Rachael A - West Virginia University

September 2020



Department of Sociology and Anthropology

West Virginia University

P.O. Box 6326

319 Knapp Hall

Morgantown, WV 26506-6326

(304) 293-5994

e-mail: rachael.woldoff@mail.wvu.edu


B.A., 1995, Sociology, Pennsylvania State University

M.A., 1998, Sociology, The Ohio State University

Ph.D., 2003, Sociology, The Ohio State University


Urban and neighborhood stratification issues and patterns

Neighborhood context, change, disadvantage, and crime

Community attitudes, quality of life, and neighbor relations

Residential mobility causes, consequences and decision making

Creative class and community

Social status and demography of racial/ethnic minorities


Urban Sociology, Graduate

Space, Place, and Community, Graduate

Cities and Urban Life (capstone on “The Wire”)

Cities and Urban Life (regular course with service learning)

Neighborhoods and Crime

Research Methods

Juvenile Delinquency

Qualitative Methods


Forth. Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. Digital Nomads: In Search of Freedom, Community, and Meaningful Work in the New Economy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Forth. Washington, Heather and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Putting a Ring on It: Men’s Work and the Decision to Marry.” Sociological Focus. Accepted.

2019 Glass, Michael, Rachael A. Woldoff, and Lisa M. Morrison.“Saving the Neighbourhood: Understanding Privileged Activism through Financial Ecologies and Assemblage.” Housing Studies.

2018 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Christopher Uggen. 2018. “Community and Crime: Now More than Ever.” City and Community 17(4): 939-44.

2018 Woldoff, Rachael A., and Karen G. Weiss. “Studentification and Disorder in a College Town.” City and Community 17(1): 259-275.

2017 Woldoff, Rachael A., Robert C. Litchfield, and Angela Sycafoose Matthews. “Unpacking Heat: Dueling Identities and Complex Views on Gun Control among Rural Police.” Rural Sociology 82(3): 444-72.

2016 Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa M. Morrison, and Michael Glass. Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-class Neighborhoods in New York City. New York: New York University Press.

2015 Woldoff, Rachael A. “Review of Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality.” American Journal of Sociology 121(1): 288-290.

2014 Glass, Michael, Rachael A. Woldoff, and Lisa M. Morrison. “Does the Middle Class Have Rights to the City? Contingent Rights and the Struggle to Inhabit Stuyvesant Town, New York.” International Journal of Housing Policy 14(3): 214-235.

2013 Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa M. Morrison, and Michael Glass. “Selling Out:

A Case Study of the Transition from Rental Control to Market Rate Housing in New York City.” Book chapter in Urban Ills: Post Recession Complexities of Urban Living in Global Contexts.

2013 Woldoff, Rachael A., Dawn Lozzi, and Lisa Dilks. “The Social Transformation of Coffee Houses: The Emergence of Chain Establishments and the Private Nature of Usage.” International Journal of Social Science Studies. 205-218.

2011 Woldoff, Rachael A., Yolanda Wiggins, and Heather M. Washington. “Black Collegians at a Rural Predominantly White Institution: Toward a Place-Based Understanding of Black Students’ Adjustment to College.” Journal of Black Studies 42(7): 1047-1079.

2011 Woldoff, Rachael A., Travis Decola, and Robert C. Litchfield. “The Aspirational Creative Class: Urban Residential Preferences of College Students in Creative Majors.” City, Culture, and Society 2(2): 75-83.

2011 Woldoff, Rachael A. White Flight/Black Flight: The Dynamics of Racial Change in an American Neighborhood. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

2010 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Karen Weiss. “Stop Snitchin’: Exploring Definitions of the Snitch and Implications for Urban Black Communities.” Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 17(1): 184-223.

2010 Latimer, Melissa and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Good Country Living? Exploring Four Housing Outcomes among Poor Appalachians.” Sociological Forum 25(2): 315-333.

2009 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Seth Ovadia. “Not Getting Their Money’s Worth: African American Disadvantages in Converting Income, Wealth, and Education into Residential Quality.” Urban Affairs Review 45(1): 66-91.

