EWI Chapter Connect

Letter from the President

Dear EWI of Oklahoma City,

On Friday, March 29 our Chapter had the opportunity to be a co-sponsor of Rose State College’s Women’s Leadership Conference. The theme was “Becoming a Woman of Influence.” We had representation from Rachel Kanady, Executive for NFP and Shannon Brown, Executive for The Sheraton Downtown Hotel who each led workshops for women focused on success.

Rachel’s presentation was “Becoming a Woman of Influence at Work” and some best practices she imparted on her group included: Learn the game, develop soft skills, never stop learning, display tolerance, maintain balance and invest in others. Rachel displayed her commitment to investing in others by bringing a colleague of hers to the conference. They were side-by-side learning and being inspired together throughout the day.

[pic] [pic] (Rachel left, Shannon right)

Shannon’s presentation was “Becoming a Woman of Influence in the Community.” She recommended three ways to accomplish this: Make the decision to be better than you were before, find your why and then go and tell your story. When Shannon shared her story with her group it was obvious she lived (and continues living!) these three ‘rules,’ while also attributing reading, an accountability partner and continuous learning to her success.

We are honored to have influential leaders like Rachel and Shannon as members of EWI.

Christine Laird

Oklahoma City Chapter President

Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce

April Firm Feature: Chapel Hill Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens

In 1946, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens was established in a small office surrounded by wheat fields. Some 50 years later, Chapel Hill Funeral Home filled the former Shook Memorial United Methodist Church. Over the next two decades, the land around Chapel Hill saw tremendous growth.

At Chapel Hill Funeral Home, the attentive funeral directors will work to create a custom-tailored tribute for each individual. Whether home cooking was the spice of life or hot-rodding kept the garage lights on late into the night, we will help you highlight the best moments and create a fitting celebration for your loved one. Here at Chapel Hill Funeral Home we serve all faiths and offer cremation services and memorials at any venue. We are honored to have a Public Servants Program to take care of our Police Officers, Clergy and Fire Fighters as well as a Homeless Veterans Program. We have licensed funeral directors with over 40 years of combined experience.

One of Chapel Hill’s licensed funeral directors, EWI Representative Tracy Crook, was recently recognized at the 2019 Century Club awards dinner on Saturday, March 30 for outstanding performance in 2018. We are so proud of Tracy and all of her wonderful accomplishments!

Today, Chapel Hill’s 85-acre cemetery and full-service funeral home offer convenience and peace of mind to those who need funeral arrangements in Oklahoma City. As a local funeral and cemetery provider near Mustang, Arcadia and Yukon, we appreciate the opportunity to preserve the individual legacies of those we serve.



News and Notes: Meeting Recaps

On Tuesday, March 12 EWI of Oklahoma City held their February Board Meeting as well as their March Business Meeting. The Business Meeting is one of two that we be held this year, the second being held in September 2019. Below is a summary of business covered during both meetings as recorded by our Board Secretary, Michelle Ferguson.

February Board Meeting

Oral Reports

• Reading Rally Committee Report

Jessica McCool gave an update on the upcoming reading rally stating that it will be held on April 29th at Ross Elementary School for their 4th grade class. She stated that this year’s theme will be “Grow a Love For Reading”. The chapter will continue to try to partner with Papa John’s for the lunch for the kids as well as with local grocery stores & merchants to obtain quotes for reusable bags, non-perishable food items, new books for children’s at-home library and supplies for a gardening project.

A motion was made by Jessica McCool to approve $800 budget for the 2019 Reading Rally. He motion was seconded by Michelle Ferguson. None opposed. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report for the Period of January 1-31, 2019

Motion to approve the ratification of check 1116 and debit card charges dated 1/19/19 for the dates of January 1-31 on the operating account.

Motion made by Christine Laird and Seconded by Jessica McCool. ALL For. Motion Carries

There were not transactions on the BCDP account for the dates of January 1-31, 2019.

Treasurer Report will be filed for audit.

New Business

• Contracting Polston Tax for QuickBooks Assistance: Dana Nursick gave an overview of recent meetings with Polston Tax and how they can be of assistance to our chapter going forward by taking over the QuickBooks portion of the Treasury position.

Christine Laird made a motion to approve Polston Tax to manage our chapter’s QuickBooks at a cost of $150 monthly for two years for a total cost of $3,600.00 to be taken from the Operating Reserve in the Arvest Wealth Management account. Jessica McCool seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried.

• April 60th Birthday Bash/Program Update: Jessica McCool gave an update on the 60th Birthday Bash/Program stating that the she has not heard back from Chip Fudge regarding the use of his venue for the event but has secured two alternate options that will allow us to use the space at no charge and she is currently waiting on their availability. This event is limited to a $1,100.00 budget so she is working hard to stay within this budget.

• Non-Compete language: Kelly Hamilton-Coyer gave an update on the feedback that she’d received regarding removing the non-compete clause. It is the consensus that most are in favor of removing this language in order to promote unity and growth among the chapters.

Christine Laird made a motion to continue to research the affects and process of removing the non-compete clause from the bylaws. The motion was seconded by Michelle Ferguson. All in favor. Motion carried.

March Business Meeting


LCAM: This year’s conference will be held in Milwaukee, WI at the Fiesta Hotel, September 18th through 21st. If you don’t already have your room for the conference you should book quickly as the rooms are filling up fast. The chapter has a $680 surplus in this year’s LCAM budget which can be applied towards registration or travel expense for anyone who would like to attend but struggling with the expense. Please contact Christine if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

Membership voted on Delegates: On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Christine Laird nominates Jessica McCool, Vice President-President Elect as the Delegate and Christine Laird, President as the as the Alternate for LCAM in Milwaukee, WI. Kara Lorenz seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carries.

