Nouns - English 9 with Ms. Kenney - Home

NounsDefinition of Noun:Common Nouns:Proper Nouns:Concrete Nouns:Abstract Nouns:Noun Exercises:Circle the nouns in the following sentences. Remember, many of these sentences will contain more than one noun.Each February, there is a major snowstorm.The daisies in the garden are dying.The children on the merry-go-round were laughing.There are no longer any animals in that zoo.Uncle Pete has been studying to become a pilot.After the party, there were dirty plates everywhere.Poverty has always been a problem.Her dream is to visit the Far West.All of the silverware fell out of the drawer.“This is not a good sign,” said Dennis.She decided that she would write to Mark Twain.When we were in Texas, we saw a huge ranch.Do you think our ships will ever reach Mars?The moving van took a detour at Maple Avenue.His favorite language is German.They saw the guards at Buckingham Palace.There must be a way to arouse school spirit here at Emerson High School.In Seville, the people have a festival every year.Finally, we had to ask Donna what to do.The leaves are now turning scarlet in Vermont.PronounsDefinition of Pronoun:An antecedent isExamples of Pronouns and Antecedents:Examples of Pronouns – use this list when completing your assignment, but remember that this list will not be available on your quizzes or tests!Noun Review:Circle the nouns in the following sentences.Ms. Brunskole, where do we turn in our papers in this class?Ms. Comiskey is my favorite new teacher.Mr. Taylor enjoys long walks on the beach.Ms. Hassenzahl has two daughters named Annika and Zoey.Did you know that Mr. Paris graduated from the University of Michigan?Mrs. Botzki is planning several new plays.Pronoun Exercises:Circle the pronoun in the following sentences. Then, underline its antecedent.Lisa, are you going to the party tonight?When Paul drove up, everyone piled into his car.Phyllis said that she would be absent today.During the storm, the house lost its antenna.“I must not forget,” the child said over and over again.With their suitcases packed, the Joneses left forever.Joel, please take all of these gadgets with you.The woman across the street left her trash in the driveway.When he was young, Mozart wrote beautiful music.Why are you going to sleep, Tom?Circle the pronouns in the following sentences. There may be more than one pronoun per sentence.Are these your keys?Is she the girl whom you met at the party?Whom have you asked for information?Tom is a person that everyone likes.Which of the twins was born first?This is the first edition of our school paper.What have you done with your umbrella?Have you found the book that you need?Is that your final decision?She is an artist whose work I admire.Each of the players maintained a strict training schedule.Everyone had some of the cake.Many of the families offered their homes to some of the visitors.Few of the speakers had anything new to add.No one was able to answer all of the questions.Some of the books have been moved from that shelf to another.Most of the neighbors knew something about the legend.Janet suggested that little could be done to help.Neither of the plans was very attractive.We knew most of the guests at the party.AdjectivesDefinition of Adjective:Questions answered by adjectives:Articles:Noun and Pronoun Review:Circle the pronoun in the following sentences. Then, underline its antecedent.Lori bought her tickets yesterday.Andrea, do you want to have Leo’s for lunch?Justin took his cat to the vet.Mike and Beth went to the city where they grew up.Andrea’s dog Daryl ate her television remote.Adjectives Exercises:Underline the adjectives (including articles) in the following sentences.Dad divided the apple pie among the eager guests.The runner was proud of setting a new record.The passengers remained calm in spite of the turbulent weather.The giant spacecraft orbited Earth for ten days.Everything always looks fresher and greener after a rainfall.No one in class had the correct answers to the last question.Cellars of old houses near the river flood during heavy rains.The first speaker raised an interesting point.At the last debate, Collins seemed the stronger candidate.The new students were eager to volunteer.Ms. Wallace is running for town office.David Copperfield is my favorite Dickensian character.We have a birdbath in our rose garden.The juice comes from Florida oranges.The campers had a bottle of insect repellant.VerbsDefinition of Verb:Action Verbs:Linking Verbs:Helping Verbs: Remember Jingle BellsNouns and Pronouns Review:Circle the pronoun in the following sentences. Then, underline its antecedent.Some of the children are afraid.Andrea usually brings her lunch to school.The horse had broken out of its stall.Did Joe bring his camera?Frank asked his father to help build the fire.Adjectives Review:Circle all of the adjectives (including articles) in the following sentences.The best part of high school is the Homecoming dance.The smelly white dog really needed to take a long bath.A great book to read is To Kill a Mockingbird.The tall student’s locker contained many books.My favorite hour of the day is 6th hour.Verb Exercises:Circle the action verb in the following sentences.Hansel and Gretel wandered through the forest.The teacher carefully considered the question.Grandma