Famous Person 1st Person Speech Rubric

Famous Person 1st Person Speech Rubric

Student Name: ________________________________________________________

Famous Person: ___________________________________________________________________________

| Element of Speech |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |


|Has an interesting attention-getting opening that made the audience want to listen | | | | |

|States clearly who they are and that they are going to share their life story with the audience | | | | |

|BODY | | | | |

|Follows a clear organizational outline pattern | | | | |

|Childhood | | | | |

|Family/Love life | | | | |

|Obstacles and Successes | | | | |

|Historical events that influenced him/her | | | | |

|Positive contributions to the world | | | | |

|Other significant/interesting facts | | | | |

|Speaking style/information | | | | |

|Quote from or about Speaker | | | | |

|Gives true and interesting facts about their person, sharing the right amount of information to inform | | | | |

|the audience | | | | |

|CONCLUSION | | | | |

|Give an indication of when the speech will end | | | | |

|Ends with a memorable quote from/about the person | | | | |


|Consistently employs eye contact and posture, not reading the speech | | | | |

|Consistently speaks with appropriate volume, tone, and articulation | | | | |

|Effective vocal pauses, not rushing through the speech | | | | |

|Effective, natural gestures and body language that are similar to the actual person’s gestures; all | | | | |

|gestures are appropriate | | | | |

|Very few interrupters (um, like, you know, etc.); consistently uses standard grammar; avoids expletives| | | | |

|Speaks in first person, as if the presenter were the famous person, consistently through the speech | | | | |

|Effective use of PowerPoint, following all of the guidelines for establishing the PowerPoint, with | | | | |

|relevant, appropriate pictures | | | | |

|Costuming and/or a prop is used to help the audience picture what the famous person looked like | | | | |

|The presentation is a fair depiction of the person, not making fun of them or being inappropriate in | | | | |

|any way about the person or material presented | | | | |

|Time limit for speech (4-5 minutes) is adhered to: | | | | |

Total Grade: ________________

Self-Evaluation of Speech

1. What do you think you did well in this speech? Be specific.

2. If you had to pick one thing to improve for your next speech, what would it be? Why?

3. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the best you can possibly think of for a speech, where would you rate yourself? Why would you pick that number?


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