MANDALA RUBRIC - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


You may use this scoring guide to check your work as you go.



Essay demonstrates all of the proficient standards plus any two of the following:

∗ Is grammatically error-free

∗ Student has included attached a correctly formatted Works Cited page in MLA format.

∗ Sentences are written in the active voice

∗ Student introduces evidence with a signal phrase

Proficient: - must meet all of the following

? Rationale includes a section giving historical background of the era.

? Rationale includes a section explaining how the era has an impact on society today.

? Rationale includes a section explaining how the era has had an impact on the student.

? Rationale includes both primary (quotes from the literature) and secondary (about the literature) source textual evidence.

? The evidence is analyzed through commentary.

? The student explains in each section, or at the end of the essay, how and why each layer of the Mandala she/he created is a reasonable choice to symbolize the era.


∗ Essay demonstrates all but one of the proficient components.


? Essay is missing more than one of the proficient components.



Demonstrates all of the proficient standards plus any two of the following:

∗ Student exhibits original thinking or insight in terms of choice of a design for Mandala.

∗ Student’s choice of symbols or images reflect under-the-surface rather than literal thinking.

Proficient: - must meet all of the following

? Mandala has three distinct layers that are interrelated.

? Mandala includes a layer giving historical background of the era.

? This first layer includes quotes, images and background information.

? Mandala includes a layer explaining how the era has an impact on society today. This layer is

on top of the first layer.

? Mandala includes a layer explaining how the era has had an impact on the student. This layer

is on top of the second layer.

? Mandala shows evidence of creativity. Student has not created a symbol that is only a surface

level representation of the era.

? Final product is neat and shows evidence of careful work.


∗ Mandala demonstrates all but one of the proficient components.


? Mandala is missing more than one of the proficient components.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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