Northern Kentucky University

Northern Kentucky University

PHE 385

Alar Lipping, Ph.D.


This exam is worth 50 points. Please read the instructions to each section of this exam.

PART I. True and False: place a T in the blank if the statement is true; place an F in the blank if the statement is false. Each correct response is worth two points.

_____1. Play Days were created for women following Title IX legislation.

_____2. The summer Olympic games has the same number of sport events for females

and males.

_____3. When sociologists study sports they define race and ethnicity in the same way.

_____4. Data show that the proportion of women coaches for the most popular intercollegiate sports were significantly higher in 2002 than they were in 1977.

_____5. Racial ideology in the U.S. has discouraged many black males from playing sports and making sports important in their lives.

_____6. Jim Crow legislation was directed at discriminating against females.

_____7. Female physical educators spearheaded the anti-competition movement.

_____8. Gertrude Ederle was the first female to swim the English Channel.

_____9. Cleveland Indians baseball club was once named the Naps.

_____10. Tiger Woods categorizes himself as a member of the black race.

PART II. Essay: the following questions need to be submitted type written (12 pt font size). All responses will be evaluated according to content knowledge (50%), expression of content (25%), and organization of content (25%).

1. The utilization of Native American mascots has been controversial. Provide a functional theoretical perspective regarding the use of Native American mascots and provide a critical theoretical perspective regarding the use of Native American mascots (one paragraph for each perspective). Your answer needs to include a clarification on the distinguishing characteristics of each perspective and how it would support or refute the appropriateness in using Native American mascots (5 pts.)

2. Gender ideology has been used to describe societal views regarding femininity and masculinity and the appropriateness of female sport participation. Describe the two-category gender classification system, and explain how it is related to the gender ideology used by many people when they define masculinity and femininity. Explain how sports have served as sites for the celebration of dominant forms of masculinity and why girls and women often have been defined as invaders in the realm of sports. Refer to pp.258-265 and use an example of a sport, e.g., football, bodybuilding, and how this sport reproduces or transforms dominant ideas about femininity in society (3 Para. 10 pts.).

3. The following question deals with racial ideology and its application to the study of the disproportionate representation of racial groups in sport. The observation of racial differences has a long history beginning in the 1700s with European colonists and continuing into the late 19th century and early 20th century with theories such as social Darwinism espousing the hierarchy of racial groups. The discussion of physiological race linked differences continues today, e.g., Sports Illustrated (1997) article entitled “What Happened to the White Athlete?” To explain the disproportionate representation of blacks in certain sports, theorists have resorted to explain biological differences between races, e.g., “jumping gene”. Review the flow chart on p. 287 and the following readings: Gerald Early, “Performance and Reality, Race, Sports and the Modern World” (on web site chapter nine “Gerald Early Article”); Brian Wilson, Book Review of Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It (); and, Albert Mosley, “Racial Differences in Sports: What’s Ethics Got to do with it?”(). In addition, I have placed all three articles on my web site () under PHE 385 Final Exam Readings. Discuss the argument regarding biological explanations versus cultural explanations. Your answer needs to include the definition of racial ideology. Your answer should include at least three references (at least one from the readings) to the text and/or readings, i.e., according to Mosley (paraphrase or brief direct quote) followed with (p. _). Answer should not exceed five paragraphs (15 pts.).


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