Step 2 A Examples

Ways to Assess and Build on Prior Knowledge

• Model the addition of 127 and 48 using concrete or visual representations and record the process symbolically.

• Subtract 48 from 73 by modelling the subtraction using concrete or visual representations and record the process symbolically.

• Create an addition or subtraction story problem for the number sentence:

33 – 18 = ( or 18 + ( = 33.

• Determine the sum of 185 and 25 using a personal strategy and explain how the strategy works.

• Subtract 39 from 278 using a personal strategy and explain how the strategy works.

• Solve the following problems in more than one way using personal strategies and explaining how the strategies work:

– After receiving 16 hockey cards from a friend, Nicholas has a total of 135 hockey cards. How many hockey cards did he have before receiving some from his friend?

– Jimmy has 57 cents and Mary has 85 cents. Mary has how many more cents than Jimmy?

If a student appears to have difficulty with these tasks, consider further individual assessment, such a structured interview, to determine the student's level of skill and understanding (see Sample Structured Interview: Assessing Prior Knowledge and Skills on pages 2 and 3 of this document). 

Sample Structured Interview: Assessing Prior Knowledge and Skills

|Directions |Date: |

| |Not Quite There |Ready to Apply |

|"Add 127 and 48 using the base ten |Has difficulty representing the numbers with the |Represents the numbers with the |

|blocks or drawing diagrams. Write a |blocks or diagrams. |blocks, regroups correctly and |

|number sentence to show what you have |Represents the numbers with the blocks or |records the process symbolically. |

|done." |diagrams but does not regroup to show 1 hundred, | |

| |7 tens and 5 ones. | |

| |Represents the numbers with blocks or diagrams | |

| |and regroups but does not write a number sentence| |

| |to record the process symbolically. | |

|"Subtract 48 from 73 using the base |Has difficulty representing the numbers with the |Represents the numbers with the |

|ten blocks or diagrams. Write a number|blocks or diagrams. |blocks, regroups correctly and |

|sentence to show what you have done." |Represents the numbers with the blocks or |records the process symbolically. |

| |diagrams but does not regroup to show 73 to show | |

| |6 tens and 13 ones. | |

| |Represents the numbers with blocks or diagrams | |

| |and regroups but does not write a number sentence| |

| |to record the process symbolically. | |

|"Create a story problem for the number|Creates a story problem using the numbers |Creates a story problem that is |

|sentence: |provided but the meaning of the story is not |represented by the number sentence.|

|18 + = 33." |represented by the number sentence. |For example: |

| |If the story requires the addition of 18 and 33, |I have 18 cents. My mother gives |

| |understanding of the number sentence is not |me some more money and now I have |

| |there. If the story requires the subtraction of |33 cents. How much money did my |

| |18 from 33 using a 'take away' situation, |mother give to me? |

| |understanding of the number sentence is not | |

| |there, even though the answer in each case is the| |

| |same. | |

|"Solve the following problem in more |Has difficulty representing the numbers with the |Uses a personal strategy to solve |

|than one way, using strategies that |blocks or diagrams. |the problem and explains why this |

|make sense to you and explain how the |Represents the numbers with the blocks or |strategy leads to a correct answer.|

|strategies work: |diagrams but cannot translate the concrete | |

|After Nicholas received 16 hockey |representation into a personal strategy using | |

|cards from a friend, he had a total of|symbols. |Recognizes that the first problem |

|135 hockey cards. How many hockey |Represents the numbers with blocks or diagrams |can be an addition problem by |

|cards did he have before receiving |and records the process symbolically using a |adding on to 16 to get 135 and it |

|some from his friend?" |personal strategy but does not explain how the |can also be a subtraction problem |

|Provide base ten blocks for the |strategy works. |by taking 16 away from 135. |

|student to use, if necessary. |Uses a personal strategy to solve the problem and| |

|"Solve the following problem in more |explains why this strategy leads to a correct |Recognizes that the second problem |

|than one way, using strategies that |answer but is unable to solve the problem a |can be a subtraction problem by |

|make sense to you and explain how the |different way. |subtracting 57 from 85 and it can |

|strategies work: | |also be an addition problem by |

|Jimmy has 57 cents and Mary has 85 | |adding on to 57 to get 85. |

|cents. Mary has how many more cents | | |

|than Jimmy?" | | |


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