creation of new lyrics for ‘Aiken Drum’ in Part II.

- Identification of words for ‘Kookaburra’ in Part III.

|3.4. Corners |

Corner work promotes learner autonomy because Ss are allowed to choose the activities they like best (or the T assigns) while working at their own pace. At the same time it fosters cooperative learning since some of those activities must be done in pairs or in groups. In this unit some sessions are devoted to do corner work. T will decide which corners will be organized according to the materials and the facilities available in the school: computer corner, craft corner, reading corner, listening corner, board games corner, pending tasks corner (see the Document for English Language in Primary Education).

|3.5. Games |

These are some games to be used as warmers or round-off activities. This time, all the games are popular and the children play them in one or more regions of the world. They have been chosen taking into account their appropriateness for the classroom (i.e. not too long, procedure easy to understand…).

1. “OKOSO” (A spinning game from Nigeria). Source: “Ebele’s Favourite. A book of African games”, by Ifeoma Onyefulu. Frances Lincoln Publisher.

For this game you need at least two players and an old-fashioned spinning top. To win, you have to keep the top spinning longer than anyone else. In the classroom the children can play the game in threes or fours and measure the time by counting numbers (from a given number forwards) or calling out the alphabet.

2. “KPU KPUN KPU OGENE” (Oranges and Lemons). Source: “Ebele’s Favourite. A book of African games”, by Ifeoma Onyefulu. Frances Lincoln Publisher.

For this game, you need an even number of players, lined up in pairs with their hands joined and raised making a “roof”. To win, each pair takes it in turns to try and walk under the roof to the end of the row without touching anyone. While the children are playing, they sing the following rhyme:

|Igbo |English |

|Kpu kpun kpu ogene |Let’s crawl through the passage, |

|Ogene ogene nta |A tiny, tiny passage, |

|Onye na cho ogene |Who is looking for the passage? |

|Ogene ogene nta. |A tiny, tiny passage |


This is a fast-moving hand game from Japan, originally named Jan Ken Pon, meaning paper, sword, fist. The aim of this game for two is for each player to beat the other in a quick show of hands.

Two players sit opposite each other. Both players clench a fist and chant Jan Ken Pon or Scissors, Stone and Paper. On the last word both players display a hand in one of the following three positions:

• A clenched fist represents stone.

• Two fingers represent scissors.

• A flat hand represents paper.

Stone defeats scissors; scissors defeat paper; paper defeats stone.

|3.6. Video |

A video clip with children from different countries singing ‘Everybody Loves Saturday Night’ can be used for revising the song and listening to it in further languages.

|3.7. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) |

Some suggestions to integrate ICT in this unit:

-CD-ROMs. ‘Become a World Explorer’ published by Dorling Kindersley.

-Word Processors or software for presentations can be an alternative to pen and paper in the activities that require writing and displaying pictures.

-World Wide Web. Ss may find information and pictures on the Internet; some interesting websites are mentioned in the “Useful Web Sites” section of this document.

|4. Appendix |

|4.1. Unit Mind Map |

The Unit Mind Map aims to give Ss an overview of what they have been doing.


• Start from the centre of the page and work out.

• Make the centre a clear and strong visual image that depicts the general theme of the map.

• Create sub-centres for sub-themes.

• Use arrows, icons or other visual aids to show links between different elements.

• Remember that anything that stands out on the page will stand out in Ss’ mind.

|4.2. Audio Cover |

|5. Bibliography, resources and useful websites |

|5.1. Material for the Unit |

Recommended materials:

• Celebrations, Oxford Literacy Web, Non-fiction (pack) ISBN 0199157030.

• Kids Around the World: Celebrate. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN: 047134527X.

• Children Just Like Me. Celebration! DK, ISBN: 0751356506 (included in the materials for P1, Unit 2).

• The Picture Atlas of the World, Dorling Kindersley, ISBN 075135774X.


• Oxford Literacy Web, Non-fiction. Teacher’s Guide 2 ISBN 0199172838.

• Kid’s Multicultural Cookbook. Williamson Books. ISBN: 0913589918.

• The Usborne Internet Linked Children’s World Cookbook ISBN: 0746042183.

• Some books published by Frances Lincoln (), especially from the following series: ‘From Dawn to Dusk’ (for instance, Bongani’s Day. ISBN: 0711219346); ‘Alphabets’ (for example, A is for Africa. ISBN: 0711210292); or some others about children’s favourites (e.g. Ebele’s Favourite, A Book of African Games. ISBN: 0711214719) or based on numbers such as Emeka´s Gift (African Counting Story) ISBN 0-7112-1255-4) (15 € each +-).

