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Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 1 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Jonas discusses an incident that frightens him at the beginning of the chapter. Explain the incident and why it caused him such fear.

2. The citizens in Jonas’s community use bicycles instead of vehicles like cars or SUVs. What might be some of the reasons this utopia decided to use bikes instead of cars? Discuss some of the benefits of using bikes instead of cars.

3. In this chapter we are introduced to the community’s concept of release or being released. From what you have read so far, what might it mean to be released? Find a quote or quotes from the chapter that support your definition of release.

4. Jonas appears apprehensive about the Ceremony of Twelve. Make a prediction about what may occur during the Ceremony of Twelve based on his feelings of apprehension in the chapter. Find a quote in the chapter that supports your answer.

5. What aspects of Jonas’s community seem unusual to you? Discuss his family, rules, advanced vocabulary, and other aspects of the community that seem different from your own.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 2 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Why is the month of December such an exciting and eventful time for the young adults and children of the community?

2. What is the private conversation Jonas’s parents have with him in Chapter 2? Make and inference and discuss why you think they chose to have this conversation in private.

3. Identify the items in the chart. Use a direct quote from the novel to help support your definitions.

|Term/Item from Jonas’s Community |Definition/Discuss how it illustrate maturity. |Quote for Support |

| | | |

|Ceremony of One | | |

| | | |

|Naming | | |

| | | |

|Bicycles | | |

| | | |

|Ceremony of Nine | | |

| | | |

|Comfort Object | | |

| | | |

|Chief Elder | | |

| | | |

4. Explain the importance of the Ceremony of Twelve. Discuss the idea of an Assignment. How does a young adult “receive” their assignment? Do you agree with this concept? Why?

5. Although rules are very important in the community, Jonas’s father decided to break one of the rules. What rule does Jonas’s father break? What does this tell us about his father’s personality?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 3 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. What do we learn about eye color in the community? What does this reveal about the society’s view on differences? Find a quote in the chapter that supports your opinion on the statement.

2. Throughout the community there are no mirrors. Infer why the community does not have a need for mirrors.

3. When Lily says that she hopes her assignment will be Birthmother, her mother informs her that “There’s very little honor in that Assignment.” What is a Birthmother and why does this community view it as shameful or not respected?

4. While at the Recreation Center, an apple intrigues Jonas. Why did this apple intrigue Jonas enough to break a rule and take it from the Recreation Center. Use a quote from the novel to support your answer. What was his punishment?

5. What does the shade of the apple and the community’s clothing tell us about the people and society in the novel?

6. Fill in the chart below and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following terms.

|Term |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|Having age groups | | |

| | | |

|Birthmothers | | |

| | | |

|Loudspeakers throughout the community | | |

| | | |

|Telling of Feelings | | |

| | | |

|Ceremonies | | |

| | | |

|Ceremony of Twelve | | |

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 4 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. What is the purpose of volunteer hours in the community? If you were had to complete volunteer hours in our society, where would you want to complete them? Why?

2. In the chapter, the characters believe that Benjamin will be assigned to the Rehabilitation Center. Why do the members of the community feel this way? Use a quote from the novel to support your response.

3. Jonas seems very anxious and apprehensive about receiving his assignment in regards to his volunteer hours. How may Jonas’s volunteer hours affect his Assignment? Why does this make him nervous?

4. In Jonas’s community, the elderly live together in the House of the Old. What does the House of the Old remind you of in your own community? How are the elderly treated? Why do you think they are treated this way?

5. Roberto appears excited and happy during his celebration prior to his release. What do you think release is and where do you think the individuals go that are released?

6. Are there different types of release? Use details and examples from the novel to support your response.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 5 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. The members of Jonas’s community partake in the morning ritual. What is the morning ritual and why do you think the community requires its members to participate in it?

2. After Jonas discusses his dream during the morning ritual, his parents inform him he has to take a pill. Explain why adolescents and adults in the community are required to take the pill each morning. Write a quote from the chapter to support your response.

