Animal Farm Pre-Reading Questions - SchoolNotes

Animal Farm Pre-Reading Questions

(from )

Directions: Please answer each question in detailed sentences. Save your answers in this Word document, and email your document to me at cmccoid@ or print your document and be ready to hand in on Monday, October 3. THIS IS A QUIZ GRADE!

Make sure you have your Animal Farm book in class on Monday, October 3.

1. Life in the USA would be perfect if everyone were totally equal. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why? Be specific.

2. Life in the USA would be perfect if _____________________. Why?

(Fill in the blank.)

3. You are designing a new society. What are the laws?

4. What problems can you foresee that might arise in a society with enforced “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?

5. Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature assure that some people would eventually dominate others? Why do you think so?

6. What freedoms do we take for granted in the USA?

7. What freedoms would you be willing to give up to improve society as a whole?

8. What makes a good leader?

9. What makes a poor leader?

10. What makes a successful nation/society?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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