Choose three of your quotes and write 100 words about each ...

Quotes Free-Writing Guide

Choose three of your quotes and write 100 words about each quote (you can write them in your workbook and count them as free-writing). When writing about each quote, include this information:

1) Why did you choose the quote?

2) Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Why or Why not?

3) Think of two adjectives (形容詞) to describe the quote. (Is the quote funny? Moving? Deep?

4) How does the quote relate to your own life?

5) How does it relate to your major? (for example, why you were attracted to your major, why you decided to choose it, what you hope you can do in the future with your major.) Make sure to write about the connection between your quote and your major)

6) Think about the quote in the light of your own experience. Have you had an experience/ experiences in your life that fit with the quote?

7) What does the quote make you think of? Why?

8) Who does the quote make you think of? Why?

Example: “A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared but still goes on.”

I have had experiences in my life that help me understand this quote. I have had many times in my life when I was scared. In some cases I have gotten scared and quit. For example, when I was….. Other times I got scared but kept going. For example… When I think of “hero,” my heroes are my father, Hideki Matsui and Martin Luther King. My father is a hero because…etc…


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