Lord of the Flies – vocabulary list

[Pages:3]Name_________________ Composition

Lord of the Flies ? vocabulary list

Date____________ Mr. Corbo

On a separate sheet of paper, please define and write a sentence for the following words. Page numbers have been given so you can read how the word is used in its particular context. Also, give the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.). Please type or print legibly.

Chapter 1 1. creepers (7) 2. proffer (9) 3. efflorescence (12) 4. specious (12) 5. effulgence (14) 6. swathing (14) 7. conch (15) 8. enmity (14) 9. strident (17) 10. matins (20) 11. precentor (20) 12. furtive (22) 13. pallidly (22) 14. suffusion (23) 15. togs (23) 16. pliant (26) 17. immured (27) 18. bastion (29) 19. hiatus (31)

Chapter 2 1. gesticulated (34) 2. induced (35) 3. exasperation (36) 4. conspiratorial (37) 5. errant (38) 6. ebullience (38) 7. clambering (38) 8. swathes (38) 9. officious (40) 10. assented (42) 11. recrimination (43)

Chapter 3 1. festoon (44) 2. gaudy (49) 3. vicissitudes (49) 4. declivities (54) 5. tacit (55) 6. inscrutably (56) 7. susurration (57)

Chapter 4 1. mirage (58) 2. opalescence (58) 3. belligerence (60) 4. impalpable (61) 5. incursion (61) 6. detritus (61) 7. disinclination (65) 8. gyration (72)

Chapter 5 1. apex (77) 2. vivid (85) 3. derisive (86) 4. tacitly (86) 5. effigy (87) 6. sough (88) 7. tempestuously (91) 8. discursive (92) 9. incantation (94)

Name_________________ Composition

Chapter 6 1. interminable (99) 2. tremulously (99) 3. emphatic (101) 4. embroiled (102) 5. incredulity (103) 6. diffidently (103) 7. constrainedly (103) 8. impenetrable (104) 9. stupendous (105) 10. plinth (106) 11. guano (106) 12. clamor (108) 13. mutinously (108)

Chapter 7 1. coverts (109) 2. scurfy (110) 3. brine (110) 4. obtuseness (111) 5. swathed (111) 6. moors (112) 7. brandishing (114) 8. gully (116) 9. ruefully (115) 10. crestfallen (117) 11. sagely (118) 12. antagonism (118) 13. impervious (118)

Chapter 8 1. prefect (126) 2. rebuke (128) 3. sanctity (130) 4. laden (132) 5. palled (136) 6. paunched (136) 7. skewered (137) 8. illusive (138) 9. gorged (138) 10. runnels (138) 11. vexed (139) 12. fluent (142) 13. parody (143)

Date____________ Mr. Corbo

Chapter 9 1. interspersed (146) 2. cuffing (146) 3. corpulent (146) 4. buffet (146) 5. loaming (147) 6. extract (147) 7. garlanded (149) 8. derision (149) 9. succulent (149) 10. sauntered (150) 11. cascading (152) 12. sulphurous (152) 13. unendurable (152) 14. phosphorescence (153) 15. furrowing (153)

Chapter 10 1. befouled (156) 2. loathing (157) 3. somberly (159) 4. torrid (159) 5. crags (159) 6. interrogative (161) 7. theological (161) 8. dredged (162) 9. oblong (164) 10. tendrils (165) 11. exulting (168)

Chapter 11 1. myopia (169) 2. multitudinous (173) 3. propitiatingly (173) 4. unquenchable (173) 5. accord (174) 6. pinnacles (174) 7. truculently (177) 8. cessation (178) 9. parried (179) 10. talisman (180)

Name_________________ Composition

Chapter 12

1. acrid (186) 2. eclipsed (186) 3. inimical (187) 4. essayed (187) 5. antiphonal (188) 6. ululation (189) 7. fronds (183)

Date____________ Mr. Corbo

8. ensconce (191) 9. cordon (191) 10. trundle (193) 11. elephantine (194) 12. crepitation (194) 13. excruciatingly (196) 14. epaulettes (200) 15. cutter (200) 16. distended (201)


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