Quick Quips

[Pages:2]Sept./Oct. 2015 Edition

Inside This Issue

Retaliation Defined

Just what exactly is retaliation? And how does it pertain to you at the work place?

Retaliation is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as:

To do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly.

To get revenge against someone.

Synonyms for retaliation according to are:

Redress, requite, revenge, retribution, reprisal and punish.

Everyone should be aware of what retaliation is so you recognize it if it happens to you. Here are a few examples of retaliation:

If someone gets in trouble over something and you've been called in as a witness, that person cannot come up to you and say anything nasty about what you've done, or call you names or treat you any differently because you were a witness.

If you call the union office to clarify something in the collective agreement that you've discussed with your manager, he/ she cannot hold that against you in any way or again, treat you any differently.

If you go to a supervisor or manager and report something that

you saw happen, you cannot be retaliated against.

Often you will hear it mentioned that the Company does not tolerate any retaliation. The Company and the Union take retaliation very seriously. If anyone treats you differently or wrongly for coming forward, let either the Union or Management know as soon as possible. If it is a manager who is treating you differently or wrongly, for example ? for calling the office looking for information or reporting something, you need to call the Union Office as soon as possible.

By Myrna Pollock

Get a life!!

Get a life, I really mean it! Do you ever feel like working at the Co-op doesn't allow you to have one? Have you wanted to sign up for a morning yoga class or maybe you want a date night with your partner and thought work gets in the way? Whatever the activity may be it IS an option. In our Collective Agreement, Article 9.10 on page 41 states "A and B employees may restrict themselves for one (1) day or evening shift." This can only occur on any day from Monday to Thursday. So, have a life and just make sure it is between Monday thru Thursday.

A "day shift" is any shift that begins before 12:00noon or ends by

Retaliation Defined

Get a Life

Not Liking your New Job?

Seeking Shop Stewards

Dear Rosie

Quick Quips

6:30pm. An "evening shift" is any shift which ends after 6: 30pm. For all the details please refer to your Collective Agreement handbook or ask your union steward. Now that you know about this, pick up a new hobby, commit to a TV show, or enroll in a class, it doesn't matter, just enhance your life!

By Marta Bronkowski

Happy Thanksgiving from your U.C.C.E. Executive

Not Liking your New Job?

Did you know that there is an option for employees who move into a new classification/job and find that they are not suited to it or just plain hate it? They are able to revert to their old job after working 4 weeks and before completing 7 weeks. That reversion will include class, rate of pay, guaranteed hours and, where possible, centre/location. Check out Article 11, clause 11.8 for additional information.

By Heather Snider

Seeking Shop Stewards

Are you......... friendly, enthusiastic, fair, a good listener, approachable, conscientious, trustworthy and courageous?

Can you......... organize, educate, communicate, lead and keep a confidence?

If you have the qualities above, you might want to think about being a Shop Steward.

We are looking for more Shop Stewards at the centres. If you think it is something you might be interested in doing or you have some questions about the responsibilities or how much time it takes don't hesitate to call.

Newsletter Committee:

Heather Snider, Chair

Committee Members:

David Pilz Myrna Pollock Marta Bronkowski Tyler Dwyer

We need your input. Please send your news, announcements, letters, questions , happy thoughts, concerns or complaints to the Newsletter Committee C/O the U.C.C.E. Office through the Interoffice mail


Fax -- (403)299-6710



Please contact: Myrna Pollock, Chief Shop Steward at 403299-6700 by October 10th, 2015.

Dear Rosie

Dear Rosie, If I work 8 days in a row, which would normally be overtime pay, but the 8th day lands on a stat holiday, do I get overtime on the overtime? Mo Money

Dear Mo, It would be really nice if that was the case, however, you would only get overtime pay and stat pay. Sorry to disappoint. Sincerely, Rosie

Any questions you may have for Rosie send to her at: rosie@

Quick Quips

When you are asked to work a shift of 12 or more consecutive hours in a day you will be given a $10.00 meal allowance.

We Cannot say it enough times, when you sign off on something in your work record, make sure you put the date next to your initials.

Leaves are granted in the following order: Vacation, lieu time and then RTO's. If you really need a specific time period off, probably better for you to take it as a vacation day(s) rather than an RTO.

Do you need a Collective Agreement Book? Check with your customer service department. If they don't have any, call us and we will send one out to you.

#420--35th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 2K7 Phone (403) 299-6700

Toll free 1-855-299-6700 Fax (403) 299-6710

reception@ us on

Special General Meeting

Nov. 10, 2015 7:00 p.m. at the

Union Office

420--35th Ave. N.E.

See you there.


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