YYYour Sour Sour Safety IQ Quiz

Student Handout #1

Your Safety IQ Quiz

Work together in your group to answer these questions. Guessing is OK. You won't be graded on your answers. Pick one person in your group to report your answers to the class later.

Check the correct answer.

1. The law says your employer must give you training about health and safety hazards on

your job.



Don't know

2. The law sets limits on how late you may work on a school night if you are under 16.



Don't know

3. If you are 16 years old, you are allowed to drive a car on public streets as part of your job.



Don't know

4. If you're injured on the job, your employer must pay for your medical care.



Don't know

5. How many teens get seriously injured on the job in the U.S.?

One per day

One per hour One every 10 minutes

Don't know

Student Handout #2

Find the Hazards: Fast Food

Student Handout #3

Find the Hazards: Grocery Store

Student Handout #4

Find the Hazards: Office

Student Handout #5

Find the Hazards: Gas Station


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