
All My Sons Arthur Miller (1947)Please complete clear responses to the following tasks. Use a word document and Arial or Calibri font in point 11 or 12. Please add your name and a date in a header and number pages at the bottom of the page. Then send to julie.coates@ by Friday 3rd July 2020.NB. All work must be in your own words. Where you have used other sources, please only use brief quotes and reference them effectively. It is always better to read over a secondary source, process its ideas and then paraphrase in your own words than to quote extensively. No more than 10% of your responses should be quoted directly from the play or other sources. 1. Read pages 41-46 [‘she goes into the house’]Summarise the action in these pagesWrite up your thoughts about the interaction between Ann and Sue Bayliss. What do you think Sue represents about members of the neighbourhood? What insights does she provide about the way people think and the importance of money within American society at this point in time? Whereas Chris is an idealist, Sue Bayliss is pragmatic and perhaps a little cynical. To what extent do you agree with this statement. Support your thinking with clear analysis of textual details.Unpick the following quotations:‘You think just because you like everybody, they like you!’ p42‘People like to do things for the Kellers. Been that way since I can remember.’ P43‘They give him credit for being smart. I do too’ p452. Read pages 46-50 [‘comb my lady’s hair’]Summarise the action in these pagesHow is Joe shown to be conflicted in these pages? He would consider himself to be a simple, uncomplicated man – do you agree? Many viewers will be conflicted about his character. Try to unpick the narrative and characterisation within these pages linked to Joe and his priorities. How would Miller want us to be feeling about him at this point in the play and why? Remember this is a modern play but one that follows Shakespearean Tragedy elements. I’m happy to answer any questions or difficulties you might have with this one by email – just ask!Unpick the following quotations:‘Nobody says it’ p47‘George is coming from dad, and I don’t think it’s with a blessing’ p47‘my only accomplishment is my son’ p493. Read pages 50-62 [‘rapidly down to him’]Summarise the action in these pagesHow do the stage directions and dialogue around George in these pages show a man in turmoil?Unpick the following quotations:‘outside there doesn’t seem to be much of a law’ p52‘then why isn’t your name on the business?’ p56‘Stop being a philosopher and look after yourself’ p624. Read pages 62-71 Summarise the action in these pagesExplain how George is understandably conflicted about his father’s possible guilt and his feelings towards the Keller family in the exchange between him and Joe on pages 62 to 64Unpick the following quotations:‘He’d like to take every man that made money in the war and put him up against a wall. / He’ll need a lot of bullets’ p63‘He never flew a P-40’ p68‘Don’t you have a country? Don’t you live in the world?’ p70 ................

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