University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Chapter 4 Leadership and the Project Manager

1) For the project manager, leadership is:

A) the process by which she influences the project team.

B) the process of assembling a group of individuals.

C) the process of building skills among all team members.

D) the process of maintaining control of the budget.

2) The facet of partnership that describes the requirement that every worker be responsible for defining the project's vision and goals is called:

A) exchange of purpose.

B) a right to say no.

C) joint accountability.

D) absolute honesty.

3) The idea that all members of a project team have the ability to offer a contrary position in order to achieve true partnership between the project manager and the team is called:

A) exchange of purpose.

B) a right to say no.

C) joint accountability.

D) absolute honesty.

4) In a partnership, each member of the project team is responsible for the project's outcomes and the current situation, whether it is positive or shows evidence of project problems. The term that best describes this responsibility is:

A) exchange of purpose.

B) a right to say no.

C) joint accountability.

D) absolute honesty.

5) The authentic atmosphere of straightforwardness that is vital for project manager and team to function in can be described as:

A) exchange of purpose.

B) a right to say no.

C) joint accountability.

D) absolute honesty.

6) Which statement regarding the duties of leaders and managers is best?

A) Leaders embrace the status quo while managers support change.

B) A manager's title is bestowed by the organization.

C) Leaders aim for efficiency.

D) Managers aim for effectiveness.

7) Which statement regarding the duties of leaders and managers is best?

A) Leaders embrace change while managers support the status quo.

B) Management is more about interpersonal relationships than leadership is.

C) Leaders aim for efficiency.

D) Managers aim for effectiveness.

8) Which of these lists of duties is more reflective of managerial tasks?

A) creating vision and strategies

B) problem solving

C) long-term risk taking

D) communication by word and deed

9) Which of these duties is more reflective of a leader's tasks?

A) efficiency of operations

B) delegation and maintaining

C) motivation and inspiration

D) marshalling resources

10) Which of these is more characteristic of a manager?

A) develop new processes

B) originate

C) state their position

D) focus on people

11) Which of these is more characteristic of a leader?

A) strive for control

B) do things right

C) demand respect

D) inspire trust

12) A more apt title for a project manager is:

A) controller.

B) comptroller.

C) project director.

D) project leader.

13) Which of these tasks is NOT presented as a responsibility of a project manager?

A) to control the "soft" people issues.

B) to manage the hard technical details.

C) to holistically manage the entire project.

D) to apply a laissez faire approach and let the work progress unimpeded.

14) Projects are often underfunded in the concept stage because:

A) the project requirements were deliberately understated.

B) there is complete trust in project managers by top management so more resources can be asked for at any time.

C) the project's goals are too clearly defined.

D) the project's top management sponsor is too influential.

15) A project champion is:

A) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted time frame.

B) a sponsor in top management that is keenly interested in the project's success.

C) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted budget.

D) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted time frame and under budget.

16) Project team motivation comes primarily from:

A) the project manager.

B) the project champion.

C) within each team member.

D) the project client's acceptance.

17) The project management pearl of wisdom that declares, "If they know nothing of what you are doing, they assume you are doing nothing," means that:

A) stakeholders must be communicated with on a continual basis throughout the project's development.

B) the duration of most projects is sufficiently long as to contain many days when no actual progress is being made.

C) the more complex a project is, the more likely that the client who will ultimately receive the project has no idea how it is being executed.

D) a project manager that holds lengthy progress meetings with his team will generally complete projects more successfully.

18) Project meetings do not generally serve this purpose for the project team:

A) help all stakeholders increase their commitment to the project.

B) provide a forum for airing grievances with stakeholders and team members.

C) provide visibility for the project manager's role in managing the project.

D) define the project and all the major team players.

19) Task-oriented leadership behavior is characterized by:

A) showing trust in project team members.

B) acting friendly and supportive towards project team members.

C) contributing to the completion of project assignments.

D) recognizing the accomplishments of team members.

20) Which of these behaviors is task-oriented?

A) Every Friday is ice-cream day at the job site; everyone gets a double dip of their favorite flavor.

B) The employee of the month plaque is updated monthly and placed in a prominent position near the checkout stand.

C) The dean reached into his pocket, extracted his money clip and peeled off $3,000, saying, "Why don't you pick out some window treatments for the office? Something nice."

D) When my computer broke, the project manager had it replaced immediately.