2008 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Heather Washington. “Arrested Contact: The Criminal Justice System, Race, and Father Engagement.” The Prison Journal 88(2): 179-206.

2008 Woldoff, Rachael A. “Wealth, Human Capital, and Family across Racial/Ethnic Groups: Integrating Models of Wealth and Locational Attainment.” Urban Studies 45(3): 527-551.

2007 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Michael G. Cina. “Regular Work, Underground Jobs, and Hustling: An Examination of Paternal Work and Father Involvement.” Fathering 5(3): 153-173.

2007 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Brian J. Gerber. “Protect or Neglect? Social Structure, Decision Making, and the Risk of Living in African American Places in New Orleans” Pp. 171-196 in Racing the Storm: Racial Implications and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina, edited by Hillary Potter. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2006 Woldoff, Rachael A. “Emphasizing Fear of Crime in Models of Neighborhood Social Disorganization.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 8(4): 228-247

2006 Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. “Sociological Competencies and Business Careers: Toward and Expanded Dialogue.” The American Sociologist 37(1): 32-50.

2006 Woldoff, Rachael A. “Living Where the Neighbors Are Invested: Wealth and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Individuals’ Neighborhood Homeownership Rate” Pp. 267-293 in Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States Current Issues, edited by Jessica Gordon Nembhard and Ngina Chiteji. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

2004 Schwirian, Kent P., Timothy J. Curry, and Rachael A. Woldoff. High Stakes: Big Time Sports and Downtown Redevelopment. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.

2002 Woldoff, Rachael A. "The Effects of Local Stressors on Neighborhood Attachment." Social Forces 81(1): 87-116.

2001 Schwirian, Kent P., Timothy J. Curry, and Rachael A. Woldoff. "Community Conflict over Arena and Stadium Funding: Competitive Framing, Social Action, and the Socio-Spatial Perspective." Sociological Focus 34(1): 1-20.


Saunders, R. Kyle, and Rachael A. Woldoff. “‘Honey, We Got Cheap Beer and Hipsters; They Got Beefcakes and Martinis’: How Gay Men Choose a Bar.” In preparation.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Heather M. Washington. “Cities and Crime.” Oxford University Press Bibliographies. In preparation.


Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, West Virginia University. 2016-present.

Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, West Virginia University. 2009-2016.

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Division of Sociology and Anthropology, West Virginia University. 2003-2009.

Graduate Research Associate, Center for Human Resources Research, The Ohio State University. 2002-2003.

Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. Responsibilities: Independently taught three courses: "Introduction to Sociology," "Cities and Urban Life," and "The Community." 2000-2002.

Graduate Research Associate, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University "Networks and Neighborhoods: Class and Race Differences in Columbus Communities." Principal Investigators: James W. Moody, Lauren J. Krivo, and Ruth D. Peterson. 2000.

Graduate Research Associate, Urban and Regional Analysis Initiative, The Ohio State University. 1999-2000.

Graduate Research Associate, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. "Opposition to Urban Redevelopment: Power, Politics, and Popular Resistance." Principal Investigators: Kent P. Schwirian and Timothy J. Curry. Research funded by The Ohio State University Committee on Urban Affairs. 1998-1999.

Undergraduate Advisor in Criminology and Sociology, The Ohio State University. 1997-1998.

Sociology Research Laboratory Consultant, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. 1996-1997.

Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, Pennsylvania State University. "A Comprehensive Analysis of State Designated Enterprise Zones." Principal Investigator: Frank D. Beck. Research funded by HUD. 1995-1996.

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University. "Efficacy of an Extremely Brief Relationship Enhancement Intervention Format and Two Coaching Styles." Principal Investigator: L. Clayton Cavedo. 1995.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Pennsylvania State University. Assisted in “Social Problems” and “Research Methods.” Summer 1995, Spring 1994.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Sociology

Cities and Urban Life/Sociology of “The Wire” (capstone/writing)

Juvenile Delinquency

Neighborhoods and Crime

Place, Space, and Community (graduate)

Principles of Research Design (graduate)

Urban Sociology (graduate)

The Community


Best Book Award, Urban Affairs Association, 2013.

Outstanding Researcher Award, WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, 2013.

