Bell’s Nautical Trust

Bell’s Nautical Trust

Application Form

Name of Organisation …………………………………………..

Official Address …………………………………………..



Name of Authorised Contact …………………………………………..

Address for Correspondence …………………………………………..



Telephone Number(s) …………………………………………..

Email Address …………………………………………..

Date of Application …………………………………………..

Please send us:

A copy of Constitution governing the organisation making the application YES / NO

Copies of the latest Accounts and Annual Report YES / NO

A copy of the programme of activities indicating the numbers of persons involved YES / NO

Can you tell us:

Sponsorship of the organisation 1) Scottish Education Department YES / NO

2) Local Education Authority YES / NO

3) Other sponsorship YES / NO

NB If either the SED or the LEA is the sponsoring body, please indicate whether the relevant authority has agreed to this application.

Does the organisation have charitable status YES / NO

On a separate sheet, your reasons for making an application to the Bell’s Nautical Trust, including your requirements, your reason for making a request, its application to maritime education/training and the estimated cost.

Please return your completed application form to Mr C. Thomson, Secretary, Bell’s Nautical Trust, 15 Hamilton Road, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4NA.

Email: secretary@

1 Bell’s Nautical Trust

Guidance Notes for Applicants

Persons applying to the Trust for assistance must clearly bear in mind the terms of reference by which the Trustees will consider their case:

“The Trust funds shall be used to provide or promote or otherwise to benefit maritime education in Leith or elsewhere in Scotland.”

The Trustees are aware that education in maritime pursuits may contain an element of recreation and they will not regard this as a disqualification, but they will not consider proposals dealing solely with recreation.

Applications to the Trust could usefully contain the following statements:

A brief background of the organisation/persons making the application together with the names of referees and a copy of the Report and Accounts.

The way in which the application is intended to promote maritime education.

A detailed list of requirements including quotations for the supply of equipment and services as appropriate.

A explanation of how any assets provided by the Trust would be properly housed and safeguarded.

An undertaking to report back to the Trustees on the progress of their project and in particular its success in promoting maritime education.

It is the intention of the Trustees to give grants where financial hardship/difficulty is experienced but not to bodies whose finances are wholly met from public monies, except in exceptional circumstances.

Applications for financial assistance require to comply with the intentions of the Trust and any decision made by the Trustees is final.

Applicants who are afforded a grant will be required to undertake to report to the Trustees on the progress of their project and its success in promoting maritime education; also the method of safekeeping of any equipment.

The Trustees generally determine awards at their January meeting and all applications should be received by the Secretary at the end of November in the preceding year.

Further information or clarification may be obtained from The Secretary of the Trust.


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