
SPRUCE Up Your WritingSpellingI have circled words that I am not 100% sure of, looked them up, and corrected them in the margin.PunctuationI have ended every sentence with the correct punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point).I have used commas and semicolons correctly.Read aloudI have read my work aloud to make sure I have not left out any words I intended to write.Using the right wordI have checked to see that I used the correct word.There/ their/ they’reYour/ you’reWhich/witchWhose/who’sTo/too/twoWeather/whetherPast/passedExcept/acceptIts/it’sChose/chooseHear/hereThen/thanOur/are/hourThrew/throughWhere/wear/wereQuiet/quit/quiteCapitalizationI have begun each sentence with a capital letter. I have used a capital letter for names of people, places, and proper nouns.Each New ParagraphI have indented each new paragraph when my thoughts changed from one idea to another and when changing speakers in written dialogue. ................

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