September 9, 2014

5:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Present members were: Mayor Eddie Maggard, Alderman Keith Jones, Alderman Burrely Loftin, Alderman Billy Long, Alderman David Norman, Attorney Larry Tyrrell, City Clerk Suzanne Welsh, Director of Development Janice Lorrain, Administrative Director Peggy Porter, Police Chief Reggie Johnson, Building Inspector Kurtis McGee, Patrol Officer Tim Stewart.

GUESTS: An attendance register was provided for guests to sign.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The September 9, 2014 meeting of the City of Ava Board of Aldermen was called to order by Mayor Eddie Maggard.

II. Roll call of Aldermen: read by City Clerk. Those aldermen present were: Burrely Loftin, Keith Jones, David Norman, & Billy Long.

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of August 26, 2014 Board of Aldermen meeting were sent to Aldermen for review prior to the meeting. Motion to approve minutes was made by Billy Long and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All in favor.

IV. APPROVAL OR AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA: Motion was made to approve the agenda by Keith Jones and seconded by Billy Long. Motion carried. All were in favor.



A. Unfinished business: None

B. Reports of special boards, committees & city officers

Administrative Director Peggy Porter told the council DNR had submitted a letter requesting payment for the unused portion of the grant money that was required to be paid back if not used by September 3, 2014. The money was paid back to DNR on September 8, 2014.

Director of Development Janice Lorrain explained that the City of Ava received a technical assistance grant for help in writing a Safe Routes To School grant. The application has been written, reviewed and is due on November 14, 2014. One of the requirements is to hire an engineer for a cost estimate to figure in the budget part of the application. Janice gave the aldermen a list of approved engineers to choose from and stressed that she would like to complete the grant but they need to choose one from the list. Alderman David Norman questioned the location that was used in the grant application. He felt like there were other locations that might be in a greater demand for a cross walk and sidewalks. She said other locations could be selected and on October 8th the Ava School District had planned a walking school bus day. The information from that day might be helpful in selecting an area.

Janice presented the council a Smoke Testing report. The report gave a list of residents and locations where caps need to be replaced on private property and it is the responsibility of the resident. The city will be sending letters to the residents asking them to comply with cap replacement.

The City of Ava will be asking for ADA compliance bids for 1500 square foot of concrete to be distributed around the square on sidewalks that need repair.

Police Chief Reggie Johnson placed bids for a new police vehicle. There was only one business that responded. Friendly Ford in Springfield, MO priced a 2015 Ford Explorer at $26,198.00 new or a demo was available with 3,000 miles for $24,198.00. Reggie asked to have the inside equipment installed for an additional $3,000.00 A motion was made to accept the demo priced at $24,198.00 and $3,000.00 installation by Billy Long and seconded by David Norman. Motion carried. All were in favor.

Street/Sanitation Supervisor Marvin Stephens had submitted bids for a 50 hp tractor with a 5 or 6 ft sickle mower. Two bid were received. The first was from S & H farm supply with a price of $15,590.00 for a New Holland tractor. A 6 ft. sickle mower was priced at $3,554.12 but the 3 pt. mower sickle mower was not what they were looking for. The second bid was from Larson Farm & Lawn for a John Deere 5065E tractor priced at $18,526.80. The 6 ft. hydraulic sickle bar with an extended warranty was priced at $16,964.00 and the total bill was $35,490.80. A motion to accept the bid from Larson Farm & Lawn was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Keith Jones. The decision was based on getting the right equipment verses cost. Motion passed. All were in favor.

Marvin also addressed the council about a paving project need at Sundown Ridge. The road is chip and seal and is in poor condition due to a high volume of traffic. The street department has worked on repairs to the road three times this year. To finish the road properly, it needs to be chiped and sealed again. He asked if we could start the process of repairing the road; bids will need to be submitted. The estimated total cost of repair will be around $17,000.00. Motion was made to start the process by David Norman seconded by Billy Long. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

VII. ALDERMEN'S COMMENTS: Pool repairs were brought up by Alderman Burrely Loftin. In the spring, it had been mentioned that repairs were needed and the decision was to wait until fall to start the process. Burrely had looked at the pool and felt there were some things that the city could work on, such as, fixing the drainage ditch which had been filled in with concrete causing water back up. It requires removing the concrete fill and putting grates back. The floor in the bathrooms and entry way needed repainted, some ladders were loose and needed tightened along with protective rubber caps to keep from roughing up the concrete. The concrete pad on the deck of the pool has chipped places that might be repaired by an epoxy method. Code enforcer Kurtis McKee stated that weathering will cause either quick crete or epoxy to chip. He felt the solution would be to cut the concrete the full depth and replace more of the section that was damaged. Director of Development Janice Lorrain mentioned that for repairs inside the pool, the membrane lining did not hold up like the manufactures suggest. Alderman David Norman asked Janice if we could return a phone call to the engineer and get a quote on repairs for sand blasting, refinishing and repainting the inside of the pool.

VIII. COURT DOCKET APPROVAL FOR AUGUST 15, 2014 a motion was made by Alderman Billy Long and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor.

IX. TOWN & COUNTRY BANK BUILDING: There were decisions that needed to be made so city employees would know what they needed to do and what needed to be on a bid list. Building official Kurtis McGee addressed the council about asbestos tile removal and had a quote from Sunbelt Environmental services on the cost. The quote was removal and disposal of approximately 1,700 sq. ft. of ACM floor tile and mastic for a total of $4,845.00. A motion was made to approve the company to remove the tile by David Norman and seconded by Billy Long. Motion carried. All were in favor.

Discussion was made on getting quotes for carpet flooring in offices and City Utilities

area and tile flooring in the lobby. A quote for carpet in the lobby was also needed so that

the aldermen could have a choice on what they wanted to put down in that area. A wall was

to be removed in the office next to the council room to make more space for the council

chamber. Aldermen Long was not present when the other aldermen went over to look at the

building so he requested a copy of the layout and felt like the council could meet in the lobby. Advice given from Larry Sutton, city manager Houston, MO, was to have a room specifically set apart for council meetings. Alderman Long stated that all the wiring and utility rack could be removed since the council wanted to bid out for the phone system. Alderman David Norman said that it would be nice to see all of the city phone numbers listed in the phone directory and since the city is on an internet phone system, Century Link does not have them listed. Billy Long mentioned that if the city decided to go with a digital phone system, have all city phone numbers be land lines from Century link but still have the voice override internet phone system. If the digital system goes down then the lines can be ported over to Century link and the phone numbers could also be listed in the white pages of the Century link phone book.

The list of things that needed to be bid on are: phone system, remodeling the teller area

to make three office spaces with lower counter tops on employee side and higher counter top

for the customer, ADA compliant bathrooms, flooring (carpet & tile), and ceiling tile.

X. MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION was made by Billy Long and seconded by Burrely Loftin. Motion carried. All were in favor.


Motion to adjourn meeting made by Bill Long and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor.

Minutes submitted by:

Suzanne Welsh, City Clerk _________________

______________ Approved by Board of Aldermen

______________ Amended or corrected by Board of Aldermen


Mayor Eddie Maggard


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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