Slim is not like all of the other workers on the ranch in ...

Slim is not like all of the other workers on the ranch in Of Mice and Men; he seems to represent the ideal of leadership in society.

Even though Slim is not the boss, or even the boss’s son, there is a quality about him that makes people stop and listen.

The ranch hands agree that “Slim’s a jerk-line skinner. Hell of a nice fella. Slim don’t need to wear no high-heeled boots on a grain team” (28).

Because the ranch hands respect Slim, they listen more seriously to his opinions, making him a leader in the bunkhouse and out in the fields.

Additionally, Slim is the kind of person who commands attention without asking for it.

Steinbeck describes him as moving “with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen…[whose] authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject” (33).

Slim gains the respect of the ranch hands without demanding it because of a natural quality that he possesses and therefore the rest of the men listen to his opinion as the final word on a subject even without his demanding that they do so.

Finally, Slim has talent and skill that the other ranch hands look up to.

For example, he is “capable of driving ten, sixteen, even twenty mules in a single line to the leaders” and “capable of killing a fly…with a bullwhip without touching the mule” (33).

As a result of his incredible skill, Slim is even more admired by the other ranch hands who then want to emulate his skill.

In conclusion, Slim is the king of the ranch: he is respected by the other worker on the ranch because of the qualities that set him apart from the rest.

Of Mice and Men Formal Literary Paragraph Practice

Label the following elements in this paragraph:

a) Topic Sentence (TS)

b) Point #1, #2, #3

c) Proof #1, #2, #3

d) Explanation #1, #2, #3

e) Concluding sentence (CS)

f) Transition words (circle)

Slim is not like all of the other workers on the ranch in Of Mice and Men; he seems to represent the ideal of leadership in society. Even though Slim is not the boss, or even the boss’s son, there is a quality about him that makes people stop and listen. The ranch hands agree that “Slim’s a jerk-line skinner. Hell of a nice fella. Slim don’t need to wear no high-heeled boots on a grain team” (28). Because the ranch hands respect Slim, they listen more seriously to his opinions, making him a leader in the bunkhouse and out in the fields. Additionally, Slim is the kind of person who commands attention without asking for it. Steinbeck describes him as moving “with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen…[whose] authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject” (33). Slim gains the respect of the ranch hands without demanding it because of a natural quality that he possesses and therefore the rest of the men listen to his opinion as the final word on a subject even without his demanding that they do so. Finally, Slim has talent and skill that the other ranch hands look up to. For example, he is “capable of driving ten, sixteen, even twenty mules in a single line to the leaders” and “capable of killing a fly…with a bullwhip without touching the mule” (33). As a result of his incredible skill, Slim is even more admired by the other ranch hands who then want to emulate his skill. In conclusion, Slim is the king of the ranch: he is respected by the other worker on the ranch because of the qualities that set him apart from the rest.


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