Hazard Communication Quiz - USDA

North Atlantic Area Products and Services

H a za r d Com m unica t ion Quiz

First Nam e: Student/ Staff I D ( em ail) :

Last Nam e: Su p e r v iso r :

1 W hich of the follow ing w ill be found on a Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS) ? Spill and Leak Procedures Health Hazard I nform ation Special Prot ect ion I nform at ion All of t he Above

2 The yellow portion of an NFPA diam ond w ill represent: Health Hazard Flam m abilit y Hazard

I nstability Hazard Special Hazard I nform ation

3 A chem ical's physical hazards m ay include: Fire Explosion React ivit y

4 To identify a chem ical's hazards, one should: Sm ell

MSDS Cont ainer label

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North Atlantic Area Products and Services

Tast e

5 I t is best to keep all chem ical containers closed w hen not in use. True False

6 A "4 " located in the red portion of an NFPA Diam ond label indicates that a product: I s deadly I s extrem ely flam m able May det onat e I s corrosive

7 Food, drinks, and cigarettes don't belong in a w ork area that contains chem icals: True False

8 Any unattended container w ith a potentially hazardous substance m ust have an identifying label of som e sort. True False

9 Do you know w here the MSDSs for your departm ent are kept? Yes No

1 0 Every chem ical requires t he sam e prot ect ive m easures. Tr u e


1 1 Som e chem icals m ay have a dangerous reaction w ith: Air Ot her Chem icals

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North Atlantic Area Products and Services


1 2 W hich of the follow ing is NOT one of your rights concerning m aterial safety data sheets? They m ust be available t o you t he ent ire t im e you are in t he workplace. I f you request to see one for a product you use, and your em ployer can't provide it, you m ay refuse to work with that product after one working day ( until it is shown to you) . I f you request your own copy of an MSDS, your em ployer has 15 days, by law, to provide that copy. Your em ployer m ust individually cover ALL t he MSDSs for subst ances you use in an annual training session.

1 3 You have the right to have your ow n copy of USDA w ritten hazard com m unications program . True False

1 4 I f you have a question about a chem ical or product, you m ay consult: I t s MSDS Your supervisor EHS

All of t he above

N OTE! When finished, print out a copy, sign and date it, and return it to your Safety Officer.


Last Modified: 04/ 04/ 2007

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