QUOTE OF THE DAY: "A tree is known by its fruit; a person by his or her deeds.? A good deed is never lost; those who sow courtesy reap friendship, and those who plant kindness gather love."??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - AnonymousCharacter Trait of the Week: Day 1CourteousKindness ChainReview the quote above with the class.Synopsis – This week's character trait is courteous.? Being courteous means to show polite and respectful behavior towards other people in social situations.? Courteous behavior is also commonly considered kind behavior.? As you watch today's video clip called "Kindness Chain," think about how being kind and courteous towards others can make a positive difference for people in our Avondale community and beyond. Discussion Questions: Choose one or use all 5… maybe give students the choice of responding to one of the four…What are some simple ways you can be courteous toward others? Peers? Parents? Are there different things you could do depending on the person?2) Do you think that acts of kindness or courtesy like those shown in the video can really lead to a chain reaction of good deeds? Why?3)? How do you feel when you are on the receiving end of a common courtesy? Why? How do you feel when you give a common courtesy?4)? Share a courteous act you've extended towards another person or an act of courtesy you've witnessed in real life with the class.5)? Describe one way you plan to demonstrate courteous behavior at Avondale today. How does being courteous relate to AMS core values (respect, responsible, always do your best)? Courteous/Kindness chain challengeEach Advisory teacher has a token in their mailbox. As the classroom teacher you will choose one student in the room to give the token to start the chain. Please pick someone you know will follow through with the activity.Explain to the students: We are going to start our own Kindness chain. Each advisory class has been assigned a token. -The goal is to have the token move as fast as possible by being courteous or giving a kind act to someone in the building. -Each student will initial (use small letters, please) the token as they receive it. -Once they receive the Token the new student needs to complete a kind/ courteous act and pass the token to the new person. -At the end of the day the student will give the token to their sixth hour teacher. -Tomorrow we will see how far our token made a difference in the school and how many courteous acts happened in one day school wide.Please be sure to collect the tokens in your room at the end of the day and return to Meridith Cervenak’s mailbox.Kindness Chain - Courtesy questionsWhat are some simple ways you can be courteous toward others? Peers? Parents? Are there different things depending on the person?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) Do you think that acts of kindness or courtesy like those shown in the video can really lead to a chain reaction of good deeds? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3)? How do you feel when you are on the receiving end of a common courtesy? Why? How do you feel when you give a common courtesy?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4)? Share a courteous act you've extended towards another person or an act of courtesy you've witnessed in real life with the class._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5)? Describe one way you plan to demonstrate courteous behavior at Avondale today._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) How does being courteous relate to AMS core values (respect, responsible, always do your best)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Character Trait of the Week: Day 2QUOTE OF THE DAY: “It is my goal to love everyone. I hate no one. Regardless of their race, religion, their proclivities, the desire of their heart and how they want to live their life and the decisions that they make. I can even respect people's decisions and lifestyle choices just as I hope they have the courtesy to respect my decisions and my choices.”Kirk Cameron (Share this with the class)Review results of the Kindness Chain Challenge with class (check your email). Discussion- Another part of being courteous ties into respect. We should respect others regardless of gender, race, religion, or beliefs, etc. No matter if they’re female or male, we should all be courteous and not hate on them. How many of you can think of an example where people were courteous to you? (Listen to student responses, have them raise their hands or discuss with a partner) When people weren’t? As much as we’d all like to believe that everyone has the same amount of respect for all people, it isn’t true. Have any of you been disrespected because you were a teenager or a certain reason pertaining to appearance?Activity- Have students write ‘happy’ on a piece of scrap paper. Have them, then, crumple up the paper into a ball and then try and flatten it back to it’s normal state. Explain that this is what happens with others’ feelings when you aren’t courteous to them, they don’t feel the same happiness and feel degraded and worse. In the movie, the Sandlot 2, two baseball teams are pitted against each other because of their opposing genders and differences within each team. Watch the following clip and answer the questions.Video- the link into the next bar. Play the video and afterwards discuss some of the following questions:What is happening in this video and what are some reasons the girls and kid who struck out, Mac, are being rejected/treated unfairly?What are some daily examples that are similar to this that you can see?Is this common? If so why do you think that is?Should people be treated this way because of appearance or gender? (excluded, looked down upon, etc.)Why is The Sandlot 2 a bad example of being courteous?*Have kids fill out the attached question sheet as a class or in small groups and turn it into you, then give it to Zoe Williams, Dana Vulaj, or Mr. Thornbro. There are no wrong answers.Questions1. ?What is being courteous????????Use one word to describe today’s lesson.?How does The Sandlot 2 relate to real life?Does it matter what you look like in society today? If so, then why?How does the lesson on courtesy relate to The Sandlot 2 video?6. How does courtesy relate back to AMS core values (respect, responsible, always do your best)? ................

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