Daniela Smolov

Morris Eli LevyCurriculum VitaeOctober 2021CONTACT3518 Trousdale Pkwy, CPA 361ALos Angeles, CA 90089213-740-1685morrisl@usc.eduEDUCATIONPh.D., Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, May 2014M.A., Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, December 2009A.B. in Government, magna cum laude, Harvard College, June 2004ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENTAssociate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Southern California, March 2021-Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Southern California, August 2014 – March 2021PEER-REVIEWED WORKSBook2020 Levy, M. and Wright, M. Immigration and the American Ethos. New York: Cambridge University Press. Articles2021Hero, RE and Levy, M. Unequal Values: Equality and Race in State of the Union Addresses, 1960-2018. Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics.2021 Levy, M. Once Racialized, Now “Immigrationized?” Explaining the Immigration-Welfare Link in American Public Opinion. Journal of Politics.2021Levy, M. and Myers, D.M. Racial Projections in Perspective: Public Reactions to Narratives about Rising Diversity. Perspectives on Politics.2020Levy, M. Winning Cures Everything? Voter Confidence, Beliefs about Voter Fraud, and the 2016 Election. Electoral Studies. 2019Wright, M., & Levy, M. “American Public Opinion on Immigration: Nativist, Polarized, or Ambivalent?” International Migration ().2018An, Y., Levy, M., and Hero, R.E. It’s Not Just Welfare: Racial Inequality and Local Public Goods Spending in the U.S. Urban Affairs Review 54(5): 833-865.2018Chong, D. and Levy, M. Competing Norms of Free Expression and Political Tolerance. Social Research: An International Quarterly 85(1): 197-227.2018Myers, D.M. and Levy, M. Racial Population Projections and Reactions to Narratives about Rising Diversity. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 677(1): 215-228.2017Hero, R.E. and Levy, M. The Racial Structure of Inequality: Consequences for Welfare Policy in the U.S. Social Science Quarterly 99(2): 459-472.2017Citrin, J., Levy, M., and Wong, C. Politics and the English Language in California: Bilingual Education at the Polls. California Journal of Politics and Policy ().2016Levy, M., Wright, M. and Citrin, J. Mass Opinion and Immigration Policy in the United States: Re-Assessing Clientelist and Elitist Perspectives. Perspectives on Politics 14(3): 660-680.2016Hero, R.E. and Levy, M. The Racial Structure of Inequality in the United States: Understanding Change and Continuity in an Era of “Great Divergence.” Social Science Quarterly. 97(3): 491-595.2016Wright, M., Levy, M. and Citrin, J. Public Attitudes toward Immigration Policy across the Legal/Illegal Divide: The Role of Categorical and Attribute-Based Decision-Making. Political Behavior 38(1): 229-253.2015Levy, M. The Effect of Immigration from Mexico on Social Capital in the United States. International Migration Review 51(3): 757-788.2014Citrin, J., Levy, M., and Van Houweling, R. Americans Fill Out President Obama’s Census Form: What is His Race? Social Science Quarterly 95(4): 1121-1136. 2014Citrin, J., Green, D.P., and Levy, M. The Effects of Voter ID Notification on Voter Turnout: Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment. Election Law Journal 13(2): 228-242. 2014Citrin, J., Levy, M., and Wright, M. Immigration, Multiculturalism, and Political Trust in Europe. Comparative Political Studies 47(11): 1531-1557. Chapters in Edited Volumes (Peer Reviewed)ForthcomingLevy, M. and Wright, M. Economic Self-Interest in Public Opinion about Immigration. In Rudolph, Thomas J. (ed.) Handbook on Politics and Public Opinion. Chapter 29. Edward Elgar Publishing.2021Levy, M. and Wright, M. Normative Foundations and Limits of the Hidden Consensus in American Public Opinion about Immigration. In Holtug, N. and Uslaner, E.M. (eds). National Identity and Social Cohesion. Chapter 5. ECPR Press.2019Wright, M., and Levy, M. “‘Solidarity versus Values as Drivers of Support for Immigrants’ Access to Social Benefits,” in Gustavsson, G., & Miller, D. (eds.),?Liberal Nationalism and Its Critics. Oxford University Press. (in press)2013Hero, R.E. and Levy, M. (with Radcliff, B.). The End of Race As We Know It?: Assessing the Post-Racial Thesis in the Obama Era In Fredrick C. Harris and Robert C. Lieberman (eds.). Beyond Discrimination: Racial Inequality in the Age of Obama. New York: Russell Sage. pp. 39-72.OTHER PUBLISHED WORKS2021Levy, M., Alba, R., and Myers, D. The Death of White America Has Been Greatly Exaggerated. The Atlantic. , R., Levy, M. and Myers, D. The Myth of a Majority-Minority America. The Atlantic. , M. Review of Campaigning in a Racially Diversifying America: When and How Cross-Racial Mobilization Works. by Loren Collingwood. Perspectives on Politics. (Book Review)2019Chong, D. and Levy, M. Rising Intolerance for Hate Speech in the U.S. Research Bulletin, Center for the Political Future. 