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CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE "AS_READ_XLSX_CLOB" is/************************************************** Author: Anton Scheffer** Date: 19-01-2013** Website: **** Changelog:** 18-02-2013 - Ralph Bieber Handle cell type "str" to prevent ORA-06502 if cell content is a string calculated by formula, then cell type is "str" instead of "s" and value is inside <v> tag** 19-02-2013 - Ralph Bieber Add column formula in tp_one_cell record, to show, if value is calculated by formula ** 20-02-2013 - Anton Scheffer Handle cell types 'inlineStr' and 'e' to prevent ORA-06502** 19-03-2013 - Anton Scheffer Support for formatted and empty strings Handle columns per row to prevent ORA-31186: Document contains too many nodes ** 12-06-2013 - Anton Scheffer Handle sharedStrings.xml on older Oracle database versions** 18-09-2013 - Anton Scheffer Fix for LPX-00200 could not convert from encoding UTF-8 to ... (Note, this is an error I can't reproduce myself, maybe depending on database version and characterset) Thank you Stanislav Safonov for this solution Handle numbers with scientific notation** 20-01-2014 - Anton Scheffer Fix for a large number (60000+) of strings** 16-05-2014 - Anton Scheffer round to 15 digits ** 10-08-2015 - Karen cannell Mod to allow CLOBs for cells where content > 4000 char. Use ************************************************************************************************************************************************************Copyright (C) 2013 by Anton SchefferPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software isfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included inall copies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THEAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS INTHE SOFTWARE.********************************************************************************************************************************************************* *//***** Some examples**---- every sheet and every cell select * from table( as_read_xlsx.file2blob( 'DOC', 'Book1.xlsx' ) ) )---- cell A3 from the first and the second sheet select * from table( as_read_xlsx.file2blob( 'DOC', 'Book1.xlsx' ), '1:2', 'A3' ) )---- every cell from the sheet with the name "Sheet3" select * from table( as_read_xlsx.file2blob( 'DOC', 'Book1.xlsx' ), 'Sheet3' ) )--*/ type tp_one_cell is record ( sheet_nr number(2) , sheet_name varchar(4000) , row_nr number(10) , col_nr number(10) , cell varchar2(100) , cell_type VARCHAR2(1) , string_val clob --KC: was --varchar2(4000) , number_val number , date_val date , formula varchar2(4000) ); type tp_all_cells is table of tp_one_cell;-- function read( p_xlsx blob, p_sheets varchar2 := null, p_cell varchar2 := null ) return tp_all_cells pipelined;-- function file2blob ( p_dir varchar2 , p_file_name varchar2 ) return blob;--end as_read_xlsx_clob;/CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY "AS_READ_XLSX_CLOB" is-- function read( p_xlsx blob, p_sheets varchar2 := null, p_cell varchar2 := null ) return tp_all_cells pipelined is t_date1904 boolean; type tp_date is table of boolean index by pls_integer; t_xf_date tp_date; t_numfmt_date tp_date; type tp_strings is table of varchar2(32767) index by pls_integer; t_strings tp_strings; t_sheet_ids tp_strings; t_sheet_names tp_strings; t_r varchar2(32767); t_s varchar2(32767); t_val varchar2(32767); t_t varchar2(400); t_nr number; t_c pls_integer; t_x pls_integer; t_xx pls_integer; t_ns varchar2(200) := 'xmlns=""'; t_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_nd2 dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_nl dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_nl2 dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_nl3 dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_one_cell tp_one_cell;-- function blob2node( p_blob blob ) return dbms_xmldom.domnode is begin if p_blob is null or dbms_lob.getlength( p_blob ) = 0 then return null; end if; return dbms_xmldom.makenode( dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement( dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument( xmltype( p_blob, nls_charset_id( 'AL32UTF8' ) ) ) ) ); exception when others then declare t_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_clob clob; t_dest_offset integer; t_src_offset integer; t_lang_context number := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx; t_warning integer; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_clob, true ); t_dest_offset := 1; t_src_offset := 1; dbms_lob.converttoclob( t_clob , p_blob , dbms_lob.lobmaxsize , t_dest_offset , t_src_offset , nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8') , t_lang_context , t_warning ); t_nd := dbms_xmldom.makenode( dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement( dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument( t_clob ) ) ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( t_clob ); return t_nd; end; end;-- function blob2num( p_blob