‘A Picture of Zoe’ – Essay Writing1) Choose a story which deals with the theme of prejudice.Show how this theme is conveyed through the characterisation of one of the central characters. 2) Choose a novel or a short story in which you feel there is an incident of great importance to the story as a whole.Describe the incident and go on to show its importance to the development of the characters and the central concerns of the text.3) Choose a novel or short story which has a turning point or moment of realisation for at least one of the characters.Briefly describe what has led up to the turning point or moment. Go on to show what impact this has on the character(s) and how it affects the outcome of the novel or story.In your essay you should refer to the text and to such relevant features as: characterisation, setting, language, key incident(s), climax, turning point, plot, structure, narrative technique, theme, ideas, description…104775461010a) refer to the key words of the first part of the essay question and give the title of the text and the name of the author;b) briefly summarise the text and refer to its theme(s);c) refer to the key words of the second part of the question and outline what you are going to write about, referring to the techniques which you are going to analyse.00a) refer to the key words of the first part of the essay question and give the title of the text and the name of the author;b) briefly summarise the text and refer to its theme(s);c) refer to the key words of the second part of the question and outline what you are going to write about, referring to the techniques which you are going to analyse.Writing Introductions337185184150Choose a story which deals with the theme of prejudice.Show how this theme is conveyed through the characterisation of one of the central characters. 00Choose a story which deals with the theme of prejudice.Show how this theme is conveyed through the characterisation of one of the central characters. Intro:A short story which deals with the theme of prejudice is ‘A Picture of Zoe’ by Liam Stewart. The story appears to be about a boy whose girlfriend looks down on him, but at the end the reader is surprised to discover that he is the one who is prejudiced and who has misjudged her. The theme of prejudice is conveyed through the characterisation of the central character of Gerry, through the distinctive narrative style which means that our viewpoint is restricted to Gerry’s point of view, the way in which he interacts with other characters and the language he uses. The setting and structure are also important in conveying this theme.Narrative Style – Gerry tells the story in 1st person, so we only see his point of view and so we share his inaccurate view of Zoe surprised at the end when it turns out he is judging her, not the other way around.Possible quotes: ‘it looked as though she regarded me as from another species, one of the lower orders who might give her some useful material for one of her school projects.’‘It had to be buses and walking in the city streets, and going to much lower-class places than it seemed she was used to.’ COMMENTHints that this is not true (more noticeable when we reread) contrast their reactions to the Artist - Gerry: ‘I turn and see Zoe looking down her nose at the paper in her hand, as if she thinks it’s an insult.’Zoe: she thinks it’s sweet and values it as it is a present from Gerry – ‘Zoe smiles and thanks him…”On no! It’s lovely, Gerry! Really! Honest! It was really sweet of you to pay for it.”’ COMMENTLink to PREJUDICE?Setting – time (‘80s), real place (names), we can relate to it, Stereotypes (schemes / Bearsden), modern world of dating - quotes – comments – REALISM Link to PREJUDICE?Structure – cyclical, starts and finishes in the South Pacific – he’s not moved on. Series of interactions with others which allow us to see how they both react (Artist, Blue Moon, Dr Nochecky) – how do we see him repeatedly assuming that she is thinking the worst? Link to PREJUDICE? quotes – comments ( CLIMAX)Turning point – confrontation, stems from the dream (catalyst), which shows his true feelings. Realisation that he was wrong, for him and the reader - quotes – comments. What is our reaction? Ending – he compares himself to the clerk in the SPLink to PREJUDICE?Title – double meaning, symbolism of picture Link to PREJUDICE?Conclusion – refer to question and PREJUDICE? ................

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