2018Myers, D. and Levy, M. The Demise of the White Majority is a Myth. Op-Ed, Washington Post, May 18.2017Levy, M. Review of The Politics of Immigration by Tom K. Wong. Perspectives on Politics. (Book Review)2017Citrin, J., Levy, M., Wright, M. President Trump Wants a Legal Immigration Overhaul. Do Americans Agree? Washington Post Monkey Cage. 2016Levy, M. Politics and the English Language at the Ballot Box. Fox and Hounds, Oct. 13.2016Citrin, J., Hanley, J., Levy, M. and Wright, M. Brexit Proved Again that Identity Can Trump Economics. Washington Post Monkey Cage. July 2.2016Levy, M. and Wright, M. Americans Aren’t Biased Against Latino Immigration. Here’s What They Actually Fear. Washington Post Monkey Cage. June 9.2015Levy, M. Review of Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration and the American Dream by Christina M. Greer. Perspectives on Politics (Book Review)2013 Citrin, J., Levy, M. and Campbell, A. State of Change: Immigration Politics and the New Demography of California. In Ethan Rarick (ed.) Governing California: Politics, Government, and Public Policy in the Golden State. 2nd Edition. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies Press. 2013Citrin, J. and Levy, M. A Pathway to Citizenship, with Conditions. Op-Ed, San Francisco Chronicle, June 21.2013Citrin, J., Levy, M., and Lenz, G. Californians and Immigration Reform Alternatives. Institute of Governmental Studies Policy Brief. WORKING PAPERSChong, D., Citrin, J., and Levy, M. The Realignment of Political Tolerance in America. Chong, D. and Levy, M. Will Constituents Take Their Elected Representatives’ Word for It? INVITED PRESENTATIONSCulture, Social Change, and the Future of Immigration Research Roundtable. Arlington, VA. Sponsored by the Charles Koch Foundation. December 2019. Research Colloquium. American University School of Government and Public Affairs. Forecasts and Frames: Narratives about Rising Racial Diversity and the Political Attitudes of U.S. Whites. October 2017.Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Colloquium. UC Berkeley. November 15, 2016. Forecasts and Frames: Narratives about Rising Racial Diversity and the Political Attitudes of U.S. Whites.Research Workshop in American Politics. UC Berkeley. September 7, 2016. Anti-Latino Bias and Opposition to parative Approaches to Immigration and Religious and Ethnic Diversity. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. June 12, 2016. “Legalistic and Nationalistic Conceptions of Membership in American Public Opinion about Benefits and Rights for Non-Citizens” Comparative Approaches to Immigration and Religious and Ethnic Diversity. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. April 28, 2015. “Immigration Reform in a Nation of Immigrants”Workshop on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. March 3, 2015. “Is There a Disconnect Between Public Opinion and U.S. Admissions Policy?” SELECTED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSChong, D., Citrin, J, and Levy, M. The Realignment of Political Tolerance in America. Ann. Meeting of the American Political Science Association. 2021.Hero, R. and Levy, M. Elusive Inequality: Presidential Rhetoric about Equality in State of the Union Addresses, 1970-2016. Ann. Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. 2019.Levy, M. and Myers, D. Forecasts and Frames: Narratives about Rising Racial Diversity and the Political Attitudes of U.S. Whites. Ann. Meeting of the Am. Sociological Association. 2018.Chong, D. and Levy, M. Will Constituents Take Their Elected Representatives’ Word for It? American Political Science Association 2016, 2017, 2018 Annual Meetings.Levy, M. and Wright, M. Norms of National Identity and the Hidden Consensus over Immigration Policy in the U.S. American Political Science Association 2017 Annual Meeting.Anti-Latino Bias and Opposition to Immigration (with Wright, M.) American Political Science Association 2016 Annual Meeting. Is There a Disconnect Between Public Opinion and U.S. Admissions Policy? (with Wright, M. and Citrin, J.), Western Political Science Association 2015 Annual Meeting.Immigration, Multiculturalism, and Political Trust in Europe (with Citrin, J. and Wright, M.), International Society of Political Psychology 2013 Annual Meeting.American Public Opinion on a Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants: Categorical Opinion, National Identity, and Economic Threat (with Wright, M. and Citrin, J.), Midwest Political Science Association 2013 Annual Meeting.Latinos’ Beliefs about Relations with Blacks: Multidimensionality and the Distinct Impacts of Competition, Linked Fate, and Perceived Commonality on Partisanship and Vote Choice (with Hero, R.E.), Midwest Political Science Association 2013 Annual Meeting.The Effect of Immigration from Mexico on the Wages and Employment of U.S. Natives: Evidence from Birth Cohort Size Shocks in Mexican States (with Chalfin, A.), Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 2012 Annual Meeting.The Racial Structure of Inequality and its Effects on Redistribution in the American States (co-author: Rodney Hero), Midwest Political Science Association 2012 Annual Meeting.TEACHINGUSCPOIR 620: American Politics and Policy Processes. (Fall 2021)POSC 600: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (Spring 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2018, Spring 2020)POSC 499, 439: The Politics of Immigration in a Nation of Immigrants (Spring 2017, Fall 2017)POSC 424m: American Diversity and Political Participation (Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2018)POSC 100: Intro to American Government and Politics (Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)UC Berkeley (as Graduate Student Instructor)Racial and Ethnic Politics, Fall 2010Political Psychology, Spring 2011SERVICEDepartmentDepartment of Political Science Executive Committee, 2015-16 and 2016-17Departmental Speakers Series Coordinator, 2015-16 and 2016-17Michael B. Preston Scholarship Committee 2015-16DisciplineSection Chair, Western Political Science Association Conference 2018 (Voting and Elections)Award Committee, Distinguished Junior Scholars, APSA 2018 (Political Psychology)Invited Panelist, APSA 2018 Annual Meeting Roundtable (New Views, New Voices on Race, Class, and Local Democracy)Article Manuscripts Reviewed For: American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Behavior, Studies in American Political Development, Election Law Journal, Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, International Studies Quarterly, Stanford Law Review, Comparative Political StudiesFELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS, AND GRANTSPI, Koch Foundation Research Grant, “Changing American Hearts and Minds on Immigration Policy,” $180,000 (2 years)Co-PI, SSHRC-CRSH Insight Grant, “Understanding Public Support for Cultural Pluralism in Immigrant-Receiving Countries” (with Matthew Wright), $216,938 CAD (2 years)Dornsife College Faculty-Led Initiatives in Key Areas (2020-2021), Defusing Polarization in Diverse Democracy through Strategic Communications (with Hajar Yazdiha, Morteza Dehghani, and Dowell Myers), $10,000Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University, Working Paper Series Honorarium (2020), The Effect of Immigration from Mexico on U.S. Local Government FiscalHealth (with Yeokwang An), $1,000Bartling Award, USC Department of Political Science (2019), $5,000Research Fellowship, USC Center for International Studies (2018-19), $3,000Best Paper in Urban or Regional Politics presented at the 2017 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (2018)Research Fellow, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego (2013) Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowship (2013), $3,000Best Comparative Policy Paper Award, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum (2012)Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT – NSF) Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley (2009-2011)Peter H. Odegard Memorial Award (2010) for Outstanding Graduate Student PUBLIC SQUAREPresentations: Skirball Center. Immigration Politics in a Nation of Immigrants. Oct. 13, 2016.Media Interviews: Filmed interviews include Telemundo, Univision, ABC7 Los Angeles; Voice of America; Newspaper include U.S. – The New York Times; The Arizona Republic; Mexico – Reforma, ExcelsiorMedia Coverage of Research: New York Times (Thomas Edsall’s columns), Wall Street Journal Economics Blog (Neil Shah), The National Review, Vox, Reason Magazine, The Desert Sun, Christian Science Monitor, El Nuevo Mexicano de Santa Fe. PRIOR, NON-ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENTMath teacher, Rafael Cordero Bilingual Academy at Middle School 45 (New York City Teaching Fellows Program), 2006-2008Financial Analyst, Goldsmith Agio Helms (now a division of Lazard Freres), 2004-2006 ................

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