always gives me a treat.David wrote an excellent essay.The plane glided to a stop.We wanted to surprise Jessica with a birthday party.Our team built the best sand castle.Last night our family talked about our summer vacation.Darin wished for a career in music.We planted marigolds all around the vegetable garden.Circle the linking verb in the following sentences.The fans were eager for a win.The purpose of the experiment was not clear to us.Some of the council members were angry about the tax proposal.Like my mother, I am an ardent music lover.Both candidates were optimistic throughout the day.One of the boxes was completely empty.Reviews in both major papers were unfavorable.Many people are superstitious about the number 13.This colorful poster is suitable for framing.T-shirts are popular dress among young people.The patient looks better today.The lemonade tastes sour.The crowd became angry.The old barn smelled musty.That music sounds too loud.Those leaves turn red in the fall.The prisoner remained alone.My sister became a lawyer.Ali seems nervous about the test.Everyone stayed calm during the fire.Circle the verb phrase in each sentence and underline the helping verb(s).Phil should never have repeated that remark.Ms. Wilkins does not always announce tests.Your sister will be starting college this fall.Will your sister be starting college this fall?What else do you need?They must have left late.Bill may not call tonight.Why is Tracy crying?Where have you put it?I have been studying for two hours. AdverbsDefinition of Adverb:Questions answered by adverbs:Verbs ReviewCircle the verb phrase in each sentence and underline the helping verb(s).Alice has remained a dear friend.Explorers have been faced with many obstacles.They will be staying overnight.Have you and the others met our friends?The bridge had looked quite shaky.Adverbs Exercises:Identify the underlined word as an adverb or an adjective.The lions ate greedily. __________________________Sarah regretted her past mistakes. __________________________My cousin in an only child. __________________________Pam always studies very hard. __________________________Early dinner guests can be quite unnerving. __________________________We have only enough money to get home. __________________________The judge’s decision seemed just. __________________________The Olympic torch went past too quickly. __________________________I never get up early on weekends. __________________________My grandmother has just arrived for a visit. __________________________Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. Some sentences may have more than one adverb.The ice storm completely destroyed several buildings.The emergency crew arrived promptly.New condominiums will be built nearby.Leave the packages here.The aerialist cautiously tiptoed across the rope.The sailor pulled the anchor up.Our neighbors will be moving away.The children laughed hard at the clown’s pranks.Ellen spelled one word incorrectly.Did you return the call immediately?The end of the movie was rather unsatisfying.Alison will almost certainly finish the course.That is an exceptionally good novel.The alarm clock hardly wakes me up.Dad seemed genuinely surprised by the play.The mayor was quite strongly opposed to the new law.The patient seems somewhat stronger today.Hardly any cookies were left over.The student worked very diligently.That building is extraordinarily beautiful.Prepositional PhrasesDefinition of Preposition:Common Prepositions:Prepositional Phrases:Adjective and Adverbs Review:Identify the underlined word as an adverb or an adjective.I awoke early. ______________________________I had an early class. ______________________________I studied hard. ______________________________It was a hard test. ______________________________I spoke to hastily. ______________________________Christine is extremely athletic. ______________________________Many of the guests stayed very late. ______________________________This past year has been a busy one. ______________________________The President openly admitted his mistake. ______________________________James seems like a very friendly person. ______________________________Preposition Exercises:Underline the prepositions (not prepositional phrases!) in the following sentences.Please put this under the counter.The child played outside in the pool.I’d like my pizza with anchovies.The secret service rode ahead of the President.I finished my homework after dinner.We carried the packages into the house.The runners raced up the hill.The senator spoke prior to the press conference.The branch fell onto the woodpile.The child ran from its mother.Underline the prepositional phrases in the following sentences and circle the object(s) of the prepositions. Some sentences may have more than one prepositional phrase.Very little can be seen through the fog.In spite of his low test scores, he was admitted to the program.The children dropped their mittens into the muddy creek.The squirrels chased each other around the park.The huge dog dragged his master along the path.Cars and trucks steamed across the bridge during the rush hour.You will find the beach house next to the pier and in the back of the parking lot.For three years, she traveled the same road.They hiked in the Rocky Mountains for two weeks.Every