3. What do you think would happen to the community if its members refused to take the pill or forgot to take it?

4. Many of the rules and customs found in Jonas’s community appear strict and repressive. Analyze these rules and discuss what they repress.

|Rule |What the Rule Represses |

|Birthmothers | |

|stirring pills | |

|release of newborns | |

|family units | |

|Assignments | |

|lack of color | |

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 6 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Look at Jonas’s community and discuss the values and morals that his community embraces and encourages.

2. At the Ceremony of Eight what does Lily receive? How does this illustrate growing up and maturity?

3. What does interdependence mean and find a quote in the chapter that supports your response.

4. During the Naming Ceremony, Gabriel is not present. Why has Gabriel not been assigned to a family unit this year? What will happen to him?

5. What is the different between loss and release? Give an example of each from the novel for support.

|Definition of Loss: |Example from the novel: |

|Definition of Release: |Example from the novel: |

6. Why did the audience at the Naming perform the Murmur-of-Replacement Ceremony? What is the purpose of this ceremony? Do you agree with it?

7. At the Naming many family units received new additions to their families. Why do couples have to wait 3 years before they can apply for children?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 7 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Describe how the Ceremony of Twelve begins. How is this ceremony different from anything these young adults had experienced till then?

2. What do numbers mean to the young adults and the community? What is Jonas’s number? Do we have similar numbers in our society? Discuss examples in your own life.

3. Jonas is very apprehensive and nervous during the Ceremony of Twelve, but what incident during the ceremony makes his feel even more anxious and upset? How would you feel if you were in Jonas’s shoes?

4. What assignment do you think Jonas will receive, or will her receive and assignment at all? Use details from the text to support your response.

5. After learning more about Jonas’s community, would you want to live here? Discuss why or why you would not want to live in his community. Give specific events, rituals, or rules that make you want to or not want to live there.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 8 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Why does the Chief Elder skip over Jonas during the Ceremony of Twelve? Write a quote from the chapter that helps you answer this question.

2. What is Jonas’s assignment? What are the 5 qualities that a citizen must possess in order to be chosen for this assignment?

3. How will Jonas’s life change when he begins to train for his assignment? How is this differ from the other twelves who received assignments?

4. We learn early on in the novel that Jonas’s eyes appear different and that he has experienced different phenomenon that others in his community have not experienced and would not be able to describe or understand. We are informed that this is his ability to “see beyond.” What is the ability to “see beyond?” Cite two incidences that illustrate his capacity to see beyond.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 9 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. We learn that Jonas’s community does not really value differences; however, during the Ceremony of Twelve Jonas is treated differently and his differences are honored and recognized. Why is feeling different a new sensation for Jonas and how do you think he will handle this new emotion?

2. Jonas’s friends begin to treat him differently after the Ceremony of Twelve. Predict how Jonas’s new role will affect his friendship with Asher and Fiona.

3. What are Jonas’s instructions for his Receiver training? Are there any rules he finds disturbing? Explain. Use a quote from the chapter to support your response.

4. Make an inference and discuss why you think the Receiver or Memory is exempted (excused) from the rule discussing rudeness?

5. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of having a Receiver of Memory in a society. How could this position help society and how could it hurt it? Complete the chart below.

|Benefits |Drawbacks |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 10 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. When Jonas enters the current Receiver of Memory’s dwelling (home) he notices differences between his home and this home. Fill in the venn-diagram below listing how the two dwelling compare and contrast.

Receiver of Memory’s Jonas’s dwelling


2. We learn in this chapter the real purpose behind being a Receiver. When Jonas becomes the new Receiver of Memory what will he have to do?

3. One big difference between the community’s dwellings and the Receiver of Memory’s dwelling is that he has numerous books but the community only has 3. Why do you think the Receiver has books and the members of the community do not?

4. Why might a community such as Jonas’s not want its citizens to have books? Do books give individuals power and intelligence? Explain.

5. Describe the first memory Jonas receives from the Giver. Why is he now called the Giver and not the Receiver of Memory? Who is now officially the Receiver of Memory?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 11 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Describe the concept of Sameness. What is it?

