Quick Quiz 2 - kelly's math stuff

Quick Quiz 2

Use the frequency table to the right to answer questions 1-6

1. The modal class is:

a. 0-9

b. 40-49

c. 20-29

d. Can’t be determined

2. The class mark (midpoint) of the 3rd interval is:

a. 18

b. 20

c. 24.5

d. 29

3. The class boundaries of the 2nd class are:

a. 9.5, 18.5

b. 10.5, 19.5

c. 10.5, 18.5

d. 9.5, 19.5

4. The class width for the frequency table is:

a. 9

b. 10

c. 40

d. 49

5. The relative frequency for the 4th class is:

a. 0.10

b. 0.20

c. 0.50

d. Can’t be determined

6. The shape of this distribution is:

a. bell

b. uniform

c. skewed left

d. skewed right

Use the list at the right to answer questions 7-13

7. The mean for this data is:

a. 27.5

b. 28.2

c. 28.5

d. 31

8. The median for this data is:

a. 27.5

b. 28.2

c. 28.5

d. 31

9. The mode for this data is:

a. 27.5

b. 28.2

c. 28.5

d. 31

10. The midrange for this data is:

a. 27.5

b. 28.2

c. 28.5

d. 31


1. c 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. a


Interval f

0-9 5

10-19 11

20-29 18

30-39 10

40-49 6

23, 29, 31, 31, 28, 26, 32, 27, 24, 31


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