Sack Lunch Seminars

Sack Lunch Seminars Fall 2003

Wednesdays Noon to 1:00 p.m. in the SUB Sponsored by MSU Women's Center

October 15 Why Doesn’t She Leave? Domestic Violence Survivors Speak Out SUB 106E

A panel of domestic violence survivors will share their stories as a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. They will look at the dynamics of Abusive relationships, including the factors that make it difficult to leave and the role of victim-blaming as it relates to victim safety.

October 22 Women in Science and Engineering SUB 106E

Until recently, very few women pursued science and engineering careers. Though these fields are for the most part still male dominated, the number of women choosing work in these fields is on the rise. Join Anne camper, Associate Dean of MSU’s college of Engineering, for this presentation which will cover some of the issues facing women who pursue careers in science and engineering.

October 29 Keeping A Breat: Education and Prevention SUB 106E

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join Theresa Pattison, Founder of “Keeping A Breast,” for this presentation of facts and figures surrounding breast cancer. Shell will offer statistics from the American Cancer Society, teach participants how to do a Self Breast Exam correctly, what a lump feels like, and share stories of her experiences during her 15 year career as mammographer.

November 5 Women and Aging SUB 106E

Join Dr Kerry Reif, Student Health physician and Chair of Women’s health at MSU Student Health Services, for this presentation on women and again. She will discuss and answer questions about the aging process, health issues and concerns and what changes we as women can expect as we grow older.

November 12 Racial and Cultural Identity Development SUB 106E

Kathleen Burns from the Diversity Awareness Office will facilitate this discussion on a racial and cultural identity development model created for Caucasian and African Americans. Kathleen will describe and examine this framework and its usefulness in understanding one’s own perspective and identity, and that of non-majority members of society.

December 3 World Aids Day and the AIDS Network of Southern Montana SUB 106E

December 1st is World AIDS Day. Holly Floyd and Chalres Carrelol from the AIDS Network of Southern Montana will give a brief history of World AIDS Day and talk about their work raising awareness in southwest Montana as a community resource for education, prevention, outreach and support.

Sack Lunch Seminars are free, fun, informal, and open to everyone! Feel free to bring your lunch and join us!



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