NAME: ________________________

DATE: ________________________




Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of ADJECTIVE CLAUSES.

1. I know a great little restaurant

¡­ we can get lunch.

9. The movie ¡­ we saw last week won

three awards.

a) that

b) who

c) where

a) who

b) when

c) which

2. Sam knows a man ¡­ brother

works for the president.

10. Do you know the reason ¡­ there

are no penguins at the North Pole?

a) who

b) whose

c) whom

a) where

b) why

c) whose

3. Students ¡­ study hard get good


11. The people ¡­ names are on the

list will stay here.

a) when

b) whom

c) who

a) whose

b) where

c) that

4. Food ¡­ is imported from other

countries is expensive.

12. He had a feeling ¡­ something

terrible was going to happen.

a) that

b) where

c) why

a) why

b) who

c) that

5. The bad weather is the reason ¡­

I was late for class yesterday.

13. I want to borrow the book ¡­ you

bought last month.

a) whom

b) when

c) why

a) whom

b) that

c) when

6. The cookies ¡­ you baked are really


14. My home is a place ¡­ I can come

home and relax after work.

a) why

b) which

c) when

a) where

b) when

c) whom

7. My grandfather remembers the time

¡­ there was no television.

15. Most of the people ¡­ she met

were from Sydney.

a) when

b) where

c) that

a) whom

b) when

c) whose

8. I visited my uncle ¡­ lives in a

different city.

16. Can you find the teacher ¡­ you

talked to this morning?

a) who

b) which

c) when

15 ¨C 16 = Excellent

a) whose

b) whom

c) when

13 ¨C 14 = Good

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12 or Less = Study More!


ALL Things Grammar

Grammar Focus adjective clauses (with relative pronouns and adverbs)

Level Intermediate


1. C

9. C

2. B

10. B

3. C

11. A

4. A

12. C

5. C

13. B

6. B

14. A

7. A

15. A

8. A

16. B

My Notes

Grades as


16 / 16 = 100%

15 / 16 = 94

14 / 16 = 88

13 / 16 = 81

12 / 16 = 75

11 / 16 = 69

10 / 18 = 63

9 / 16 = 56

8 / 16 = 50

7 / 16 = 44

6 / 16 = 38

5 / 16 = 31

4 / 16 = 25

3 / 16 = 19

2 / 16 = 13

1 / 16 =


0 / 16 =


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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