Road Map: “Hair” by Malcolm X - Amazon Web Services

Road Map: “Hair” by Malcolm X

*Self-degradation: lowering one’s self-esteem, character, and personhood

Essential Questions

• Why do people feel the pressure to conform to certain societal standards?

• What does it mean to be “pretty” or “handsome” in our society? Who determines this?

• What does it mean to be true to yourself?

• What behaviors lead to good self-esteem and self-confidence?

Literary Elements

• tone-the author’s attitude towards a certain subject

Getting Things Straight

Answer each question quickly. Complete sentences are not necessary.

1. What do you think it mean to get conked?

2. How is Malcolm X feeling about his first conk (at the drugstore)?

3. How does it feel to get a conk?

4. When he sees himself, how does Malcolm X feel?

5. What is his tone in the last two paragraphs?

Delving In

Answer each question in 2-4 complete sentences. Back up what you think with examples from the story. If you want to get really advanced, use quotes to back up your point.

1. What do you think is the most important—or powerful—word or phrase in Malcolm’s story? Give 2 reasons why you think so.

2. Why do you think Malcolm feels that conking his hair is a step toward self-degradation?  (Give 2 reasons why).

3. Do you agree with Malcolm in thinking that conking is a form of self-degradation? Why or why not? (Give 2 reasons why or why not).

4. What would you infer about Malcolm’s tone at the end of this selection? (List 4 words or passages that help establish the tone.) 

5. In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, a father gives this advice to his son: “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” Do you think Malcolm X would agree with what he says? (Give 2 reasons why or why not.)

Creative Writing

Choose one of the following topics to write about:

1. Write your own personal narrative (1-2 pages) about a time when you felt you had to conform to society’s pressures. What did you do in this situation? Make sure we hear your voice as you write.

2. Write an essay (1-2 pages) about the hairstyles that you and your friends have. How is hair an extension of one’s self? Why did you choose to have the hairstyles you have?


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