2. Throughout this chapter we learn about the concept of Sameness and why the community developed it. Analyze the concept of Sameness and discuss how it benefits and hurt the community.

|Benefits | |

|Hurts | |

3. Once Jonas receives the memory of snow and sledding, how does he feel? What is his reaction to different weather and this idea of danger? Write a quote from the novel that supports your response.

4. What memory of joy and pain did Jonas receive? How does this help lessen the Giver’s burdens? Explain.

5. Evaluate the name the Giver. Do you think it is fair for one individual to hold all of the memories, both good and bad? Explain your answer using specific details from your own life or the world for support.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 12 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Explain what the following description says about the sled, “The sled had…that same mysterious quality that the apple had had so briefly. And Fiona’s hair.”

2. Describe Jonas’s first lie and explain how he felt after he told the lie.

3. Jonas can’t discuss his training with his friends. Why is he not able to discuss it with them? Even if he could discuss his training with them, would they be able to understand it or sooth him? Why or why not?

4. We can tell that Jonas has the capacity to see beyond, or that he can perceive color. What color is Jonas seeing?

5. Why do people in the community perceive color? What has the community lost by not seeing colors?

6. Does Jonas agree with the community’s decision to give up colors? Write a quote from the text that illustrates your answer.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 13 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. What does the Giver mean when he says, “It’s the choosing that’s important, isn’t it?” How does this statement contrast to Jonas’s society’s values and ideals?

2. Jonas tries to transmit color to Asher and it is an epic fail. Why? Use a quote from the novel to defend your answer.

3. Jonas tries to give Lily and his father a memory of an elephant. Why do you think he wants to share this memory with them? Do you think he was breaking the rules given to him?

4. What information does the Giver share with Jonas about his personal life?

5. According to the Giver, why would having a spouse be difficult for Jonas? Use a quote from the novel to defend your answer.

6. We are aware that the previous Receive or Memory failed. Explain what happened to the memories she was given when she failed. What was the result of this incidence?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 14 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Describe Jonas reaction and what he experienced when the Giver transmitted the memory of breaking a leg during sledding.

2. What wisdom does Jonas gain by experiencing pain and hunger? Has his feeling towards his community changes? Explain.

3. How does Jonas calm Gabe? What does this event tell us about Gabe?

4. What happens to twins? Why do you think the community does this?

5. What did Jonas think would happen to the twin if it were released?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 15 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Describe the memory of warfare Jonas receives in this chapter. What does Jonas experience physically and emotionally during this memory?

2. What war does Jonas experience? Use direct quotes from the chapter to support your response.

3. It is the Giver’s responsibility and duty to give Jonas all different types of memories. Why do you think the Giver asks Jonas to forgive him?

4. Do you think Jonas should forgive the Giver? Why?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 16 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. In this new memory Jonas experiences a birthday party. Why had Jonas never experienced or attended a birthday party before?

2. Why is the concept of grandparents new to Jonas? What new feeling does he experience in the memory?

3. What does Jonas’s community lose without grandparents? Cite specific examples from your own life or the world to support your answer.

4. By receiving different memories, Jonas has experienced new sensations such as pain, joy, sadness, and love. Jonas despises lying; however, he lies to his parents for the first time during this chapter. What does he lie to his parents about?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 17 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Prior to receiving memories Jonas had feelings, but how have the memories enhanced his feelings or made them seem more real?

2. Jonas has experienced real instances of pain, love, and pure joy. How do his feelings differ from his friends’ feelings and from his family’s feelings?

3. If you were Jonas would you be able to live in this community anymore? Why? Give specific details and examples to support your response.

4. Jonas visits Asher at the Recreation Center and witnesses the children playing a game of war. Jonas asks Asher to stop playing the game. Why do you think Jonas tells Asher to stop playing the game?

5. Describe Asher’s reaction to when Jonas asks him to stop playing the war game. Why does Asher react in this way?

6. How are Jonas’s new feelings affecting his relationships with his family and friends? Use specific examples from the story to support your response.

7. Why is Gabe progressing so nicely and how can this ultimately hurt him?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 18 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. We learn that Rosemary was the last Receiver of Memory and she was a failure because she asked for release. The Giver had not given her memories of physical pain; however, she still asked for release. Why?