June Program Meeting: Jessica McCool gave an update on the June Program Meeting stating that the guest speaker would be Linda Clark who is very respected in the HR community. This will be a luncheon held on June 11th at the Tower Theatre and will be open to the community. Volunteers are needed to assist in planning the meeting. Please contact Jessica if you are able to help.

August Wine Tasting: We will hold a Wine Tasting on Aug 23rd hosted by Eskridge Lexus. Organizers are Christine Laird, Kara Lorenz and Tracy Crook. Please contact one of these ladies if you are able to help out with silent auction donations.

Rose State College Women’s Leadership Conference: Conference is scheduled to be held on March 29th at Rose State College and we have agreed to be a co-sponsor for breakfast and lunch. The event is focused on college age and adult students of Rose State with the emphasis on “Becoming a Woman of Influence”. This is a free event however space is limited. Christine will attend and welcomed anyone to join her.

Non-Compete Clause: Kelly Hamilton-Coyer gave an update on the feedback that she’d received regarding removing the non-compete clause from the chapter bylaws. It is the consensus that most EWI chapters are in favor of removing this language in order to promote unity and growth among the chapters. Christine brought this topic to the chapter for their thoughts and feedback as we have struggled for the last several years with membership. She asked for input and feedback from the group. There was both support and opposition towards the idea. All agreed that it could be good for growth however could cause the chapter to lose a few members in the process. No action was taken.

Budget Review: Christine Laird gave an overview of the chapter budget, covering each line item and how we have been trending in each category for the year in both the operating and BCDP accounts. She stated that we have a net income of $865.00 and a BCDP Goal of $32,394.00. Christine stated that since we have elected not to participate in the EWISP scholarship program this year,that we allocate $5,000.00 from the BCDP to pay for the Scholarship Breakfast.

Christine made a motion to fund the scholarship breakfast with the remaining unclaimed $5,000.00 EWISP scholarship money. Starla Hesse seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried.

Board Digest Oklahoma City Chapter: March 2019

The Board of Directors met on March 26, 2019 at the offices of Chapel Hill Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens at 8701 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City OK 73162.

New Business

• LCAM: Christine Laird reported that there is a $680 surplus in the LCAM budget and stated that Dana Nursick has requested to use this surplus to attend 2019 LCAM and apply towards registration.

A motion was made by Christine Laird to award the $680 surplus in the LCAM budget to Dana Nursick of Benchmark Financial to attend the 2019 LCAM. Motion was seconded by Michelle Ferguson. None opposed. Motion carried.

• April Program: 60th Birthday Bash: Jessica McCool gave an update on the April Program, 60th Birthday Bash stating that she has secured a venue and has two catering quotes pending by both Rococo and Abbey Road Catering. She has secured Walker Terrace as the venue for our program who has given us a non-profit rate of $420 for the evening. The program will take place on Tuesday, April 23rd. After discussion among the group, the decision was made to change the time of the event from 5:30-9:30 PM to 4:30-8:30 PM to allow for heavy appetizers as opposed to a full meal. Action items included Christine Laird to contact Uptown Grocery regarding a cake and EWI frosted cookies to be giving out as gifts to the guests; Michelle Ferguson to contact alternate caterers; Kelly Hamilton-Coyer to send an email to the membership requesting pics of past activities & events; and Jessica to reach out to OKC University regarding vocals or music and to Judie Harris regarding past scholarship winners. The decision was made to invite past EWI partners to attend at no charge, with at limit of 2 attendees from each organization.

• June Program Update: Jessica McCool confirmed that the June luncheon will be held at the OU Gene Rainbolt Business School, which is free to nonprofits, from 11:30-1pm on June 11th. This meeting will be a ticketed event for a cost of $25 with guest speaker Linda Clark speaking on “The Power of Networking”. Francis Tuttle to provide one hour HR credit for the event. Christine will post this event to our EWI Facebook page and Kelly Hamilton-Coyer to send the invitation.

• August Wine Tasting Fundraiser: The August Wine Tasting will be held on Aug 23rd from 5-8 PM at Eskridge Lexus and will include a silent auction. Although Byron’s Liquor Warehouse is no longer an EWI member, we have agreed to use them for this event. The cost for this event is $35 per individual and $60 per couple.

Current Membership:

18 Member Firms

25 Executives

19 Representatives

6 Sustaining

The April Board Meeting will be Tuesday, April 30 at 5:30PM. The host is Chapel Hill Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens at 8701 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City OK 73162.


Chartered May 25, 1959

April 2019



2018-2019 Officers & Directors


Christine Laird, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce

Vice President/President-Elect

Jessica McCool, NFP


Michelle Ferguson, Skyline on Bricktown Canal, LLC


Dana Nursick, Benchmark Financial Services, LLC

Membership Co-Directors

Nancy Pennell, First Maintenance Company & Rhonda Scoggin, NFP


Kelly Hamilton-Coyer, OGE Energy Corp. & Tracy Crook, Chapel Hill Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens

[pic] April Birthdays

April 14 – Michelle Ferguson, Representative, Skyline on Bricktown Canal LLC.

April 21 – Kaylee Wilson, Executive, Chapel Hill Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens

April 23 – Sheryl Delancy, Honorary Member

Happiest of birthdays to all!


April 23, 2019 at 4:30PM at Walker Terrace

EWI 60th birthday bash! We’d love to see everyone come out to celebrate 60 years of EWI in Oklahoma City. We’ll have great fun and of course, cake!

April 30, 2019 at 5:30PM at Chapel Hill Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens

April Board Meeting


Oklahoma City Chapter Monthly Newsletter

April 2019


President’s Message & Chapter Officers and Directors p. 1 • Firm Feature p. 2 • News & Notes p. 3 -4• Board/Business Meeting Digest p. 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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