blob, p_len integer, p_pos integer ) return number is begin return utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer( dbms_lob.substr( p_blob, p_len, p_pos ), utl_raw.little_endian ); end;-- function little_endian( p_big number, p_bytes pls_integer := 4 ) return raw is begin return utl_raw.substr( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer( p_big, utl_raw.little_endian ), 1, p_bytes ); end;-- function col_alfan( p_col varchar2 ) return pls_integer is begin return ascii( substr( p_col, -1 ) ) - 64 + nvl( ( ascii( substr( p_col, -2, 1 ) ) - 64 ) * 26, 0 ) + nvl( ( ascii( substr( p_col, -3, 1 ) ) - 64 ) * 676, 0 ); end;-- function get_file ( p_zipped_blob blob , p_file_name varchar2 ) return blob is t_tmp blob; t_ind integer; t_hd_ind integer; t_fl_ind integer; t_encoding varchar2(10); t_len integer; begin t_ind := dbms_lob.getlength( p_zipped_blob ) - 21; loop exit when t_ind < 1 or dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind ) = hextoraw( '504B0506' ); -- End of central directory signature t_ind := t_ind - 1; end loop;-- if t_ind <= 0 then return null; end if;-- t_hd_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind + 16 ) + 1; for i in 1 .. blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 8 ) loop if utl_raw.bit_and( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 1, t_hd_ind + 9 ), hextoraw( '08' ) ) = hextoraw( '08' ) then t_encoding := 'AL32UTF8'; -- utf8 else t_encoding := 'US8PC437'; -- IBM codepage 437 end if; if p_file_name = utl_i18n.raw_to_char ( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob , blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) , t_hd_ind + 46 ) , t_encoding ) then t_len := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 24 ); -- uncompressed length if t_len = 0 then if substr( p_file_name, -1 ) in ( '/', '\' ) then -- directory/folder return null; else -- empty file return empty_blob(); end if; end if;-- if dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10 ) = hextoraw( '0800' ) -- deflate then t_fl_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42 ); t_tmp := hextoraw( '1F8B0800000000000003' ); -- gzip header dbms_lob.copy( t_tmp , p_zipped_blob , blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 20 ) , 11 , t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29 ) -- Extra field length ); dbms_lob.append( t_tmp, utl_raw.concat( dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 16 ) -- CRC32 , little_endian( t_len ) -- uncompressed length ) ); return utl_compress.lz_uncompress( t_tmp ); end if;-- if dbms_lob.substr( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10 ) = hextoraw( '0000' ) -- The file is stored (no compression) then t_fl_ind := blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42 ); dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_tmp, true ); dbms_lob.copy( t_tmp , p_zipped_blob , t_len , 1 , t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29 ) -- Extra field length ); return t_tmp; end if; end if; t_hd_ind := t_hd_ind + 46 + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28 ) -- File name length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 30 ) -- Extra field length + blob2num( p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 32 ); -- File comment length end loop;-- return null; end;-- begin t_one_cell.cell_type := 'S'; t_one_cell.sheet_name := 'This doesn''t look like an Excel (xlsx) file to me!'; t_one_cell.string_val := t_one_cell.sheet_name; if dbms_lob.substr( p_xlsx, 4, 1 ) != hextoraw( '504B0304' ) then pipe row( t_one_cell ); return; end if; t_nd := blob2node( get_file( p_xlsx, 'xl/workbook.xml' ) ); if dbms_xmldom.isnull( t_nd ) then pipe row( t_one_cell ); return; end if; t_date1904 := lower( dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( t_nd, '/workbook/workbookPr/@date1904', t_ns ) ) in ( 'true', '1' ); t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( t_nd, '/workbook/sheets/sheet', t_ns ); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl ) - 1 loop t_sheet_ids( i + 1 ) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '@r:id', 'xmlns:r=""' ); t_sheet_names( i + 1 ) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '@name' ); end loop; t_nd := blob2node( get_file( p_xlsx, 'xl/styles.xml' ) ); t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( t_nd, '/styleSheet/numFmts/numFmt', t_ns ); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl ) - 1 loop t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '@formatCode' ); if ( instr( t_val, 'dd' ) > 0 or instr( t_val, 'mm' ) > 0 or instr( t_val, 'yy' ) > 0 ) then t_numfmt_date( dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '@numFmtId' ) ) := true; end if; end loop; t_numfmt_date( 14 ) := true; t_numfmt_date( 15 ) := true; t_numfmt_date( 16 ) := true; t_numfmt_date( 17 ) := true; t_numfmt_date( 22 ) := true; t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( t_nd, '/styleSheet/cellXfs/xf/@numFmtId', t_ns ); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl ) - 1 loop t_xf_date( i ) := t_numfmt_date.exists( dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ) ) ); end loop; t_nd := blob2node( get_file( p_xlsx, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml' ) ); if not dbms_xmldom.isnull( t_nd ) then t_x := 0; t_xx := 5000; loop t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( t_nd, '/sst/si[position()>="' || to_char( t_x * t_xx + 1 ) || '" and position()<=" ' || to_char( ( t_x + 1 ) * t_xx ) || '"]', t_ns ); exit when dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl ) = 0; t_x := t_x + 1; for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl ) - 1 loop t_c := t_strings.count; ---------kc: use proc instead t_strings( t_c ) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '.' ); dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '.', t_strings( t_c ) ); if t_strings( t_c ) is null then ------kc: use proc instead t_strings( t_c ) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '*/text()' ); --******************************* this is the line that fails dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), '*/text()', t_strings( t_c ) ); if t_strings( t_c ) is null then t_nl2 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl, i ), 'r/t/text()' ); for j in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl2 ) - 1 loop t_strings( t_c ) := t_strings( t_c ) || dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ) ); end loop; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; end if; t_nd2 := blob2node( get_file( p_xlsx, 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels' ) ); for i in 1 .. t_sheet_ids.count loop if ( p_sheets is null or instr( ':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || to_char( i ) || ':' ) > 0 or instr( ':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || t_sheet_names( i ) || ':' ) > 0 ) then t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( t_nd2, '/Relationships/Relationship[@Id="' || t_sheet_ids( i ) || '"]/@Target', 'xmlns=""' ); t_one_cell.sheet_nr := i; t_one_cell.sheet_name := t_sheet_names( i ); t_nd := blob2node( get_file( p_xlsx, 'xl/' || t_val ) ); t_nl3 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( t_nd, '/worksheet/sheetData/row' ); for r in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl3 ) - 1 loop t_nl2 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl3, r ), 'c' ); for j in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( t_nl2 ) - 1 loop t_one_cell.date_val := null; t_one_cell.number_val := null; t_one_cell.string_val := null; t_r := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ), '@r', t_ns ); t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ), 'v' ); -- see Changelog 2013-02-19 formula column t_one_cell.formula := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ), 'f' ); -- see Changelog 2013-02-18 type='str' t_t := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ), '@t' ); if t_t in ( 'str', 'inlineStr', 'e' ) then t_one_cell.cell_type := 'S'; t_one_cell.string_val := t_val; elsif t_t = 's' then t_one_cell.cell_type := 'S'; if t_val is not null then t_one_cell.string_val := t_strings( to_number( t_val ) ); ----------------************* end if; else t_s := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof( dbms_xmldom.item( t_nl2, j ), '@s' ); t_nr := to_number( t_val , case when instr( t_val, 'E' ) = 0 then translate( t_val, '.012345678,-+', 'D999999999' ) else translate( substr( t_val, 1, instr( t_val, 'E' ) - 1 ), '.012345678,-+', 'D999999999' ) || 'EEEE' end , 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ); if t_s is not null and t_xf_date( to_number( t_s ) ) then t_one_cell.cell_type := 'D'; if t_date1904 then t_one_cell.date_val := to_date('01-01-1904','DD-MM-YYYY') + to_number( t_nr ); else t_one_cell.date_val := to_date('01-03-1900','DD-MM-YYYY') + ( to_number( t_nr ) - 61 ); end if; else t_one_cell.cell_type := 'N'; t_nr := round( t_nr, 14 - substr( to_char( t_nr, 'TME' ), -3 ) ); t_one_cell.number_val := t_nr; end if; end if; t_one_cell.row_nr := ltrim( t_r, rtrim( t_r, '0123456789' ) ); t_one_cell.col_nr := col_alfan( rtrim( t_r, '0123456789' ) ); t_one_cell.cell := t_r; if p_cell is null or t_r = upper( p_cell ) then pipe row( t_one_cell ); end if; end loop; end loop; end if; end loop; return; end;-- function file2blob ( p_dir varchar2 , p_file_name varchar2 ) return blob is file_lob bfile; file_blob blob; begin file_lob := bfilename( p_dir, p_file_name ); file_lob, dbms_lob.file_readonly ); dbms_lob.createtemporary( file_blob, true ); dbms_lob.loadfromfile( file_blob, file_lob, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize ); dbms_lob.close( file_lob ); return file_blob; exception when others then if dbms_lob.isopen( file_lob ) = 1 then dbms_lob.close( file_lob ); end if; if dbms_lob.istemporary( file_blob ) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary( file_blob ); end if; raise; end;--END as_read_xlsx_clob;/ ................

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