21) Group maintenance behavior would be exhibited by a project manager who:

A) provides the necessary support and technical assistance.

B) plans and schedules activities and resources appropriately.

C) contributes to the completion of project assignments.

D) works with subordinates to understand their problems.

22) Based on a study of successful American project managers as perceived by project team members, the most important characteristic of a project manager is:

A) visionary.

B) good communicator.

C) good motivator.

D) leadership by example.

23) Which of these is NOT an element of emotional intelligence?

A) intelligence

B) self-awareness

C) motivation

D) empathy

24) Which of these is the more meaningful measure of leadership effectiveness?

A) subject matter knowledge

B) emotional intelligence

C) technical skill

D) analytical ability

25) The emotional intelligence element that implies having a deep understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses, ego needs, drives, and motives is called:

A) motivation.

B) self-regulation.

C) self-awareness.

D) social skill.

26) Project management is first and foremost:

A) a people management challenge.

B) a customer service challenge.

C) a perception management challenge.

D) a budget management challenge.

27) A project manager should have an ability to generate estimates of what will occur in the future, which is termed:

A) time warping.

B) creating future vision.

C) predicting.

D) chunking time.

28) The project leader duties of project problem solving, team member evaluation, and lessons-learned meetings are best served by the temporal skill of:

A) recapturing the past.

B) chunking time.

C) time warping.

D) creating future vision.

29) Your professor (yes, that person that has been informing and entertaining you for the past few weeks) has tirelessly advocated for a project management class. When the Dean and most of the rest of the faculty said "no," your professor took the case for project management to the streets, ultimately securing it on the schedule this semester. The project management term that best describes your professor's role is:

A) director.

B) advocate.

C) instigator.

D) champion.

30) A champion that is an engineer, scientist, or similar person who is the driving force behind an idea is termed a(n):

A) creative originator.

B) entrepreneur.

C) godfather.

D) sponsor.

31) Tim slapped together his first web page and proudly showed it to all his colleagues, pointing out what he thought were obvious and overwhelming advantages in simplicity and portability. His championing of web pages that he had read about in a trade journal ultimately shamed everyone else into adopting a web-based approach for all communication and cemented his status as a true:

A) creative originator.

B) entrepreneur.

C) godfather.

D) project manager.

32) Michael wants to carry out his mentor's long-range strategic vision of expanding the company's customer base by entering the casino business in Las Vegas. He issues a series of memos that explain the importance of these projects and makes sure that all necessary resources are at the disposal of the project management team, which is fortunate to have such a(n):

A) creative originator at the helm.

B) entrepreneur.

C) godfather.

D) project manager.

33) Which of the following is a traditional duty of a project champion?

A) cheerleader

B) visionary

C) politician

D) technical understanding

34) Which of the following is a non-traditional role of a project champion?

A) cheerleader

B) leadership

C) administrative

D) control

35) A project manager puts on his "nontraditional hat" and smoothly works the room, networking among functional managers and attempting to secure their cooperation with the project. This nontraditional role is best described as that of a(n):

A) ambassador.

B) politician.

C) cheerleader.

D) visionary.

36) There is a significant chance that the project can be executed successfully but if it can't, the project manager and team may be updating their resumes. This champion can best be described as a(n):

A) administrator.

B) ambassador.

C) risk taker.

D) visionary.

37) A(n) ________ maintains a clear sense of purpose and a firm idea of what is involved in creating the project.

A) politician

B) ambassador

C) cheerleader

D) visionary

38) The administrative duty is best described by:

A) managing and controlling the activities of the team.

B) gaining access to the necessary resources to ensure a smooth development process.

C) the ability to provide leadership for the project team.

D) handling the important executive side of the project.

39) The traditional project champion duties of coordination and control are on display when the project champion:

A) manages and runs the activities of the team.

B) handles the important administrative side of the project.

C) maintains a clear sense of purpose and a firm idea of what is involved in creating the project.

D) provides the needed motivation for the team.

40) Which project champion role is least likely to be emphasized in the next project management article you read?

A) leadership

B) ambassador

C) administrative

D) technical

41) Champions bring a great deal of energy and emotional commitment to their project ideas, but:

A) most organizations have an oversupply of this.

B) cannot effectively be the manager of a project.

C) often refuse to give up on a project that has completely failed.

D) must spend an equal amount of time and effort discouraging other projects that compete for the same resources.


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