Tutorial 1: Using Excel to Manage Data

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Upload Los Palmas Urgent Care to

Mr. Stives


3. Choose the Tables





Click the Close

5. Click on the Create new Table

For the Left Table Name


For the Right Table Name


Left Column Name

Patient ID

Right Column Name

Patient ID

Click OK

Click Create

6. Click on the Edit Relationship

Click Create new

For the Left Table Name


For the Right Table Name


Left Column Name


Right Column Name


Click OK

Click Create

1. Make sure all tables are closed.

8. Move the Tables around so you can see the relationships.

Save and close the Relationships

3. Open the Tables and adjust the columns so that all data is shown.

Close all Tables

2. Go to the From Instructors Folder and move the following Excel Spreadsheets to My Documents





Click on the External Data Tab and Import the Excel Spreadsheet into the Los Palmas Urgent Care Clinic


For the Insurance and Patient Table make sure you select Show Worksheets

Make sure you have “Select the “First Row Contains Column Heading”. selected.

Do not assign a Primary Key

Save the Table as the Billing, Incident, Insurance and Patient

1.Click on the Insurance Table

Create a Form by using the Form Wizard based on the Insurance Table.

You will use all Fields


Choose the Style

Save as Insurance

Close the Report

1.Click on the Insurance Table

Create a Simple Query by using a Query Wizard based on the Insurance Table.

You will use all of the Fields

Save as All Insurances

Close the Query

1. Open Access. Create a Blank Database name it Los Palmas Urgent Care Clinic

4. Click on Edit Relationships Icon

The Create New Button

1. Open the Switch Board on the Navigation Pane

2. Click on each icon except for the Exit one. That will exit you from the application.

3.Click on the Microsoft Office Button

Click on the Access Options

Click on Current Database

Select Switchboard from the Display Form drop down list

Remove the check mark from the Display Navigation Pane

Click OK

Close the Database and reopen it

The Switchboard opens automatically

Close the Database and upload it Mr. Stives

7. Click on the close again

6. Click on the close

2.Click on the New Button

Text insert Patient’s at Los Palmas

Command insert Open Report

Report insert Patient

Press OK

3.Click on the New Button

Text insert New Patient

Command insert Open form in add mode

Form insert Patients

Press OK

4.Click on the New Button

Text insert New Insurance

Command insert Open form in add mode

Form insert Insurance

Press OK

5. Click on the New Button

Text insert Exit Los Palmas Database

Command insert Exit Application

Press OK

1.On the Database Tools Tab click on the Switchboard Manager on the Database Tool Ribbon

Select the Los Palmas Urgent Care and click on the edit button

6. Click on the Close icon

5. Select the main switchboard and delete it

1.On the Database Tools Tab click on the Switchboard Manager on the Database Tool Ribbon

2. It will ask would you like to create one you would click on Yes

3. Click on new. Name it Los Palmas Urgent Care

4. Make the Los Palmas Urgent Care the Default

2. Click on the Location Field.

Sort in Ascending Order

Save the Query

Close the Query

1.Click on the Incident Table

Create a Simple Query by using a Query Wizard based on the Incident Table.

You will sue the following fields

Incident ID




Patient ID

Save as Incident

1.Click on the Patient Table

Create a Form based on the Patient Table.

Save as Patients

Close the Form

1.Click on the Patient Table

Create a Report based on the Patient Table.

Save as Patient

Close the Report

2. On the Database Tools tab click on the Relationships.

7. Click on the Edit Relationship

Click Create new

For the Left Table Name


For the Right Table Name


Left Column Name

Patient ID

Right Column Name

Patient ID

Click OK

Click Create


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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