Unit 3 – Quiz

Unit 3 – Quiz

I. Written Quiz

A. On Mp3 dialogue download: Listen to Kim and Alex talk about their health habits. Mark (x) the correct answers.

1. Alex goes to the gym ______. 3. Kim likes to eat __________________.

__ everyday __ meat

__twice a day __ vegetables

__ three or four times a week __ dessert

2. Alex eats a lot of _________. 4. Kim doesn’t have time_____________.

__ snacks __ to cook

__ junk food __ to exercise

__ salads __ to see her family

B. Complete the conversation with simple present or the present continuous..

1. A: _______________________ you ever________________________ (get) colds?

B: Yeah, I do. Actually I think I _______________________________ (get) a cold right now

A: ___________ you usually ___________ (take) something when you __________(have) a cold?

B: No, not usually

2. A: What ___________you generally _______________ (do) to stay in shape?

B: Well, for one thing, I ________________________ (walk) to work everyday.

A: Uh-huh. ________________ you ever _______________ (go) to the gym?

B: Not these days. I ___________________________ (not work out) at all. I’m too busy

3. A: What _________________you ____________________ (do) these days to stay healthy?

B: Actually, I ___________________(get) a lot of exercise these days.

A: That’s great. __________________ you usually __________________(eat) healthy food too?

B: Oh, yeah. My diet’s great because my husband _____________________ (cook) wonderful meals.

C. Write answers to the questions. Use the words in parentheses ().

Example: A: What do you do if you’re very tired?

B: When I’m very tired, I take a hot bath. (take a hot bath)

1. A: What do you do when you get a sore throat?

B: ___________________________________________________. (drink tea with honey)

2. A: What do you do if you have a high fever?

B: ___________________________________________________. (take some medicine)

3. A: What do you do when you get a headache?

B: ___________________________________________________. (not do anything)

4. A: What do you do if you get an upset stomach?

B: ___________________________________________________. (lie down for a while)

D. Read each statement. Mark (x) the best response to encourage the people to continue talking..

1.A: I don’t like the exercise. 3. Kim likes to eat __________________.

B: __________________ __ meat

__ Oh, really? How come? __ vegetables

__ Yeah, exercising is borking __ dessert

__ I don’t either

2. A: I have a terrible toothache. 4. A: I work out about twelve hours a week.

B: ___________________ B: ___________________________

__ I’m sorry __ Everyone is working out these days.

__ Yeah. I had a toothache last month __ Oh. That’s a lot.

__ That’s too bad. Do you have a dentist’s __ You’re kidding! Do you go to the gym?


II. Oral Quiz

Answer questions as if you are having a conversation with a partner.

1. Do you exercise a lot?

2. Do you ever get headaches?

3. How do you cope with stress?

4. What do you do when you’re tired?

5. Are you eating a lot of junk food these days?

6. Do you ever get a stomachache?

7. How much sleep do you get?

8. If you’re sick, do you usually stay at home?

9. Are you working a lot these days?

10. What kind of sports do you do?

Unit 1 Quiz - Answers


1. three or four times a week

2. snacks

3. dessert

4. to exercise


1. Do, get

2. ’m getting

3. Do, take

4. have

5. do, do

6. walk

7. Do, go

8. ‘m not working out

9. are, doing

10. ‘m getting

11. Do, eat

12. cooks


1. If / When I get a sore throat, I drink tea with honey

2. If / When I have a high fever, I take some medicine.

3. If / When I get a headache, I don’t do anything.

4. If / When I get an upset stomach, I lie down for a while.


1. Oh, really? How come?

2. That’s too bad. Do you have a dentist’s appointment?

3. Really, Like what?

4. You’re kidding! Do you go to a gym?

II Oral Quiz Sample Responses

1. Not very much. I need to exercise more.

2. Yes, but not very often. Maybe once a month

3. Well, sometimes I try to go away for the weekend.

4. I drink some coffee or I go for a walk.

5. No, I don’t usually eat junk food?

6. Sometimes I get a stomachache after I eat too much.

7. I usually sleep about six hours a night.

8. Sometimes. If it’s just a cold, I usually go to work/school.

9. Yes, I am. We’re very busy at my office right now.

10. I don’t really have much time, but sometimes I walk or jog.


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