2. What happened to the memories Rosemary was given when she was granted her wish of release? How has this event help shape the rules for future Receivers of Memory?

3. Why might the situation for the community be worse if something was to happen to Jonas? Would they ever be able to recover? Give specific examples of the memories he has received to help support your response.

4. The Giver states, “I suppose I could help the whole community the way I’ve helped you…Maybe we’ll talk about it again sometime.” What is the Giver saying? Make a prediction about what the Giver and Jonas may do.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 19 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Jonas had asked his father in the beginning of the novel about what he does when he has to release a baby. Jonas then sees the actual release of the twin. Describe what Jonas sees.

2. Now that you know what the term release means, describe what happened to Rosemary and how her release must have made the Giver feel. Why would her release be especially hard on him?

3. Describe Jonas’s feelings at the end of this chapter. Use a direct quote to help support you response.

4. We now know the meaning of release. Do you agree with this society’s rule?

5. Is this society a utopia? Why or why not?

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 20 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. After viewing the release of the twin, Jonas refuses to go home. Why does he not want to go home? Would you want to go home?

2. Would your feelings towards your father and the community change after witnessing the twin’s release? Why?

3. When Jonas stays with the Giver, we learn more about the Giver’s experience of being the Receiver of Memory. Describe what the Giver experienced when he began sensing beyond.

4. Describe the plan Jonas and the Giver create during this chapter. Why can they not go together?

5. That evening the Giver transfers his memories of courage and strength to Jonas, but he kept a different kind of memory to himself. Explain.

6. Why was Rosemary so important to the Giver and why was her release especially painful to him?

7. Why would Jonas’s release be painful to the Giver as well? What is Jonas like to the Giver? Explain.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 21 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. What forces Jonas to change his escape plan? Would you have done the same? Explain.

2. Jonas would probably be released if the plan was discovered or he was caught. Why?

3. During their journey to Elsewhere, Jonas must protect Gabe. How does Jonas protect Gabe?

4. Do you think Jonas is brave? Explain your answer using specific details from the novel to support your answer.

5. The mood changes towards the end of the chapter. Describe the mood at the end of this chapter and why do you think it has changed?

6. Make a prediction about Jonas’s and Gabe’s escape. Do you think they will survive? Will they be caught? Explain.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 22 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Describe the landscape and weather Jonas and Gabe have experienced since they have left the community and their notion of Sameness.

2. How have the memories that the Giver gave to Jonas helped him in his journey to Elsewhere? How has his experiences in Sameness hindered his progress?

3. Jonas has saved Gabe from being killed by his community; however, what is Jonas’s greatest fear now? Would you have the same fears and concerns if you were in Jonas’s shoes? Explain.

4. Throughout this chapter, Gabe and Jonas are starving and searching for food. Jonas contemplates on if he made the right decision in leaving or not, but he quickly changes his mind when realizes that if he had stayed he would have “starved” in a different way. If Jonas stayed, what would he have been “starving” for?

5. Why was Jonas crying at the end of this chapter? Do you think his tears make him weak or more human? Explain.

Name: ___________________________ Period: ____ Date: _____

The Giver: Chapter 23 Questions

Directions: Answer each question below in complete sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question and to use details from the novel for support.

1. Jonas and Gabe have experienced different types of weather conditions since they have left the community and searched for Elsewhere. What weather condition are they experiencing in this chapter and how can it impede their journey to Elsewhere?

2. How did Jonas’s brief encounter with sunshine help him move on?

3. Jonas and Gabe are almost near death; however, Jonas finds an object that he has seen and used before during a memory. What does Jonas and Gabe find and how does this device help them to safety?

4. Besides the sled, what else helps Jonas move on to safety?

5. At the end of the chapter it states that Jonas, “was aware with certainty and joy, that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and that they were waiting, too, for the baby.” What image does Jonas see? Who do you think “they” are? Why do you think Jonas is so certain?

6. The novel ends without us knowing if Jonas and Gabe make it to the Elsewhere they are searching for or if they die. How do you think the novel ends? Explain. Use details from this chapter to support your response.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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