Senate Research Committee’s Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University. 2011.

Eberly Family Faculty Development Fund Grant, West Virginia University. 2009.

Eberly Family Faculty Development Fund Grant, West Virginia University. 2008.

Eberly Family Faculty Development Fund Grant, West Virginia University. 2007.

Senate Research Committee’s Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University. 2006.

Senate Research Committee’s Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University. 2004.

Senate Research Grant, West Virginia University. 2004.

Clyde Franklin Award for Outstanding Student Paper on Race and/or Gender, The Ohio State Department of Sociology, $500. 2003-2004.

Fellow, Program for Enhancement of Graduate Excellence Fellowship, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. 2002-2003.

Finalist, Graduate Associate Teaching Award, The Graduate School, The Ohio State University. 2002-2003.

Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. 2002-2003.

Fellow, Preparing Future Faculty Program, The Ohio State University. 2002.

Outstanding Master's Student Award, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. 1999-2000.

Summer Research and Publishing Fellowship, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. 1999.

Graduate Paper Award, The Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS) of the American Sociological Association. 1999-2000.


Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. “Leaving the Creative Class City in Search of a Livable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, April 2020.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. “Cultural Values and Leaving the Creative Class City: The Case of Expat Digital Nomads.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2019.

Litchfield, Robert C. and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Must a Hot Desk Have a Hot Seat? Social Facilitation in Location Independent Work.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2019.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. “Laptops, Coconuts, and Spatial Freedom: The Social Construction of a Work Tourism Community.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2018.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield.” Leaving the Creative Class City: Pull Factors and Remote Workers.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, April 2018.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Robert C. Litchfield. “Goodbye to All That: Leaving the Creative Class City.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2017.

Litchfield, Robert C. and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Digital Nomads: Bootstrapping Creative Context.” Paper presented at the Creativity Collaboratorium (conference at University of Connecticut School of Business), September 2017.

Litchfield, Robert C. and Rachael A. Woldoff. “The ‘Free’ in Freelance: Bootstrapping Creative Context through Alternative Employment.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2017.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Angela Sycafoose, and Robert C. Litchfield. “Rural Place Identity and Police Views of Gun Control.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2015.

Woldoff, Rachael A., and Lisa M. Morrison. “Staying Put in NYC: The Case of Stuyvesant Town.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, April 2015.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa M. Morrison, and Michael Glass. “Home or Commodity?

The Fight for the Right to Stay Put in NYC.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2014.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa M. Morrison, and Michael Glass. “New York City’s Stuyvesant Town and the Neoliberal Attack on Middle-Class Housing.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2013.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa Morrison, and Michael Glass. “Trouble in Urban Paradise: Losing the Middle Class to Neoliberal Housing in New York City.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban History Association, October 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “White Flight, Black Flight, and the Effects on a Neighborhood School.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban History Association, October 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa Morrison, and Michael Glass. “Rent Control to Luxury Living? Elderly People, Yuppies, and College Students Sharing an Apartment Community.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “White Flight and the Urban Streetscape.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A. Lisa Morrison, Michael Glass. “The Right to Affordable Housing in New York City: The Case of Stuyvesant Town and the Conflict over Rent Control.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Sociological Association, August 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Lisa Morrison, and Michael Glass. “Selling Out: A Case Study of the Transition from Rental Control to Market Rate Housing in New York City.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, April 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “White Flight/Black Flight: What Happens to a Neighborhood School in the Aftermath?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, April 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael. A. “Teaching Sociology of “The Wire” as a Capstone in Pittsburgh.” Presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2012.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “Snitching to Maintain Order: Conflict over Community Norms and the Limits of Informal Social Control.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Criminology, October 2011.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Yolanda Wiggins, and Heather Washington. “Rural Versus Urban Blacks: Residential Background, Intraracial Conflict, and Adjustment at a Rural PWI.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2011.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Travis Decola, Robert Litchfield. “The Aspirational Creative Class: Urban Residential Preferences of College Students in Creative Majors.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2011.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “Black Flight: Consequences of Neighborhood Cultural Conflict.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, March 2011.

