

Boys Town Helps Parents Make Memories with their Children over Christmas Break

OMAHA, Neb. - Boys Town releases advice for parents about taking advantage of Christmas break to reconnect with their children while creating lasting memories. The national child care organization, started over 90 years ago, offers quick and easy suggestions to help you and your kids enhance your unique family connection this holiday season.

• Holiday Goodie Vouchers: Build your child's sense of accomplishment by giving him or her age-appropriate chores, activities or learning tasks. For each task accomplished, place one goodie voucher under your child's pillow at night. Make sure the reward costs no money but is priceless all the same--such as the promise of time and attention from loved ones.

• Memory Mosaics: Create a gallery of memories from the past year on your child's bedroom wall or in the family room or kitchen where everyone can see. Help your child choose photos or create drawings to illustrate your best family moments from the past year. Make sure to take several pictures of your Memory Mosaic to share with loved ones who can’t be with you during the holidays..

• Love Notes: Throughout the holiday season, hide a few notes (stickers, cards) of praise in places where your child will find them. When you get together for meals over the break, share your love notes with each other.

• Family Tree: Help your child learn about your family history and who he or she is by making family tree ornaments that can be used as decorations during the holidays.

• Cook Together: Ask your kids to name their favorite family holiday foods. Set aside special time throughout the break to prepare those foods together. Then, invite family and friends to enjoy your family recipes with you and your kids.

“Remember, no matter how old (or young!) your child is, , spending extra time together and offering extra praise can help you all enjoy a happier, calmer, more loving and memorable holiday season,” says Laura Buddenberg, parent trainer at Boys Town.

You can find more information at .

About Boys Town

Nationally, Boys Town has been a beacon of hope for America’s children and families through its life-changing youth care and health care programs for more than 90 years. In 2011, Boys Town’s Integrated Continuum of youth care and health care programs impacted more than 500,000 children and families across America. This includes those who received services from Boys Town’s residential programs as well as those served by the many varied programs that comprise the Boys Town Integrated Continuum of Child and Family Services, including In-Home Family Services, health care services provided by Boys Town National Research Hospital and the Boys Town National Hotline.


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Lauren Laferla




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