PSYCHOLOGY 350; Section 004

Fall 2017

Instructor: Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Ph.D.

Office: 1024 SWKT

Office hours: by appointment

Phone #: 801-422-1324

E-mail: (best way to reach me)

Personal Consultations: Please do not hesitate to ask me or my teaching assistant questions. If our office hours do not meet your schedule, we will gladly set appointments with you for other times. Feel free to call me at my office, but the best way to reach me is by email.

Lecture meeting times: Tuesday & Thursday 12:05-1:20pm JFSB B032


Goals: (a) to provide an overview of substantive areas of basic research in social psychology

(b) to examine social psychological contributions to selected areas of application

(c) to illustrate social psychological processes operating in everyday life.

We will accomplish this through readings, class discussion, class activities, and assignments. An outline of the tentative schedule for the course is included in this syllabus. I may change this schedule if it becomes necessary, so please attend class regularly and stay current with your reading.


• 1. Unique contribution of social psychology

Students will be able to identify the unique contribution of social psychology to social science, situating the discipline within the larger domain of psychology and contrasting it with related disciplines, such as sociology. Measurement: Multiple choice tests, short essays.

• 2. Research methods and ethics

Students will be able to understand the use of surveys, laboratory and field experiments in conducting social psychological research, and understand the ethical principles of informed consent, deception and debriefing when conducting research with human participants. Measurement: Multiple choice tests, short essays.

• 3. Substantive areas of inquiry

Students will be able to identify substantive areas of social psychological inquiry, including the self, person perception, attitudes and persuasion, group processes, stereotyping and prejudice, interpersonal attraction, helping behavior and aggression. Measurement: Multiple choice tests, short essays.

• 4. Contributions of major thinkers and contributors

Students will be able to identify and explain the contributions of major thinkers and contributors of classic and contemporary theory and research in social psychology, such as Leon Festinger and Stanley Milgram. Measurement: Multiple choice tests, short essays.

• 5. Applications of social psychology

Students will be able to identify how social psychological theory and research have been applied to domains outside the discipline, such as in health settings and the law. Measurement: Multiple choice tests, short essays.


We will be using Social Psychology by David Meyers and Jean Twenge 12e. This can be obtained by purchasing a hard copy or the Connect version, published by McGraw Hill. . The electronic version features LearnSmart, “an adaptive study tool proven to strengthen memory recall, increase class retention, and boost grades.” Because of limited time, we won’t be able to cover everything in lectures that is important to take out of this class. Thus, it is important to keep up on assigned readings because you will be responsible for this material on exams.


To fully understand the material for this course it is highly recommended that you attend all the lectures. Research has shown that significantly more information can be retained when students are actively engaged with the material through structured activities and discussion groups. When possible, I will incorporate discussion topics and in-class assignments during class. Participation in class discussion and in-class assignments will constitute 3% of your grade, so it is important to attend regularly. Although I do understand that occasionally circumstances may prevent you from attending, you are still responsible for the material discussed that day. At the end of the semester, you will complete a Self-Evaluation of Participation that will inform your participation grade. This assignment can be found on Learning Suite under the Participation section of the Grades tab. Participation in class discussion, in class assignments, and the Evaluation in Participation will all be considered in your final participation grade.

Names and phone numbers of 2-3 people in the course you can go to for notes, etc.:





There will be three written exams. These exams will focus on material covered in lecture and the text. The exams will primarily assess conceptual application of these concepts. The test format will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer; however, the final exam will be multiple-choice questions only. Exams will be administered in the testing center and you will be allowed to take the exams over a number of days. Please be sure to check the timing of each test, as the testing enter has restricted hours on specific days due to limited capacity. Keep in mind that the last test is given out 1 hour before closing and the Testing Center will be closed Tuesdays from 10:45 to 12:00 noon for University Forums and Devotionals. For additional information on the testing center go to . Plan ahead!


Social Psychology Blog: I want you to apply what you learn about social psychology to your personal life, by creating a blog of everyday experiences that illustrate psychological concepts particularly applicable to social psychology. (Please see handout for details on this assignment).


Since exams will be available to take over the course of a number of days, no late exams will be permitted. Any late assignments will automatically receive 15% deduction in grade unless a legitimate excuse (i.e. university excused absence, severe illness, or death in family) is documented. Being unprepared, busy, forgetting, or going on vacation are not legitimate excuses. If you are unable to make a deadline and have a legitimate excuse, please contact me as soon as possible to arrange an alternate deadline. You are always welcome to turn in assignments in advance.


Exam 1 24%

Exam 2 24%

Exam 3 24%

Blog 25%

Class Participation 3%


A 94.0-100% B- 80.0-83.9% D+ 67.0-69.9%

A- 90.0-93.9% C+ 77.0-79.9% D 63.0-66.9%

B+ 87.0-89.9% C 73.0-76.9% D- 60.0-62.9%

B 84.0-86.9% C- 70.0-72.9% E ................

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