Puckett, Lisa Morrison and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Selling Out: The Transition from Rental Control to Market Rate Housing in New York City.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2009.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Karen Weiss. “Stop Snitchin': Exploring Definitions of the Snitch and Implications for Black Urban Communities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2009.

Woldoff, Rachael A., Yolanda Wiggins, and Larisha Campbell. “Black Collegians in Appalachia: Toward a Place-Based Understanding of Black Students’ Adjustment to

Woldoff, Rachael A. “College and their Pathways to a White, Rural College Setting.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2009.

Ovadia, Seth and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Metropolitan Area Predictors of Neighborhood White Flight: A Multilevel Analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, March 2009.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “Blacks in Search of Integration: A Contemporary Ethnography of White Flight from the Perspective of Black Pioneers.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2008.

Ovadia, Seth and Rachael A. Woldoff. “White Flight, White Inmigration, and Stable Diversity: Race in America’s Urban Neighborhoods, 1990 to 2000.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2008.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “Billy’s Own Story: An Oral History of Dealing Drugs in a White Flight Neighborhood.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 2007.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Seth Ovadia. “Race, Wealth, and Neighborhood Quality.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2007.

Latimer, Melissa and Rachael A. “Good Country Living? Exploring Four Housing Outcomes among Poor Appalachians.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2007.

Latimer, Melissa, and Rachael A. Woldoff. “American Dream or American Nightmare? Exploring Housing Outcomes for the Poor in the Mountain South.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 2006.

Woldoff, Rachael A. “Little Tel Aviv” No More: Elderly White Stayers and Neighborhood Racial Change.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2006.

Woldoff, Rachael A. and Michael G. Cina. "Urban Dads: Illegal Work and Fatherhood.”

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2005.

Michael G. Cina and Rachael A. Woldoff. “Good Daddy/Bad Daddy: Fatherhood and Illegal Work.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2005.

Woldoff, Rachael A. "Wealth, Human Capital, and Family across Racial/Ethnic Groups: Do Resources Translate into Middle Class, Integrated Communities?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2004.

Woldoff, Rachael A. "When the Streets are Safer than the Home: Domestic Homicide in West Virginia.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2004.

Woldoff, Rachael A. "Racial and Ethnic Differences in Neighborhood Locational Attainment." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2003.

Schwirian, Kent P., Timothy J. Curry, and Rachael A. Woldoff. "Does Local Action Matter? Institutional and Individual Impacts on Communities." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2002.

Woldoff, Rachael A. "The Effects of Wealth on Neighborhood Locational Attainment." Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Sociological Association, August 2002.

Woldoff, Rachael A, Kent P. Schwirian, and Timothy J. Curry. Big Time Sports and Growing Opposition." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, November 1999.

Woldoff, Rachael A. "The Effects of Local Stressors on Neighborhood Attachment.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1999.


Editorships: City and Community, Senior Associate Editor (2015-present)

Special Issue Editor “Crime and Community”: City and Community (2016-2018)

Editorial Boards: Contexts (2007-2010)

Reviewer: American Journal of Sociology

Canadian Journal of Urban Research

City & Community


Criminology and Public Policy

Journal of Black Studies

Journal of Criminal Justice

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Justice Quarterly

National Science Foundation, proposal reviewer

New York University Press

Oxford University Press

Sociological Focus

Social Forces

Social Problems

Sociological Inquiry

The American Sociologist

Urban Studies

Chair: Membership Committee, ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS), 2008-2010

Elected positions: Chair, ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS) (2020-2021)

Publications Committee Member; ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS) (2018-2019)

Council Member; ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS) (2015-2018)

Organizer: Thematic Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2020.

Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2020.

Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2017.

Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2016.

Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2015.

Session Organizer, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2014.

Roundtables, Section on Community and Urban Sociology, annual American Sociological Association meeting, 2006.

“Contemporary Black Neighborhoods: Diverse Experiences and Common Ground.” Session at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, 2012.

“Teaching ‘The Wire’” Session at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, 2012.

Committee Member: Albert J. Reiss Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award, Crime, Law, and Deviance Section (ASA), 2019.

Book Award Development Committee, Urban Affairs Association, 2015.

