Pechenik Citation Style QuickGuide

Pechenik Citation Style QuickGuide

The following are examples based on the 6th edition (2007) of A Short Guide to Writing about Biology by Jan A. Pechenik. For further explanation and for more examples, consult Pechenik's guide (pp. 7282) located in the Reference section of the Augustana Library at: REF QH 304 P365 2007.

Journal names are usually abbreviated. See for title abbreviations. If you need further assistance determining the abbreviation for a journal title, please ask one of the Reference Librarians.


Journal article 1 author

(Use for print and PDF documents) (See p. 80)

Literature Cited

Citations in Text

Wykoff, W.R. 2002. Measuring and modeling surface area of ponderosa pine needles. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 1-8.

(Wykoff, 2002)

Journal article 2 authors Paginated by issue

(Use for print and PDF documents) (See p. 80)

Bassett, T.J., Zueli, K.B. 2000. Environmental discourses and the Ivorian Savanna. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 90 (1): 67-95.

(Bassett and Zueli, 2000)

Journal article 3 or more authors

(Use for print and PDF documents) (See p. 80)

Journal article

(Use this format only if article is an HTML document retrieved from a Library database) (See p. 80)

Magazine article

(Use for print and PDF documents) (See p. 80)

Field, I.C., Bradshaw, C.J.A., Burton, H.R. Sumner, M.D., Hindell, M.A. 2005. Resource partitioning through oceanic segregation of foraging juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina). Oecologia 142: 127-133.

Moser, S. C., Dilling, L. Making climate hot. Environment 2004; 46(10): 32- . In: Academic Search Premier [database on the Internet]. Camrose (AB): Augustana Faculty Library; [cited 2005 Jan 6]. Available from

Cochran, W.W., Mouritsen, H., Wikelski, M. 2004 Apr 16. Migrating songbirds recalibrate their magnetic compass daily from twilight cues. Science 304: 405408.

(Field et al., 2005) (Moser and Dilling, 2004) (Cochran et al., 2004)

Book 1 author

(See p. 80)

Wagner, F.H. 1980. Wildlife of the Deserts. H.N. Abrams, NY, 231 pp.

(Wagner, 1980)

Book Specified edition 3 or more authors

(See p. 80)

Chapter or article in an Edited Book 2 authors

(See p. 80)

Reference book entry

(See p. 80)

Roberts, C., Varty, B., Lucas, V. 2004. Writing for the Biological Sciences, 10th ed. Addison-Wesley, Toronto, ON, pp. 73-76.

(Roberts et al., 2004)

Evans, S. and Smith, J. 2000. Ecotourism in tropical rainforests: an environmental management option for threatened resources? In: Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management (Font, X., Tribe, J., eds.). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 127-142.

Moore, D. 2002. Fungal control of pests. In: Encyclopedia of Pest Management (Pimental, D., ed.). Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 320-324.

(Evans, 2000) (Moore, 2002)


Article in an Internet only journal

(See p. 82)

Literature Cited

Sarkar, T., Zhao, W., Sarkar, N.H. 1995. Expression of jun oncogene in rodent and human breast tumors. J Biology [internet] 1995 [cited 2004 Dec 22]; 1(1): [about 8 screens]. Available from w3jbio/vol1/sarkar/sarkar.html

Citations in Text (Sarkar et al., 1995)

Web site No author No date

(See p. 82)

[NCBI] National Center for Biotechnology Information. Bovine genome resources. [Internet]. [date unknown; cited 2004 Dec 22]. Available from


Report available on research institution or government Web site

(See p. 81)

[WHO] World Health Organization. The world health report: changing history. [Internet]; 2004 [cited 2005 Jan 4]. 170 p. Available from 2004/en/report04_en.pdf

(WHO, 2004)

Laboratory report or handout

(See p. 81)

Smart, I.M. 2005. Ecological sampling techniques: speciesarea relationships and species diversity. BIO 251 Laboratory Handout. Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta, Camrose, AB.

(Smart, 2005)

Sample Literature Cited list

Literature Cited

Bassett, T.J., Zueli, K.B. 2000. Environmental discourses and the Ivorian Savanna. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 90 (1): 67-95.

Cochran, W.W., Mouritsen, H., Wikelski, M. 2004 Apr 16. Migrating songbirds recalibrate their magnetic compass daily from twilight cues. Science 304: 405-408.

Evans, S and Smith, J. 2000. Ecotourism in tropical rainforests: an environmental management option for threatened resources? In: Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management (Font, X., Tribe, J., eds.). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 127-142.

Field, I.C., Bradshaw, C.J.A., Burton, H.R. Sumner, M.D., Hindell, M.A. 2005. Resource partitioning through oceanic segregation of foraging juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina). Oecologia 142: 127-133.

Moore, D. 2002. Fungal control of pests. In: Encyclopedia of Pest Management (Pimental, D., ed.). Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 320-324.

Moser, S. C., Dilling, L. Making climate hot. Environment 2004; 46(10): 32- . In: Academic Search Premier [database on the Internet]. Camrose (AB): Augustana Faculty Library; [cited 2005 Jan 6]. Available from

[NCBI] National Center for Biotechnology Information. Bovine genome resources. [Internet]. [date unknown; cited 2004 Dec 22]. Available from

Roberts, C., Varty, B., Lucas, V. 2004. Writing for the Biological Sciences, 10th ed. Addison-Wesley, Toronto, ON, pp. 73-76.

Copyright ? 2007, Augustana Faculty Library, University of Alberta C:\DOCUME~1\pneff\LOCALS~1\Temp\XPgrpwise\pechenik_qg_november2007.doc

Sarkar, T., Zhao, W., Sarkar, N.H. 1995. Expression of jun oncogene in rodent and human breast tumors. J Biology [internet] 1995 [cited 2004 Dec 22]; 1(1): [about 8 screens]. Available from w3jbio/vol1/sarkar/sarkar.html

Smart, I.M. 2005. Ecological sampling techniques: species-area relationships and species diversity. BIO 251 Laboratory Handout. Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta, Camrose, AB.

Wagner, F.H. 1980. Wildlife of the Deserts. H.N. Abrams, NY, 231 pp. [WHO] World Health Organization. The world health report: changing history. [Internet]; 2004 [cited

2005 Jan 4]. 170 p. Available from 2004/en/report04_en.pdf Wykoff, W.R. 2002. Measuring and modeling surface area of ponderosa pine needles.

Can. J. For. Res. 32: 1-8.

Prepared by the Reference Librarians at the Augustana Library. Please forward any comments or suggestions regarding this Pechenik guide to:

Last update: November 26, 2007

Copyright ? 2007, Augustana Faculty Library, University of Alberta C:\DOCUME~1\pneff\LOCALS~1\Temp\XPgrpwise\pechenik_qg_november2007.doc


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