• Become a World Explorer CD-ROM (included in the materials for P4, Unit 3)

|5.2. Useful Internet Sites |



• Webpage managed by the CIA with info files about all the countries in the world.


• Plenty of information about Nigeria and Africa in general. Easy to use.


• Information on festivals and recipes.


• Brief and clear information about all OAS member states.


• GeographyIQ is an online world atlas packed with geographic, economic, political, historical and cultural information. In addition, GeographyIQ brings together a number of other resources including maps, flags, currency conversion as well as climate and time zone information.


• Info about nations, cities of the world, human rights. There also some quizzes.


• Encarta on line, dictionary, maps.


• Country information from around the world. Flags, anthems, history, …

• Countries where English is spoken.


• World flags and other country facts database.


• This page gives access to different websites with world recipes, flags, general information about countries…


• Well organised file of websites for easy access. It contains updated links to the recommended sites from the Internet-linked series of books published by Usborne, among them “Peoples of the World”.



• Ways of saying hello in 30 languages.


• Simple translator engine from several languages into English and vice versa.


• Glossaries of basic words, numbers and vocabulary related to shopping and dining, travel, directions, places, times and dates. Words in some languages can also be heard.



• Holidays calendar where you can learn how kids celebrate their country's holidays and festivals. The entries might contain recipes for holiday foods, historical background, significance of the holidays and the special ways in which these days are observed.



• Children’s songs and rhymes from all over the world.



• Multicultural stories written and illustrated by school children in Hawaii.


• A short story that can be read in different languages.


• This page translates any number stated in figures into its written form (American system).


• Quiz on China.



• An interactive multiple choice game with short texts and wh- questions related to them.




Country posters




Country posters


Festivals Around the World

Info Search


My Songs

‘Everybody Likes Saturday Night’







Our Recipe



Food Pyramid


Language Awareness

Hands On

Let’s Cook


’Aiken Drum’


World Cuisine



Shadow Theatre Performance

‘Strong Magic’

Shadow Theatre Rehearsal

‘Strong Magic’

Work display & presentation

International Fair


‘Strong Magic’









Track 1. Part I. Song: Everybody Loves Saturday Night

Track 2 Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 1

Track 3 Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 2

Track 4 Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 3

Track 5Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 4

Track 6Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 5

Track 7 Part I. Ap-3A: Carnival 6

Track 8 Part I. Ap-3B: New Year 1

Track 9 Part I. Ap-3B: New Year 2

Track 10 Part I. Ap-3B: New Year 3

Track 11. Part I. Ap-3B: New Year 4

Track 12 Part I. Ap-3B. New Year 5

Track 13 Part I. Ap-3B: New Year 6

Track 14 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 1

Track 15 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 2

Track 16 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 3

Track 17 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 4

Track 18 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 5

Track 19 Part I. Ap-3C: Harvest 6

Track 20 Part I. Ap-3D: May Day 1

Track 21 Part I. Ap-3D: May Day 2

Track 22 Part I. Ap-3D: May Day 3

Track 23 Part I. Ap-3D: May Day 4

Track 24 Part I. Ap-3D: May Day. 5

Track 25 Part I. Ap-3E: Eid Ul-Fitr. 1

Track 26 Part I. Ap-3E. Eid Ul-Fitr. 2

Track 27 Part I. Ap-3E: Eid Ul-Fitr. 3

Track 28 Part I. Ap-3E. Eid Ul-Fitr. 4

Track 29 Part I. Ap-3E.: Eid Ul-Fitr. 5

Track 30 Part I. Ap-3E.: Eid Ul-Fitr. 6

Track 31 Part I. Lang. Aw. Pron.: Festivals and Countries.

Track 32 Part I. Lang. Aw. Pron.: Numbers.

Track 33 Part II. Song: “Aiken Drum”.

Track 34 PII. Ac. 12. World Cuisine.

Track 35 Part II. Ac. 14. Recipes 1

Track 36 Part II. Ac. 14. Recipes 2

Track 37 Part II. Ac. 14. Recipes 3

Track 38 Part II. Ac. 14. Recipes 4

Track 39 Part II. Lang. Aw. Food.

Track 40 Part II. Lang. Aw. Measurements.

Track 41 Part II. Lang. Aw. Actions.

Track 42 Part III. Song: “Kookaburra”.

Track 43 Part III. Shadow Theatre Script: “Strong Magic”.

Track 44[?]

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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