morning, he passes by on roller skates.Review:Identify ALL parts of speech in the following sentences. Good luck!Noun = NVerb = VAdjective = AdjPronoun = PNPreposition = PrepA strange creature crept out of the murky water after him.The hungry student had run to McDonald’s after a long day.Objects of Verbs Action verbs often require complements called direct objects and indirect objects to complete their mit this to memory: S V I D S: V: I: D:A. Direct Objects: Direct Object Examples:1. Mr. Paris graded the tests.What did Mr. Paris grade? Tests.The students accepted their grades.What did the students accept? Grades.The dog bit the woman.Whom did the dog bite? Woman. B. Indirect Objects:* Verbs that often take indirect objects are bring, give, hand, lend, make, send, show, teach, tell, and write.* If you have an indirect object, you MUST _________________________________.Indirect Object Examples:1. Mr. Taylor gave the students their tests.To whom did Mr. Taylor give the tests? Students.The students made Ms. Comiskey a cake.For whom did the students make a cake? Ms. Comiskey. Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, and Prepositions Review:Using the following sentence, answer the questions below.The teachers have dropped their papers down the stairs.Identify the nouns:Identify the pronoun: _______________________ and its antecedent: _______________________.Identify the verb phrase and circle the helping verb:Identify the prepositional phrase and circle the object of the preposition: Objects of Verbs Exercises:Label the following sentences as SVD or SVID. Remember to cross off Prepositional Phrases first and remember that some sentences may not have an indirect object.Umbrellas have a long history.John won the contest for his family.They restored the downstairs of the mansion.You forgot the hammer and nails at the store.Mike bought a new jacket, shirt, and trousers.The fire destroyed the main house and the barn.The waiter overlooked us.No one with an umbrella could attend the games.Who invited Joan?The father of the bride walked his daughter down the aisle.He told his parents the news about college.Greg ordered us seconds.The receptionist gave the messenger an envelope.The sitter read Paul two stories at bedtime.I lent Amanda my pink sweater.Ms. Hall showed us slides of Venice.Who sent you these flowers?Sandy hasn’t written me a letter for weeks.Mom left the painters a note on the counter.Mr. Poirot teaches his students French.ConjunctionsDefinition of Conjunction:Coordinating Conjunctions:Correlative Conjunctions:Subordinating Conjunctions: Conjunctive Adverbs:Objects of Verbs Review:Label the following sentences as SVD or SVID. Remember to cross off Prepositional Phrases first and remember that some sentences may not have an indirect object.Ms. Comiskey gave Ms. Brunskole a beautiful new purse for her birthday.Mr. Taylor ran a mile around the school.Conjunctions Exercises:Underline the conjunction(s) in each sentence. Mr. Kellogg phoned while you were out.Alison knew the answer, yet she did not volunteer.The swimmer was exhausted by proud.We need both cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad.I waited in the car while Ted got his bathing suit.Katie is a better swimmer than I am.Neither Pete nor Carol solved the last problem correctly.We will leave as soon as the car is loaded.Dad leaves an hour early so that he can avoid traffic.Put the packages down wherever there is room for them.Underline each conjunctive adverb in the sentences below.Ellen’s new bike was a bargain; besides, she needed one.I overslept this morning; therefore, I was late for school.It is not unusual for Phil to be late; indeed, he is seldom on time.Louise had never eaten snails; nevertheless, she was willing to try.We were caught in traffic; consequently, we missed the overture.InterjectionsDefinition of Interjection:Interjection Exercises:Add interjections in the sentence below that match the feeling or emotion given in parentheses.__________________________ I just bit my tongue. (pain)__________________________ The stain will not come out. (regret)__________________________ What a terrific car that is! (delight)__________________________ I’m trapped in here! (fear)__________________________ What a workout that was! (exhaustion)Parts of Speech Test Review – Practice SentencesLabel each of the words in the following sentences with the correct part of speech.Noun = NPreposition = PrepConjunction = ConjPronoun = PNAdjective = AdjInterjection = IntVerb = VAdverb = AdvTommy and Suzie are going to the party after the game.Wow! Can you believe she received a car for her birthday?The book belongs to Tim, but Amy has it in her locker because she is reading it.Jack is helping Jill climb up to the top of the hill, so she can get a pail of water.Darn, I really wanted that sweater, but my size was gone.The cat had a scratch on its face from a fight with the dog.Teachers watched the students solve the extremely tough problems and smiled at their success.Go up the street, turn left at the corner, and stop at the small green house at the end of the road.I wished for a good grade, and my wish was granted.The boy was afraid, but the girl was brave and went into the really scary house. ................

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