Awards Committee for the Jane Jacobs Award (best article), Community and Urban Sociology Section (ASA), 2014.

Urban Affairs Association (UAA) Host Committee, 2011-2012.

Awards Committee for the Best Student Paper, Community and Urban Sociology Section (ASA), 2011-2012.

Membership Committee, Community and Urban Sociology Section (ASA), 2008-2009.

Discussant: CUSS Session, Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2020.

Institute for Excellence in Justice Symposium, “Coming Home from Prison: Family Matters.” Criminal Justice Research Center (CJRC), June 2008.

Session on Social Problems. Annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association (NCSA), April 2005.

Panelist: “Regional Spotlight: The Changing City: Housing, Residential Mobility, and Neighborhood Stratification in Seattle.” Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2016.

“The Link Between Spontaneous, Face-to-Face Interaction and Creativity: Myth or Requirement?” Southern Management Association, November 2013.

Presider: Regular Session. “Bringing Sociology's 'Community Question' Back to the 21st Century City.” Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, August 2016.

Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Roundtables. Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2013.

“Black Neighborhoods: Emerging Patterns and Implications. Roundtable of Section on Community and Urban Sociology. Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2008.

“Crime and Community” Roundtable of Section on Community and Urban Sociology. Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2006.

Moderator: “Contemporary Black Neighborhoods: Diverse Experiences and Common Ground.” Session at Annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, April 2012.

Invited Lectures: Bringing Sociology's "Community Question" Back to the 21st Century, American Sociological Association, August 2016.

Spotlight Panel: The Changing City--Housing, Residential Mobility, and Neighborhood Stratification in Seattle, American Sociological Association, August 2016.

The Gotham Center for New York City History, May 2016.

Moving and Gender Workshop, University of Pittsburgh, April 2016.

Author Meets Critic Session “Black City Makers,” American Sociological Association, August 2015.

The Ohio State University’s Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, February 2014.

Author Meets Critic Session, Southern Political Science Association, January 2014.

Yale University, Elijah Anderson’s Workshop in Urban Ethnography, October 2012.

University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Urban Research, April 2011, April 2015.

The Ohio State University’s John Glenn School of Public Affairs, March 2011.

Book Talk: Authors Discuss their Work: High Stakes: Big Time Sports and Downtown Redevelopment.” Annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2005.

West Virginia University’s Department of English and the Office of Student Affairs, “Public Forum on Katrina: What Will We Learn? A Political & Social Analysis.” September 2005.

Jr. Faculty Mentor: ASA Community and Urban Sociology Section, 2017-2018; 2018-2019; 2019-2020

Member: American Sociological Association

American Society of Criminology

Criminal Justice Research Center, The Ohio State University

North Central Sociological Association

Section on Community and Urban Sociology, ASA

Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance, ASA

Urban Affairs Association

Urban History Association


Department: Graduate Student Teaching Mentor, 2020

SERF (seed grant) Committee, 2019-2020

Graduate Awards Committee, 2019-2020

Sociology-Anthropology Excellence in Research Fund Committee, 2019-2020

Faculty Evaluation Committee, 2019-2020

Workload Committee, 2018-2019

Colloquium Organizer, 2017-2018

Criminology Minor Curriculum Committee, 2016-2017

Department Chair Recruitment Committee, Member 2013-2014

Ph.D. Development Committee, 2014-2016

Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2014-2016

Graduate Studies Committee. Member, 2004-2007, 2014-2016

Library Department Representative, 2015-2016

Endowed Senior Faculty Recruitment Committee, Member, 2012-2013

Jr. Faculty Recruitment Committee. Chair, 2007, 2010; Member, 2004-2009, 2014-2015

Promotion and Tenure Committee. Member, 2006-2008, 2011-2012

University: Assessment Task Force Representative, 2004-2010

College Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2010-2011, 2012-2014

Faculty Mentor, Ronald McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program, 2005-2006, 2007-2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2016

Faculty Mentor, HonorsExcel, 2019-2020

Faculty Recruitment Committee, Political Science. Committee Member, 2012-2013

Trained Safe Zone Ally, 2006- present


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