“Says” and “Does” for “What’s Love Got to Do With It

“Says” and “Does” for “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” by William Raspberry

1) D Introduces issue

S There are no longer any rules about “courtship.”

2) D Provides emphasis

S Traditional courtship no longer exists.

3) D Establishes credibility and provides background

S The college instructor author has just read a new study about college sex.

4) D Provides definition

S “Hooking up” used to mean meeting someone to go somewhere.

5) D Introduces new definition

S “Hooking up” now means sex with no strings attached.

6) D Quotes study to illustrate new definition

S Almost all survey respondents define “hooking up” the new way.

7) D Cites expert’s interpretation

S Several factors lead to the new attitude towards no-strings sex.

8) D Presents data and expert commentary

S Young women’s expectations for the future are unrealistic.

9) D Provides a transition

S Author promises to translate survey results for readers.

10) D States author’s thesis

S College women’s attitude toward sex is crazy; however, no one seems willing to offer them guidance.

11) D Interprets data and introduces author’s assumptions

S College women have lost rather than gained from sexual equality because they no longer control men by withholding sex until after marriage.

12) D Further interprets data

S Women no longer can count on old rules where sexual involvement leads to commitment.

13) D Provides further interpretation

S Now that men don’t do the asking for dates, women don’t know how they’re supposed to behave.

14) D Provides background information

S The survey was limited to representative women at a limited number of colleges.

15) D Defends position

S The author agrees with the survey’s findings that co-ed dorms play a significant role in the new sexual politics.

16) D Quotes expert testimony

S The survey’s creator is surprised at the influence of co-ed college housing on the new sexual climate.

17) D Quotes research

S Co-ed dorms affect male female relationships by providing easy access for both casual sex and for couples who are overly dependant on one another.

18) D Summarizes another point from research

S Alcohol plays a significant role in casual college sex.

19) D Sets up final point

S While offering more freedom, the “no rules” sexual climate may have

unintended consequences.

20) D Concludes argument

S The adult establishment has relinquished its responsibilities to young people.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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