Quick Reference Guide for reproducible (consumables ...


Quick Reference for handouts & tip sheets in your fit for learning Resource Guide *

|Section |Title |Agency |Teacher Use |Class |School-Wide |Parents | Students |

| | | | |Posting |Promotion | | |

|General |Monthly Themes List |SCCOE |X |X |X |X |X |

| |Guidelines Before Exercising |YMCA |X |X |X |X |X |

| |Youth Nutrition Curriculum |U.C. Cooperative Ext |X | | | | |

| |Nutrition Educ Resources |Dairy Council |X | | | | |

| |10 Ways Teachers Help Create Healthy Class |Project LEAN |X | | | | |

| |10 Ways Parents Help Create… (Eng/Sp) |Project LEAN | | | |X | |

| |Educational Theatre Programs |Kaiser Permanente | | |X | | |

| |Case Files of a Healthy Class: Amazing Food Detective |KP |X | | | |X |

| |Case Files Family Profile |KP | | | |X | |

| |Amazing Food Detective “Get on the Case” |KP | | | | |X |

|Sept. |Fruit Recipes |KP | | | |X |X |

| |Tips to Motivate Kids to Eat Fruits & Veggies |Dole | | | |X | |

| |Fruits & Veggies by Color |5-a-Day | |X | |X |X |

| |Balance Day w/Food and Play (Eng/Sp) |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Enter the Fun Zone & Power Your Moves Worksheets |USDA | | | | |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|October |School Walkability Checklist (Eng/Sp) |CA Walk to School | | | | |X |

| |Why Do People Exercise? |American Heart Assn | | | | |X |

| |Helping Kids Eat Healthier |KP | | | |X | |

| |The Kids on the Block Puppet Presentations |Parents Helping Parents |X | |X | | |

| |A Trip for Lunch – Power Tales |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Enjoy Moving – Physically Active Pyramid |USDA | |X |X |X |X |

| |Kids’ Activity Pyramid |Penn State | | | | |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|Nov. |Healthy Snack Ideas |KP | | | |X | |

| |Muscle-Building Exercises & Chart |KP | | | | |X |

| |My Pyramid Chart for Kids |USDA | |X |X |X |X |

| |Tips for Families: Eat Right & Exercise |USDA | | | |X | |

| |My Pyramid Worksheet |Team Nutrition USDA | | | | |X |

| |Use My Pyramid to Make Healthy Choices (Eng/Sp) |Dairy Council | | | |X | |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|Dec. |Preparing Healthier Meals & Helpful Choice Hints |KP | | | |X | |

| |Healthy Snack Recipes |KP | | | |X |X |

| |Pack Your Snacks & Power Up Worksheets |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Rustle Up Good Grub & Change is Good Worksheets |USDA | | | | |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|Jan. |Reading Food Labels for Fun & What is a Serving Size |KP | | | | |X |

| |Healthy Goal Setting – For Kids; & - For Parents |KP | | | |X |X |

| |Traffic Light Foods List & Worksheet |KP | | | | |X |

| |Tips for Eating Healthier |KP | | | |X | |

| |At Home Scavenger Hunt (About Food Labels) |KP | | | | |X |

| |Grab Quick & Easy Snacks Worksheet (Eng/Sp) |USDA | | | | |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|Feb. |Positive Body Image |KP | | | |X |X |

| |Tips for Getting Off the Couch |KP | | | |X | |

| |What is the Heart? & Fit for Fun Heart |American Heart Assn | | | | |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|March |Hidden Calcium Search |KP | | | | |X |

| |Ideas for Calcium-Rich Meals/Snacks |NICHD/NIH | | | |X | |

| |What’s in Foods? |American Heart Assn | | | | |X |

| |Slurp Skips Breakfast Worksheet |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Be An Allstar Worksheet |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Power Up With Breakfast Worksheet (Eng/Sp) |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Parents Get Straight A’s w/Breakfast (Eng/Sp) |Dairy Council | | | |X | |

| |Parents Be Partner in Healthy Bones (Eng/Sp) |Dairy Council | | | |X | |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|April |Eating Habits & Activities Instead of Eating |KP | | | | |X |

| |Activity – Eating Habits Worksheet |KP | | | | |X |

| |Break Free of TV – Year Round Ideas |KP | | | |X | |

| |Create an Ad Worksheet |SCCOE | | | | |X |

| |Break Free of TV Pledge Cards (Eng/Sp) |KP | | | | |X |

| |Get Active, Be Healthy – Activity Plans |KP |X | | |X | |

| |Get Active, Be Healthy Worksheets (Eng/Sp) |KP | | | | |X |

| |Snack Comparison Chart (Cheetos too!) Eng/Sp/Viet |Project LEAN | | | |X |X |

| |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

|May |3 to 5 PE-Standards- & Assets-Based Games |YMCA | | |X | |X |

| |How Much Sugar in my Soda? |KP | | | | |X |

| |Put Your Beverage to the Test |Dairy Council | | | |X |X |

| |Beverage Evidence Chart |KP | | | | |X |

| |Power Panther’s Transformation Worksheet |USDA | | | | |X |

| |Positive Steps to Healthier Solutions |KP | | | |X | |

| |Steps to Success & Smart Goal Setting (5th-6th only) |KP | | | | |X |

| |Certificate of Accomplishment: fit for learning |SCCOE | | | | |X |

| | | | | | | | |

*Remember to display the monthly poster in your classrooms. Also display the monthly calendar of activities.

To send the calendars home, go to to download black & white copies for easy reproduction.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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