Klasse 5___

Klasse 5___

4.Schulaufgabe aus dem Englischen

am 30.6.05

Name: _________________

I. Reading Comprehension

Sonia’s friend Marion

After Sonia’s aerobics class last week, she went to a popular café for a cup of hot chocolate. She started to read the local newspaper and was surprised to read an article about her friend Marion Käfer. She visited her friend Jill in Mold last summer and they went on a cycling holiday together.

The most surprising thing is that Marion has only one leg! She had a bad car accident in winter 1999 and now she has an artificial leg. In Wales, she even took part in a bike race, too. She came in second behind the hot favourite, Gareth Lloyd.

Some time Marion wrote a guide book about cycling in Wales. The newspaper article said it is a really useful book for disabled cyclists.

artificial: künstlich disabled: behindert cyclist: Radfahrer

Answer the questions in full sentences: 14p.

1. When did Sonia go to the café?

2. What did she do there?

3. Why was she surprised?

4. What do you know about Marion?

5. Why has she got only one leg?

6. What did Marion write?

II. Grammar

After the disco: Present progressive, simple present, simple past 19p.

It is Thursday morning. Ann (wait) _______________________ for Angela in front of the classroom. The disco last night ________________ terrible. Angela sang her favourite song, but one of those stupid Blacon High School boys (throw) ___________________ a tomato at her. Angela (not finish) __________

______________ the song. She (run) ____________________ outside. Ann

(not stop) ________________________ her. She (leave) __________________

the disco, too, and (take) _____________________ Angela home. Angela (cry)


Now, in the morning, Angela’s eyes (be) ____________________ still red.

Ann:“Angela, (not/you/sleep) ________________________ last night?“

Angela:“No, I ____________________. I (listen)____________________

to music all night. Mum (come) _______________________ in at four o’clock in the morning. She (ask) ______________________ me:“What (do) ________

_______________________? Why (you/not/sleep)______________________?“

Ann:“ I (tell) _____________________ you, Blacon High kids (be) ___________ stupid!“

Katrin and Andy: use some or any in these sentences 7p.

Katrin: Are there ____________ discos in Chester?

Andy: Yes, there are ________________ for people over 16, but there aren’t _______________ for younger kids.

Katrin: I like hip hop. I’ve got ________________ really good hip hop CDs.

Andy: Hip hop is boring. I like heavy metal and I’ve got ______________

techno CDs.

Katrin: Are there ______________ good CD shops?

Andy: There are _______________ small shops near our school.

Looking for Timmy’s toy cars: put in personal pronouns 12p.

Kate: Timmy, where are your toy cars? Help _____________ to look for _____.

Are ___________ under your bed?

Timmy: No, ______________ aren’t. _______________ aren’t there.

Kate: Where are _____________ then? Let ___________ guess. Are ________

in your bed?

Timmy: No, ______________ aren’t in my bed. _________________ are in my teddy’s bed.

Kate: In your teddy’s bed? Where is _____________?

Timmy: ______________‘s here.

III.In English, please 15p.

Was kannst du sagen, wenn

du wissen willst, ob dir die Hose gut steht?


du wissen willst, ob du diese Schuhe nächste Woche bezahlen kannst?


du sagen willst, dass Kleidung in diesem Kaufhaus teuer ist?


du deine Freundin fragen willst, wo sie ihre Jeans kauft?


du deinem Freund sagen willst, dass er das Hemd zuerst anprobieren soll, bevor er es kauft?




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